2 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Undead Zombies? No. I'm no virologist, but I've read about a Rabies variety, or certain fungal infections. Fiction-wise, World War Z, or 28 Days type "zombies", where the body is very much functioning, but the brain has been hijacked...

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Refrigeration Tech here. See: Traulson Blast Chiller. I imagine there'd be a consumer version if enough people wanted them.

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All I can think of is Russia. Definitely Russia.

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Ummm Webmin? Can't believe it hasn't been mentioned....

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Engineers have always been pervs. As evidence, resistor color codes are remembered by:

Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

As taught in college. In my situation, our professor disappeared mid semester, as he was arrested for child porn, and was the biggest supplier of child porn in Colorado at the time...

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*Arr Suite, QBT, and a Jellyfin Server. Done and done. There are scripts to set it all up in less than 30 seconds...

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Enshittification is hitting every part of society...

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Honest question: Why in the Hell, do people willingly live in Texas? I mean, Texas always does things bigger, like being the biggest dumpster fire this side of the Mississipp...

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As someone else mentioned, Humble Bundle. The subscription option (Humble Choice) is a great way to get some game options on your Steam account, as well as a decent discount on all games. Not to mention the Humble Bundles themselves.

In the Steam Store, add all your interests to your wishlist. I'm sure you've seen the memes and discussion around the several Steam Sales throughout the year...

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Best bang for your buck, AMD 100%. Im not really a Laptop person, but I suggest going to a Pawn Shop. They sell laptops cheap as F, as they are always overloaded with them...

I was raised Jehovah's Witness...

I saw absolute human depravity growing up. In my early 20's, I dived deep into spirituality. I found my answers on my own. Most importantly, that religion is poison. Poisonous to the whole world, and largely the cause for war, mass genocide, and to keep humanities progression crippled.

I honestly don't care what people are into, but this game is a bit intense, sexually. I'm just trying to get my RPG fix, and all the characters constantly wanna bang my ass, when all I want is to be their Homie...

My first thought was, "Have you talked to the Fallout modding community?" They're huge masochists and love being shit on, even though they create such amazing things and deserve nothing but praise and monetary rewards...

This is it. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks much!

Because a whole generation of Americans found a source of information that agrees with their dated belief systems. Regardless if they're completely wrong. Thanks Meta!

It's supposed to be "Made up movies". Not real ones.

Damn, that's sexy. I was using something similar to Sweets, but more Pastel. This is a big step up. Thanks for sharing.

Jellyfin has a couple subtitling features and plugins. It'll write subs as it streams. If the meta data is still intact, it'll automatically download subs.

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My brother was born deaf. He experiences music through vibrations. He has his favorite bands and songs like anyone else. Closed Captioning in relation to music is largely useless, except as a que for the playing of said music.

Note: I'm not deaf, but my brother is. This is his explanation paraphrased, not mine. Also, I can't watch anything without Closed Captioning, as it was always on for my brother growing up.

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I've always been a fan of Deluge. The Thin Client interface is the bee's knees. But, QBittorrent is my new fave. Wish they had a thin client instead of web though...

This. We used a friend's address in a different city and area (very upper class) with top rated schools, to send our children. As the Schools in our area were quite bad. We lived in a middle class neighborhood too. The difference was night and day...

Zero (not including my broadband bill). Jellyfin + *Arr Suite of Apps.

Mid 80's, Boulder, Colorado. I was 10 Years Old. My Dad worked Graveyard shifts at Coors. He rode a Bicycle to work and back everyday. During his commute, he'd ride right by the Crossroads Mall. One morning, he came accross a ton of electronics and electronic components out in front of the mall, that were there as a result of the Radio Shack burning down the night before. Several employess were sifting through the remains, seeing what was salvageble. Anyways, my Dad was able to nab a Tandy 1000 RGB for $20 (~$500 New), with minor smoke damage. It came with all the bells and whistles. An actual Audio Cassette Recorder for data storage, Joy Stick, and several carted games. The only game I really remember was "Dungeon Explorer". But I did get a few books from the library and learned how to write Basic.

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Garuuuuuda. Love it. Been running it for the past few years. The devs come off as assholes, but they're actually just German;)

Damn, I got suckered in too that one.

"Sweet! All the functions on my deck will work soon..."

Here's what I did...

JONSBO N1 Mini Itx Case 5 HDD (Size of your choosing) Mini Itx MB AM4 ~500 Series Best/Cheapest Amd Processor with GPU (I got a R7 3800G) 350w Itx PSU RAM of your choosing

I use 2.5GBE for my network, so I just got a USB to 2.5GB Ethernet Adapter. So make sure the Mobo has USB 3.1 or 3.2, or a 2.5GBE Port. I bought most refurbished, or clearance. If you really wanna go crazy transcoding, you can pickup Tesla P4s for cheap on Ebay.

It's low power, small, and powerful enough to run the whole suite of Arrs*, Jellyfin, Jellyseer, etc., etc.

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I've had a few issues with fan control on AMD hardware. In your motherboards BIOS, try taking all fan control off auto, and set it for full load. In your OS, download Radeon-Control (AMD GPU Fan control) and set it for full load. See if your Temps stay high. I think Kubuntu comes with Fan-GUI (I think that's what it's called). Disable it.

Prior to eviction laws, Papa Trump would plan to tear down slum apartment buildings, but allow black families to move in. Then kick them all out the day of demolition, without warning. The Trumps and Kushners have all always been literal psychopaths.

You bring up good point. But, for example, I tried another company for pieces and parts for several projects. The only other US alternative to Amazon for such things is NewEgg. Where items cost nearly quadruple what they are on Amazon. Not including the shipping times (24 hours instead of 5-7 days).

I guess what I'm getting at, is Amazon is the largest monopoly in history, IMO. There's no way for anyone to compete. Even the $140 a year is pennies in the grand scheme of things. If you require items that can't be acquired locally...

This was my assumtion as well. Colorado (I.E. Red Mountain Pass) has such things for avalanches and rock slides.

Let's do the Time-shift again!!!


There's a lot more money to be made if they can drag out the treatments of said illnesses instead of solving them.

I just bought a used Steamdeck (512GB) a few weeks ago. Not sure what you're pricing it at, but they were going for ~$400 around here (Denver). The person I bought it from dropped the price another $50 to get it sold, which makes me assume they had it posted for a while...

Price it to move.

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This is 100% correct. There's a lot of "tips and tricks" that are extremely out dated, and typically for vehicles prior to the implentation of fuel injection.

I'll Third this as well. You're first week of seeding will net you 10s of thousands of "points" and "wedges" you can trade for VIP status, etc.

Just download a ton of freeleech books, seed em for 72 Hours minimum, done. Longer you seed, the better for everyone.

Also, you'll find anything and everything you are looking for. In every format...

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Without breaking the laws of thermodynamics, I'm not sure how you'd accomplish that. Being you can't "make" something cold. You can only remove the heat...

Blast Chillers can make 160°F Poultry 34°F quite fast. Mind you that's internal Temps. As far as I know, airflow is the best, maybe only way to carry the heat away...

The first 7 years of my working life was like that. Up until I experienced a job that was different everyday. Different locations, different problems to troubleshoot and figure out. Sometimes at really neat places (i.e. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, USAF bases, manufacturing plants, etc.).

You need to get into a trade and do service work. I did Automatic Doors, Locksmithing, and Access Control. Did that for 15 years, decided to learn a new trade, and now I'm learning refrigeration...

Right when I saw you reply, I saw a post about it. Digging in to it now. Thanks!

Lol C.H.U.D. I loved that movie. I probably rented it 500 times when I was in 4th-5th Grade. Now I'm gonna have to get it...

Humans have a really, really hard time NOT assigning human attributes to every other living thing.

One thing that makes this hypothesis seem possible, is that some researchers are suggesting consciousness is external, and eternal. Meaning all living things are essentially antennae.

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