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And you can’t discount Japan’s absurdly toxic work culture.

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If only FDRs second bill of rights was passed… https://www.ushistory.org/documents/economic_bill_of_rights.htm

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Not a casino. Multiple ones. Because the dumb fuck decided the best way to run resorts was to have them compete and under cut each other.

Worth more than gold. Pokemon is the single highest grossing IP of ALL TIME


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And just straight up homicidal. How many people died in the summer AND winter because of their moronic power grid?

Something something enemy is both weak and strong something or other -_-

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Considering how she handled the civil war slavery question I’d say describing her as competent is a stretch

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There is absolutely no way this can go wrong. Nope, not a single way. Ever.

Medical tourism to Mexico is nothing new, it has been a thing for dentistry and surgery procedures for decades.

Because at this point it is their stylistic choice, same as Ace Combat or like asking Kojima not to make a convoluted vomit of a narrative. You kind of know what you are getting into. And with how much long cutscenes and exposition takes you out if the game (I’m looking at you FFXVI) I like this approach to pure action games.

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Agree 100% but is it witness tampering if Meadows is also charged in the same case?

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Haley holding the title of “least awful venereal disease from the GOP” doesn’t make her a competent politician

The problem is they signed long office space leases and breaking out of them is very expensive, plus they get tax breaks for driving foot traffic to commercial areas. Not that they would ever admit that is the reason instead if a bullshit “team spirit” diatribe excuse.

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What do you mean by branch out? They set out to do an action game like they did 10 years ago where the story is entirely secondary to the gameplay and mechanics. If anything having a super cutscene heavy character development drama would be branching out from what the series is all about.

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I’d argue Meta takes the cake just with Cambridge Analytica in terms of damage. Let alone all the other shit. But yeah, choose between ebola and the black plague…

Oh for sure, just saying there is another extra layer in the shit cake.

He’s been a shady shithead his entire life with no consequences and thinks he won’t face any ever.

As respectfully as I can say this, so what? I don’t care about it trying to be a mass appeal GOTY art piece that pushes boundaries. I want an AC game with the stupid silly robots blowing shit up. Anything that tales me out building said robots or blowing said shit up is a negative for me. If anything having more bloat with cutscenes and dialogue and exposition detracts from the experience.

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Yeah, everyone knows 9 women can generate a baby in 1 month.

Of course you can, but I prefer judging a game on what it focuses on. Kind of like judging undertale on its graphics, it’s not the main point. AC is all about the combat and customization, and anything that gets in the way of that is what I would judge harshly.

I’m surprised they actually fired the bastard instead if either downplaying or embracing it.

Would Reservoir Dogs also count in that case?

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Yup, senior IC here, been getting roped into more "manager" type stuff but fuck me are those things obnoxious. Perf reviews, budgeting, promos, god damn.

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I find it funny how many reviewers complained about the story, it’s a From game. It is the equivalent of complaining about dialogue in porn.

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Also Leto the Second is Pauls second son named Leto not because he’s the second Leto Atreides after Paul’s father just add more confusion

Who could have foreseen that when your entire political platform is to make people’s lives worse you would be unpopular?!

Using it right now, it’s like a warm blanket.

They’re afraid if they mention it they’ll syphon votes off of R candidates…

Fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, I’m out.

Randy Rhoads

Completely agree 16 is not as strong narratively, merely saying the RPG style is similar, where you are role playing a very focused character with clearly defined personality and mechanics. As opposed to something like FallOut or an MMO where you can taylor your character’s specialization.

Right, I was just wondering if there was a legal term (and penalty) for intimidation of indicted co-conspirator

“Men will continue to commit atrocities as long as they continue to believe absurdities”

I agree, if you took out the side quests and mini games you’d get another FF16 which was an absolute slog by the end of it because of how monotonous it was with lack of variety

I can see that, on the other hand you really don’t have to fight any mob in the mountaintops ir snowfield. Haligtree and Elohael are for sure harder than almost anything else From had done.


Or get dumped in another state as some sort of political theater when you came in legally as an asylum seeker…

I get some of your criticisms for the game and agree with a lot of them. But I don’t see a narrow more action focused character and mechanics as a bad thing, FFXVI is basically a Japanese Witcher 3. Now you may dislike that in favor of more blank slate character development and that’s fine. What I do find a major problem in 16 is that the combat system is complete overkill for the standard difficulty as the enemy AI is extremely passive outside of the big fights. So the game doesn’t force you to really make hard choices in terms of loadout and moment to moment gameplay a la DMC5.

Also, the side quests really suck mechanically and slow down the narrative way too much.

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Powerwolf was the first one I thought of. “Resurrection by Erection” kind of says it all.

And you had to scour forums with dubious links to find official or unofficial patches.