Milksteaks [he/him]

@Milksteaks [he/him]
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Joined 1 years ago

This was the single hardest thing to watch in my entire life. RIP usa your fates sealed

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Biden is a manchurian candidate says the guy sucking putins dick

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The most based take here. Get these old fucks that couldnt possibly represent us out. Term limits and age limits are needed badly, and these fossils need to get the fuck out of office and let new blood in

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I just call them oligarchs, which already has a negative connotation

Ghetto pizzas. Make some toast put tomato sauce or ketchup on it then sprinkle with cheese. You can nuke it to melt the cheese or if you want to spend more effort pop it in the oven. Also if you have more than 2$ you can put toppings like veggies and pepperoni on it.

Edit I just remembered another poorman meal I used to eat all the time. Boil ramen and strain. Add tomato sauce and cheddar. It's like really shitty spaghettios or regrettios if you will. Cheap filling and full of sodium

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That or humanitarian daily rations, they're much more cost effective and readily available than MREs, and specifically used for humanitarian crisis

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I'd also like to add gerontocracy, oligarchy, and corptocrasy

First time in many years I feel like I'm being represented and my vote actually mattered. Janet Protasiewicz and Evers are doing some good work here

Travel to supermarket, go to sauce aisle and eat a jar of prego. Congrats you're now preggo

This is a great overview of the problem, I never even really thought about. It kind of really explains why they've binned and remade almost the identical apps multiple times. Maybe if they'd made more QOL and supported their apps with new novel ideas they wouldnt have slowly died out.

Or even maybe if they'd make privacy respecting software instead of spreading their legs and whoring out all the data they collected on you they'd be doing much better too. Google has become a bloated beast that needs to be put down. Anti competitive and monopolistic behaviour with no innovation, it's a wonder anyone uses their shit apps and services anymore

If I was Biden I'd be shittin my britches right about now. He only won WI by 20k votes in 2020. This along with Michigans 100k uncommitted votes could see another Trump presidency. If he doesnt stop sending arms and aid to Israel and start sanctioning them instead swing states are most likely going Trump

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I'd settle for a cult with a good dentist tbh. According to US healthcare eyes and teeth are separate from the rest of your body.

The odds of any politician regulating and taxing billionaires is laughable. Itd probably end up being easier to line them up tbh

Get some French onion or ranch dip and cut them into slices for eating. Another possible option is to dehydrate them into cucumber chips.

I still wish they didnt cancel raised by wolves. That show was really going places

I kinda miss collapse and acab for doom scrolling.

Millenials are killing the casual genocide industry, what's next the military industrial complex??

Based take. You kill parasites (ticks leeches lice) not try to manage them or give them rules that they wont follow anyway. I got downvoted in a different community with the same post by a bunch of landlord bootlickers by describing what a fuckin drain landlords are on society

Kinda late but I got death road to canada for 3$ yesterday and already sunk 12+ hours in it.

Does anyone know if theres a 1312 community?

Riftbreaker isnt really turn based, but it has a lot of base building tower defense style gameplay and its 40% off right now. Super fun and addicting gameplay and a pretty extensive tech tree. Also they have a planned multiplayer patch coming out eventually

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I made a variation of your garbage bowl, I call it regrettios. Crunch 2 ramen packs, cook and strain. Add a can of tomato soup and cheddar cheese, made that all the time as a kid

Slice and dice on android is pretty good. It's turn based fighting hame with a group of 5 different members that you can level 3 times through the missions into a ton of different classes. It's pretty tough but super fun and addictive and bound to piss you off sometimes due to heavy rng when you die on a boss

You can play the demo for free and the full game is a few dollars, well worth the hours I've put in at least.

Not sure why it's getting so much hate. Sure it's been in early access forever, but if you look at the progress they've made since conception its come a long way. Also they didnt just abandon it likes countless other games when they could've easily made it a cashgrab.

Vanilla is kinda ass still I will admit. The only real way to play it is with overhaul mods which take the game to a new level, and adds so much qol, replayability and general balancing. I'd highly recommend darkness falls, or undead legacy overhauls through 7dtd modlauncher. There are plenty of other overhauls but those are the highest quality imo

I had a bug where I didnt get a treasurer until late in the game. So I kept losing to stupid bullshit over and over because my guy was underleveeled and I had a huge backlog of things for him to do. I just ended up using cheat engine and giving myself a hundreds of the +% success tokens to make it playable late game.

Wow that guy was kinda insufferable, thanks for doing us a service and deleting the account o7

I second rycon. His roleplay is top tier and he has a lot of dif games he does. Namely cataclysm dark days ahead, ark, kenshi, and rimworld. I'm working through his 100+ playthrough of innawood atm