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Joined 10 months ago

Speaking of Virginia, stay in the north half. Down here in the southern part is maga fucks as far as the eye can see.

One down the road just put up a huge Confederate flag and two large trump flags. Instead of fixing their collapsing roof. Priorities I guess...

That isn't it's mode of action, at all.

It also doesn't make you stupid, it is a disassociative anesthetic so you lose touch, to varying degrees, of your senses. At high enough doses even your sense of hearing becomes strange and I would bet if my doc gave me more it would fail almost completely. That's not a place I want to go however.

Despite that, and appearing to be incapable of coordinated movement or speech, the mind is still active. Altered, yes. But active and intact. I am always aware of my partner in the room/bed with me, the dog checking things out, I just choose not to interact with them to continue exploring memories, or alien landscapes, or just turn off my mind, listen to the music, and let the drug work while the most fantastic and surreal images come and go.

I'm here today because of ketamine. Disinformation and pearl clutching threatens to reduce access to it, and could cost lives, speaking only of this one niche use.

14 more...

This attitude is maddening. I am diagnosed with delayed sleep phase syndrome that will turn into a non 24 hour rhythm if I let it. I've worked with sleep doctors all over the country, most recently Duke.

I'm lucky that my work lets me start at 11am, I don't get enough sleep those days but better than it could be.

Unfortunately I'm on call every other week, so forcing my clock to reset isn't an option. It takes me 6 to 10 weeks to get to societies ideal sleep schedule, and a single night of interrupted sleep to undo all that work

The weeks I'm not on call are my weeks with my daughter, who has to be at school at 730 and there's no bus for her to ride.

Either week, my schedule is fucked and I'm in a haze all the time. Helpfully anyone who finds out about it just tells me to excercise more (makes no difference, ive done a lot of testing and exclusion), stop caffeine (tried it), stop using screens of any kind after work (been there), or any other thing that they think I am doing wrong and causing the problem.

I did not expect to rant that much... I completely agree, science means nothing in the face of feelings and preconceived notions.

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I don't want to downplay the racism that is absolutely rampant in situations like these, they treated me, a very white guy in the same way. My now ex-wife and young child disappeared while I was in meetings. I came out of my home office, tried for a while to contact her, and after getting no reply called the police. Neither vehicle was gone, no notes, no indications of where they went.

They searched my house, my vehicles, even threatened to break into the camper we had to search it when I couldn't immediately find the key.

It took them hours to locate them, and after wouldn't tell me anything other than they were found.

Turns out she had taken my kid to her family's cult compound, I immediately started court proceedings, then COVID helpfully came along to drag that out for years. I now have 50/50 custody, moved us all far away from that cult so she is less likely to take her back there, paid out the nose to get my ex to agree.

I did put my dog in the bathroom before they arrived, cause I know how that goes...

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Nano probes will be a lot more comfortable than the big fuckers the aliens are using today.

Not of the US anyway, he isn't a Natural Born citizen and that is a constitutional requirement. As I understand it, changing that would require an amendment and as it stands, I can't see any way for that happen with the chaos in government.



I could totally see my idiot dog doing this.

Thank you for typing this so I didn't have to.

He can object because he's decided that's what is right. Literally nothing else matters.

The piece of shit that used to own my company is like this. His decision is correct and gospel, and if you don't agree or if it's provably false you are wrong. And it's your fault you are wrong, because he has decided it to be correct.

1 more...

I feel like this is just another division tactic to split the vote to favor Republicans.

I have friends who were rabidly for Democrats and their agenda for decades, decrying single issue conservative voters, now acting the same way toward Biden over Gaza as if he single handedly orchestrated this and didn't inherit years of foreign policy.

I fucking hate what's happening there and don't want to support it in any way, but my vote doesn't change what's already established and the alternative is so much worse.

I keep asking for a viable alternative and all I get is vote third party or stay home which solves exactly nothing.

That really warms my heart to hear. I'm trying to be one of the good dads.

Just today my 9 year old and I had a conversation about how I'm always the first to step up and admit when I make a mistake, and communicate what I did or will do to fix it, where I have colleagues who will try to hide their mistakes and front like they never ever make them. Going so far as lying to clients, bosses, and coworkers all the way.

Clutch pedal as well, so you have 2x as many switches to go bad and strand you if you don't know how to bypass.

Something to be aware of, some devices will straight ignore your DNS settings in DHCP if they can't get to their ads. My iPhone 13 did that. I had to block port 53 udp/tcp for everything but the piholes.

I'm sure eventually we're going to see DNS over https doing the same and I'm 100% ready to mitm all devices that pull that bullshit..

I call mine a robot dick, thank you very much.

Thank you, I really appreciate it. There's a LOT left out of the abusive conditions I lived in leading up to that, I was forced to sleep on the floor for a couple of years, forced to physically abuse myself for her amusement once I was well and truly broken. She used my kid as a pawn to manipulate and control me and it worked. She used my size to intimidate other people to get what she wanted. Burned down our home.

Cut me off from all of my friends and family.

I'm doing a LOT better these days, it's been a few years now. Through therapy and giving myself space I uncovered memories of being sexually abused by a priest in my youth, which surely didn't help, and the legal ramifications of that are still turning as we speak.

I'm still a broken human, but I'm a much better version of myself than I was a few years ago. I struggle, and fight the constant feeling that I should cease to exist, but as long as my kid needs me I have a thread holding me down.

I have the most amazing partner now, who has shown me what it is really like to be loved beyond being a parent. Something I never experienced until the last couple of years.

I'm writing a letter to my kid, that I will give her when they are much much older, outlining what those years were like. I know they can see the evil in their mom, but can't name it yet. I haven't said a word about it to them, and have no plans to until much much later or until they start to ask me about based on their observations.

I had intended to just say thank you, but .. it feels good to let it out. Very very few people who know me have heard that much of the story. Thank you for hearing me. I truly appreciate it.

Another vote for Garmin, wearing a Descent mk2i as my daily and dive computer. Two weeks on a charge, all the tracking I could ask for. It's big, but so am I so it doesn't look ridiculous.

Had this same experience when I visited London 20+ years ago. Turns out it was the opening of Parliament that brought out all the MP5s according to the staff at the hotel.

If I can play tradewars again, without having to worry about one of my friends calling to knock me off so they can get in, I'm in.

And if someone gets the wrong perception so what? And what of the other x+ people seeing you do the right thing?

I'd 100% cunt punt someone trying to attack someone performing life saving procedures on someone in crisis

I can't emphasize enough how the proudly ignorant are shouting down anyone who speaks from a position of facts and evidence in small communities and cities. I know it's not the only factor, but it feels HUGE and the kids growing up around it see that. I have a 9yr old in one of those places who is acutely aware of it to the point of changing her interactions with her friends to stay off the radar.

To reinforce this, if my kids school system went on strike I would be behind it 100%.

It would fucking suck for us, but educators deserve better and I want them to get it.

BT reference as I live and breathe. I know what's going on my playlist for the drive coming up.

Are you ok?

No argument here. Just highlighting the absolutely insane mindset of business owners/CEOs at all scales.

I'm regards to to dressing for the job, No?

This is an antiquated and brain dead take. I am paid well, work hard, am very respected by my peers, customers, and anyone who has dealt with me professionally.

I also wear a shirt about 5% of the time I'm working, pants less so. I bet you'd be shocked how much of the modern world you rely on is built, innovated, and maintained by people who wear what you think is disrespectful.

The kinds of dinosaurs and their progeny that think dress makes a single bit of difference in ability, commitment, or respect are the same kinds of people, in general, that think women shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves.

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Rift ft Jenn Lucas by Singularity does it for me. Absolutely makes my head happy during ketamine treatments.

This emptiness fills me so why don't I feel free

Rift - Singularity ft. Jenn Lucas

I think part of the unpopular reception is that those of us that suffer intractable sleep issues are told this constantly by people who just don't understand it or are just out to shit on people they think are lazy.

From my parents convinced that I was useless and lazy, to co-workers who are sure I'm just too stupid to be able to sleep well, to partners I've had in the past... Always explaining to me how I'm doing something wrong, and surely if you just try to sleep you can. No. No I can't. No matter what I do, even sleep aids are only effective for a week or two at the most.

It's insulting to constantly hear people tell me that I just need to do this, or that and I'll be able to sleep. Yes, I see it says many of us, but decades of being shit on for something we can't control takes a toll.

I've struggled for 30 years to sleep 'acceptable' hours. At best, I can wake up early if I have to, and I do a lot because my child's school starts way too damn early on the weeks she's with me, and I'm on-call every other week when she's not. That means I get 3-4 hours sleep most week nights. I'm too old for this shit, but I have no choice and no options. We know that not sleeping enough can have severe effects on physical and mental health, but if you aren't on a 'normal' schedule that goes out the window.

Rhodes Piano, hands down.

Fuck, don't give them ideas, climate change is bad enough as it is...