• milan •

@• milan •@feddit.nl
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"enshittication" is actually a term coined by Cory Doctorow in this article: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

It's a great read.

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I don't think they did, at least not the extent of it. It was a massive embarrassment to Netanyahu. 86% of jewish Israelis blame him for the attacks and more than half are asking him to resign.

He has no personal desire to do anything against Hillary Clinton. If he did, he would've done so when he had the chance. He's just waxing nostalgic to a time when he had a good campaign message.

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That's an insult to Charles' talent. The man is a professional voice actor and his sense can't be replaced by AI. Replicated maybe, but not replaced.

They do that so they can justify it afterwards. Warnings dont do anything because the people in Gaza can't leave and Israel knows this. It's by design after all.

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I know, but where are they supposed to go? The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places on earth. Hamas is everywhere in Gaza. The initial deadline of 24 hours was even more impossible. These are not accidents, Israel knows this.

Hollywood is the last place in the US where workers actually hold any power. They're not going down without a fight.

Those greedy background actors taking money from the multibillion dollar corporations!

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GTA 6 will inevitably be labelled woke, but I don't think that'll be the issue. I just don't think GTA's humour works nowadays and needs to evolve. Even ignoring the childish poop and sex jokes, writing poignant satire in 2023 simply is a lot harder. I think ultimately Take-Two is just gonna play it safe, take no risks and the end product will be bland as a result. Just like the new Saints Row.

The author clearly has an issue with the money going to left-wing orgs specifically. They're making a big point out of all the antiracism and one of their bullet points asks why Mozilla has no problem alienating their user base.

So the actors are greedy but their bosses and landlords are alright? You have the brain of a medieval peasant.

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Anti LGBT, white supremacist, antisemitic. She also openly praised Mussolini when she was young and her party used fascist imagery. But when she had a vote of no confidence against her she said she's not a fascist so it's all good!

Police killings are not that common in France, but harassment and brutality against minorities is. The French government has never shown any compassion and only made it easier for the police force to commit these acts and get away with it. The far right is getting more and more brazen and has used this situation to defend the police and demonize minority communities. The murder of this kid was just a way to funnel the increasing anger at the system that acts as an occupying force in these communities.

The fact that this is only going to PS4 and Switch makes me think a remake really is coming...

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I'm not upset. I'm baffled because I didn't think people this stupid could figure out how to use the internet. The strike is not for the rich actors but for the majority of actors who are not rich. And even it was for the Chris Pines and Pratt's, those people are millionaires. Bob Iger and David Zaslav are billionaires. That's still shrinking wealth disparity.

If your tiny little monkey brain could do more than basic pattern recognition you could work that out yourself.

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Sleep tracking devices I'd imagine. You can only use your phone or the $60 Pokémon Go Plus Plus (real name) to track your sleep. Many sleep tracking apps can track using your wearables as well.

If you're looking for a community that doesn't exist, you gotta create it. People will come.

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RDR runs great on yuzu

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Absolutely. And that behaviour should be condemned. But punishing people for their choices of clothing is not the way to go. Target the harmful ideas, not people's personal expression.

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And Mother 3, Mario Odyssey 2, Gamecube Switch Online and of course Switch Pro!

Your definition of socialism is false. Socialism is when the means of production are owned by the workers. This is incompatible with capitalism, where the means of production are held by those who own capital. In simpler terms, under socialism workers have agency over how their workplace whereas under capitalism that is decided by a CEO/board of directors.

What you're describing is a social democracy, which is a more socialised version of capitalism.

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It's the same showrunners as Westworld and Amazon has the money so I'm still optimistic

It has little to do with that. Embracer Group is more than 2 billion in debt so they have to do anything to show to their investors they are resolving it. Publically doing massive layoffs and destroying beloved studios is very popular with investors.

I'm exited for this game, but the publisher is very shady. Here's a link to a blog post by a developer that had their games published by Nacon: https://frogwares.com/how-nacon-cracked-and-pirated-the-sinking-city/

I've always liked Reddit because it enables communities to gather around niche subjects. With less people those communities can't form.

You just mentioning the Outer Wilds' motif gave me goosebumps. That should tell you how well that game uses its music.

My computer is providing a pretty neat little metaphor for how I expect those talks will go at a lot of outlets. Will there be room for two massive RPGs? Will some opt to make room for Starfield while others go for Baldur’s Gate 3? Will Tears of the Kingdom take up the space they otherwise would have occupied? Or will another game that hasn't been released yet plant its flag in the proverbial hard drive?

Way to deliberately miss the point.


System Shock. I'm really enjoying it so far even though the difficulty can be punishing. Kinda reminds me of Bioshock mixed with Metroid Prime. The Bioshock connection is obvious, but I never figured Metroid Prime to be influenced by System Shock.

If you were fine paying $50 15 years ago then I don't see why you would complain about paying $70 now. That's just inflation.

First off, the abaya is not a burka. It's a fairly standard clothing item. The idea that an abaya in itself is harmful is absurd.

The harm comes from limiting the freedom of self expression. And that's what France is doing now. Most Muslim girls in the west are fairly progressive, they don't feel that they're being forced to wear what they wear. So what happens then when the government actually infringes on their self expression? It's not gonna make them look kindly on the institutions that will teach them western values, they will gravitate more to the institutions that will teach them Muslim values.

If you want rid people of their conservative ideals, you do that through education. If you try to force people to conform, you'll get blowback and people only get more radical.

"I actually believe Cyberpunk on launch was way better than it was received, and even the first reviews were positive," he concludes. "Then it became a cool thing not to like it.

How are you planning to fix your image when you're still saying shit like this?

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Government ID is mandatory in the Netherlands so almost everyone already has one. They're also relatively cheap and easy to obtain. The US has no official government ID, so you would need to use a passport or driver's license. Most Americans don't leave the country and don't have a passport so that would mean you would have to have an up to date driver's license. That's not cheap and the DMV is hell on earth so a lot of people don't bother. Requiring ID to vote therefore disproportionately targets low income groups. In the end, the US doesn't really have a voter fraud problem so there's no need to require ID.

It's a sketch