
13 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

that you are making a big mistake to view the present or past events only from your current perspective.

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The determining factor is not age but competency

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I think we will actually reach a point where most sexual encounters will be via virtual reality. You taylor the interaction just as you want it and get the same physical reaction as if it was real.

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When hitler killed himself in the bunker. I would have been fascinated to witness how a guy responsible for millions of deaths somehow considered himself the victim and was forced to commit suicide. He was an evil bastard and a coward unwilling to face the consequences of his actions.

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Like anything else that humans don't understand now or didn't understand then..... We create a mythology to explain it.

good point that I didn't consider. why go through the hassle if based on prior experience it would probably happen again.

Mr or Mrs

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That's a great story

I learned never to approach them as they are usually near a body of water. If they are going to attack you they are going to drag you into the water where they have the advantage. My house is not very close to the nearest pond in our community and I was shocked one day to see one of them lounging in my driveway. They are so prevalent that animal control came quickly and removed him for relocation to a less populated area that he will enjoy.

threads is a great way to ban anyone who doesn't think just like me. And i know what to think because the mainstream media tells me how to think

Yes. They are the person that you completely trust. Even more so than any blood relative. And the reverse is that there is nothing that you would not do for them.

he's a famous actor - Paul Muni

Before you are administered gas you will be on an IV drip of propofol and midazolam and they will inhibit conscious memory processes

That's an excellent point. Not technology, but people ask me for tips on playing golf. I tell them what I think they need to correct and how to do it. And they start arguing with me. And I'm like I don't care if you play like shit, you ASKED ME for help.

LOL. I never once called for violence. I am not white and not a racist. And I never even called another poster an asshole. My thing was always lets have a civil discussion. And I guess my point is that all the things that we both would agree on that should cause a ban did not apply to me.

you really have to keep in mind how much the world has changed since they got here

We all tend to think that the existing technology when we grew up was the benchmark and always existed. Many people are alive today that went to college before computers even existed. Back then the closest thing to a computer filled a room and worked with punch cards. On the smartphone side, how many even remember those pink pads that were used to write down phone messages. Or dial up internet over a phone line with those strange noises as the connection was made.

I wonder where they are getting the money for weapons. I thought there were economic sanctions imposed on them. Or did I miss something and were they lifted?

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David Mamet - his scripts are outstanding because they are written just as actual real life conversations.

It honestly got a bit too addicting so the slower pace here at Lemmy is a welcome change.

THIS is an excellent observation. Reddit became an addiction. I wasted hours a day there. I like it here. Less drama and I spend far less time with it.


Gold. Just like it always had been. Then you would finally have balanced budgets

It's been a year since this happened. I honestly don't remember, but I think it was a comment. A comment where I was paraphrasing a point made in a published news article. Apparently just mentioning something that others didn't "like" was enough to piss people off.

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I don't think it is.

Decades ago I saw the Rolling Stones. It was held in an arena. I was fortunate enough to sit in one of those skyboxes. Because of its location to the stage, from a corner of the skybox you could actually see behind the stage. This area was just a huge curtain as all seating behind the curtain was closed. During certain songs some band members would go behind the curtain. And it was a blast to see some of them jugging down vodka which was clearly visible from my vantage point. And the show was great.

To take breaks from work stuff I come over just to see what's going on.

Actually we should get back to the original concept. Real people with real jobs all termed limited for 2 terms max for either the House or Senate.

kinda miss the snow but also remember how quickly its charm wears off.

Yep. Peaceful and relaxing when it first comes down. Then quickly turns to dirty slush

Perfectly stated. There is a big difference between shaming someone that is significantly overweight vs. coming out and saying that it doesn't affect your health. The few people I know that are in the obese category will outright tell you that they don't want to be overweight. But they struggle with it just like someone sincerely wanting to stop smoking.

Excellent question. Any time my power goes out I know that i have to unplug my PC to get it to wake up

I don't know what you are talking about. I have stated that I am still banned at reddit. No one let me back and I believe that their appeal process is now automated. So in effect you can never actually make a case as to why you should be reinstated.

Weren’t you banned from Lemm.ee for posting scat porn in a tech community and dumping a bunch of comments in an Autism community calling them the R word? You ran the conservativememes2 community too.

I did NONE of those things. I have never posted any kind of porn anywhere and never would.

I have a nephew who is autistic and will scream out at anyone who refers to those afflicted with that condition as retarded.

When I moderated groups at reddit I would ban those who wished me dead or called for violence against me. Do you think that was OK?

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Actually their needless spending "the money machine" is what caused inflation

Totally agree.

I don't miss the snow or cold, but I am occasionally dealing with hurricanes. They have been close but haven't caused any significant damage where I live. And I always say at least the snow never tried to kill me

I'm coming from Comcast cable. I choose YouTube TV and miss the MLB channel. Not the full slate of games. Just the MLB channel. Does Hulu have it?

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theme from the movie Gladiator

Yeah I have live YouTube TV and they no longer offer the MLB channel. I had got comfortable with You Tube in general because for years I have been watching the regular YouTube and I am paying for Premium, so there are no commercials. The only ads that you have to fast forward through are the ones embedded in the videos by the creators. The billing for both regular YouTube Premium and their TV product is smooth and hassle free. I have never sampled Plex or Hulu and just was wondering how they compare with the YouTube TV product. Regular Youtube has an MLB channel that I am subscribed to. They have game highlights.

OP's cat actually looks like a Pug in that side view

LOL. Just the other day I was searching for info on scrotums and older men

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At the time that these were in use if you described technology of today they would have considered it science fiction. In the near future I expect all live voice communications or voice messages to be via projected holograms.