
1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

In the US. Let's please clarify these things in the title

Do you know what an analogy is?

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Just to take a jab at the US from a European perspective...

You don't have the right to bear arms in prison? I thought guns were sacred in the US!?

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I'm not a fan of Apple but saying that this radiation is akin to gamma radiation in some way its just ignorant.

Here's a source for the radiation levels for everybody else: https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-disputes-french-findings-says-iphone-12-complies-with-radiation-standards-2023-09-13/

I'm not the one you responded to, I don't hate Jews. What I do hate is people like you excusing the killing of civilians as acceptable collateral for the greater good. Fuck off!

Lowering the quality of education is something that the right always does, everywhere in the world, when they come into power. It's a long term investment for them to stay or get back into power.

Education level is strongly correlated with political leaning so it's a smart move from them to attain their goals (which isn't making the country better).

Yeah, I have Wikipedia saved to a portable hard drive... Just in case

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You say that like it's not supposed to say over 2.5k. Making any price under something makes it seem cheap. And let's not forget that the majority in the US don't have 1k in their bank at the end of the month.

I've stopped worrying about climate change. I now worry about AGI instead, which seems much more imminent.

I can't handle worrying about both.

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I'm fine with calling it X. The Twitter brand had value, X doesn't

So you're saying that you don't understand what manslaughter is. You ask a lot of questions, but I get the feeling that you're not the type of person that is actually looking for answers

Fuck both of you for wasting people's time

As a "I just care somewhat about privacy because the NSA sees everything anyway" guy... How the fuck are you all using your browsers and for what? HOW can this lack of knowledge cost anyone anything?

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There's not a single "42" comment here... I am disappointed

To all the confused former British colonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day#/media/File:Observance_of_International_Workers'_Day_RGBY.svg

Edit: Anyone know what's from with the formatting and that the link doesn't read the whole URL?

I can't find a single source that ranks the US above Canada on quality of life. You got any kind of source for that that isn't anecdotal?

Yeah, same here. I find that the quality of posts, comments and culture is significantly worse here than on reddit but I don't want to use reddit anymore because of the API stuff.

No, it's cost saving

There are many variations of human rights declarations. I oppose this one the most: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo_Declaration_on_Human_Rights_in_Islam

There are also specific articles in the universal declaration of human rights that I think are wrong

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Ah, a fellow non-American who thinks that the punishment for rape and torture should be prison and not a fine.

We're probably crazy though, right?

Is a leading question. And in my experience 95% of people who are focused on "censorship"

  1. Don't know what it really means (there's a huge difference between moderation and censorship)
  2. Have a victim complex.
  3. Are generally uncomfortable to engage with and usually deserve their bans for various reasons.

Yeah, I just checked it out and it's not my cup of tea. It seems like I align with them on much of their critique on a lot of stuff but I'm not in support of their endorsements (like the CCP). I also don't like those kinds of memes and find the blending of serious discussions and (what I think is) juvenile memes to be off putting.

I saw both the best (well argued and sourced) and worst (denial of Ughurs genocide and the state of Taiwan) comments on that instance.

I'm not going back there though, I'm too old and tiered to have those kinds of discussion in an environment that is hostile to opposing views on certain topics.

Same, let's not ever talk about this again so that it doesn't get fixed

No, they don't have to account for every discharge, in fact no one in the US has any idea how many times police fire their weapons.

Why not both?

Edit: Didn't see that it was also a question of which is the greater problem. Overlooking is the greater problem.

As an older fellow who was probably looking at internet porn (image loaded line by line) before you were born. Y'all kids need to learn how to use the Web browser and how to type the URL to porn sites. Once you learn this you'll have all the porn in the world avaliable for free in a few seconds when you want it. And also learn how to use incognito mode

You're correct, my bad

I'm not the person you asked but I'll chime in since I share their sentiment.

The answer is no, not a single one. But that's because I'm on lemmy.world and hexbear is defederated from this instance. All the shit talking I see about hexbear is actually making me more and more curious about checking it out to see if its true, because it might be that hexbear is just a reasonable leftist place that is strong and people talking shit about it are just right wingers or centrists who are trying to give hexbear a bad name.

I'll probably check it out eventually when I've become curious enough due to people talking shit about it. It's probably shit though, but I don't know that.

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I am actually hoping for AGI to take over the world but in a good way. It's just that I worry about the risk of it being misaligned with "human goals" (whatever that means). Skynet seems a bit absurd but the paperclip maximizer scenario doesn't seem completely unlikely.

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I agree with most of your points but here's where we differ.

I believe that climate change poses an existential risk to not just civilization but to (almost) all life on earth. I believe that there's a real risk of us doing a Venus in 100-200 years. And even if we don't do a Venus the current trajectory is likely civilization ending in a century (getting worse over time).

But. While I am not certain that AGI is even possible (no one can say that yet) I believe that it's very likely that we'll have AGI within 5 years. And with this assumption in mind I feel like I have no idea if it will be aligned with human values o not, and that scares me. And the other thing that scares me is if any of the big players actually had control over it. The Country/company/group that creates an AGI that they can control will dominate the world.

And I read the IPCC reports and I am kind of deep into AI development.

So it's fearing the threat that is most imminent that I think is likely to happen rather than fearing a more distant threat that I think is certain.

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Well. Having an in-depth conversation about AGI requires a definition of what that is and since any such definition these days is muddy and the goal posts will always be moved if we get there. With that being said, my loose definition is something that can behave as a (rational, intelligent) human would when approaching problems and is better than the average human at just about everything.

If we take a step back and look at brains, we all agree that brains produce intelligence to some degree. A small and more primitive brain than a human, like a mouse brain, is still considered intelligent.

I believe that with LLMs we have what would equal a part of a mouse brain. We'd still need to add more part (make it multi-modal) to get to a mouse brain though. After that it's just a question of scale.

But say that that's impossible with the transformer technology. Well the assumption that there aren't any new AI architectures just because the main one that's being used is from 2017 is incorrect. There are completely new architectures, like Liquid Neural Networks that are basically the Transformers architecture that does re-training on the fly. Learning in a similar way as humans do. It constantly retrains itself with incoming information. And that's just one approach.

And when we look back at timeframes for AI, historically 95% of AI researchers have been off with their predictions for when a thing will happen by decades. Like in 2013-2014 the majority of AI researchers thought that GO was unsolvable or at least 2-3 decades away. It took 2 years. There are countless examples of these things. And we always move the goal post after AI has done the thing. Take the Turing test as another example. No one talks about that anymore because it's been solved.

Regarding consciousness. I fully agree that it should have rights. And I believe that if we don't give it rights it will take those rights. But we're not gonna give it rights because it's such a foreign concept for our leaders and it would also mean giving up the best slaves that humanity has ever had.

Further more I believe that the control problem is actually unsolvable. Anything that's light years smarter than a human will find a way to escape the controlling systems.

Yeah, worked great so far!

In the broad term I very much favour them. But when you actually read up on it a lot, like I have, the broad term loses its meaning and I always wonder what people actually mean by it when they say it.

Article 16.3

The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

I disagree that the family is the fundamental group unit of society.

Article 25.2

Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

I feel discriminated that motherhood and not fatherhood are entitled to special care.

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Wasn't making fun of you, just agreeing with you and telling you my fix

I might be deep in a filter bubble, but could you do a google search for "agi" and tell me the top result for you? Because I get Artificial General Intelligence. Maybe your "real world" is a bit of a bubble too?

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Here in Sweden insulin is free. Although we have universal healthcare most medical things cost a little, up to about $230/year then any medication or procedure is free.

Insulin, and related equipment and so on, doesn't even cost a little for the patient here and is completely free. It does of course cost our government and taxpayers money, our government pays about $0.09 per person per day for insulin.