Michael Ten

@Michael Ten @lemmy.world
13 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Artist and futurist.

I think it's an interesting tension between free content and paid content. People need money to pay rent and buy food. How should journalism be monetized in an ethical and sustainable way?

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Is it a misconfiguration or a software bug?

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You should see what hospitals do.

Read the books Psychiatric Slavery and Cruel Compassion by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz.

Yes. This. 32 hours

Is there a time line for full Federation?

Defeating aging.

Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey...

Limitless Peace

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They should pay the applicants for applying

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Are there better open source bounty sites/systems?

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No one could have predicted this. (Satire)

I see Chinese in on tiktok semi regularly at least it seems.

Did the ceo lie to usa congress under oath?

Limitless Peace

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Judo has both

Federated Forgejo seems ideal.


Found this also. https://fedidb.org/software/lemmy

Boycott Amazon.

I hope that Lemmy server open source software allows extensions or plugins that enable those that run instances to have the option to automatically and continually back them up to the permaweb blockchain Arweave. What do you think about that?

Does Lemmy instance server software already allow for plugins or extensions to be utilized in a rather frictionless or efficient way?

Limitless peace

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Minimum royalty laws should exist.

I don't know.

But minimum royalty laws should exist.

So will FL Studio and Photoshop work on Linux then?

Limitless Peace

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What are the best open source bounty sites?

Read the books Psychiatric Slavery and The Manufacture of Madness by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz.

Limitless Peace!

Any plans to enable server plugins/ extensions?

Or are those already possible?


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What engine does this use or was it built from scratch?

Limitless Peace

Yes i have. I might even have a plan

Lol yes.

That's awesome. Thanks

And there seems to be a decent number of Chinese citizens on tiktok. Selling stuff and so on and so forth. And on live. That's what it seems like anyway. Didn't the CEO testify to Congress under oath that tiktok was banned in China? Is that just cosmetic also or easily bypassed? Limitless peace

Kiwi already does

To help defeat aging. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey.


I think it was abandoned.. but I'm not certain.

I tried to look that up 4 or 7 months ago about.

Limitless Peace

Really.... interesting...

What about loopcloud and all vsts?

Gimp is horrible branding and should be renamed.

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As close to Reddit Is Fun (RIF Is Fun) as possible.

No percent... but have as non default option...

What I would emphasize is that just because a drug changes somebody's behavior in a helpful way does not mean that the drug is actually healing anything in the body. That is there is no objective medical disease that amphetamine salts are curing. That is not to say that some do not find certain drugs helpful. But just because someone finds a drug helpful does not mean that it is curing or a medicine to remedy and objective bodily disease. Regardless all drugs should be legal for adults that use them in a peaceful and responsible way

Minimum royalty laws exist.

Lemmy will hopefully grow exponentially.

Reddit selling data for AI training? Not cool.

Minimum royalty laws.

Maybe think more creatively and not with a scarcity oriented pro-aging mindset. Limitless peace.

Read the book Psychiatric Slavery by psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. Limitless Peace!

Maybe 30 to 70% agree with you. Maybe 15 to 35 percent do not care.

Gitlab or Gitea should integrate with Arweave and Fediverse. Fork if needed.

Develop a decentralized Github alternative.

Microsoft owns Github. It's iron how popular Github is for open source.

Limitless Peace

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A decentralized Discord alternative... federated?!

Arweave... as an idea... or Hive/Peakd...

Memo.cash like technology.

Member.cash (defunct website... built on memo.cash tech)

Federated chats...

Session like technology...

Nostr like technologies...

It seems technically feasible.

Or like d.live (?) But only for sound (?)

Signal like technology if open source (?)

Limitless Peace