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Joined 11 months ago

Not only do you have a butthole on this model but you also get to build all the intestines, heart etc. It was kind of weird to build this model. Can recommend!

This. I come to this type of place to read about games and memes but more than 50% seem to be about politics or irl news. Getting tiresome.

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Only me that think this make it sound like a scam?

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As someone who doesn't have too much time any more because of family it is the total opposite for me. If I would play and die I would just stop. Back in the days I always played hardcore but now I don't see the point in seeing your time spent just evaporate into northing but memories. I do usually try to get as far as possible without dying so I play as if I would play hardcore but without the deletion stuff if I would die.

With that said I know that it is much more interesting to play hardcore for some people and they can't see the fun in playing without the extra challenge of never dying.

The demo was fun.

I played all current dlcs and the base game on separate occasions alone and with my friends and the game never really clicks for me. I don't know what it is but it never got as fun as many other arpgs for me. Doubt that I will look at this new expansion as it feels I could have more fun spending my time with another game instead. Kind of weird as I have over a hundred hours and like the game genre but... Yeah.

I think this was a new feature in the next version of Android. I don't know if there is anything at the moment however. Sorry.

Different style of game. Samurai Showdown.

Got a NES with Mario and Gradius as a Christmas present. Opened the present with Gradius first and had no clue what it was but that would be the first game I ever played. Then running into the goomba in Mario like everyone did :)

Game is recommended to 18+ and here we are with 10 year olds killing in the game. Alright.

I would have agreed with you here if it wasn't for me having to reinstall my server because of a faulty harddrive. A couple of years ago I just remember headaches and silently screaming on Linux while fixing my server but this time, just a couple of months ago I tried another distro and it was awesome. Everything just works, just like windows. I am actually considering switching my gaming desktop to dual boot Linux because of this. Maybe one day...

Also using it since almost a year back i think now. But not pro. I can't find a reason to pay that much for functionality I don't really need even if I would pay to support the dev.

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Going to keep building my factorio factory. Almost done with industrial revolution 3. Should be done in another 40 hours or so...

Also left-handed but always been using computer mice in my right hand and no problems with precision.

I like mario games but the "new super mario" games are just boring for me so I have high hopes of Wonder.

My kid is 17 months and gets bored when nothing happens with his unplugged controller and goes for whatever else is nearby.

What is wrong with steamlink?

Agreed. Runemaster really gives a feeling of what it is to be a wizard. I had so much fun with this class.

Why even make these lists? Game taste is very subjective. I would not rank them in this order but then i haven't played all of them either.

Modded Factorio and elden ring.

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There is no help. The factory is the only thing there is. I am not even on 1500 hours yet but sometimes i just need a mental break from the game and that period varies... Greatly. I always come back and longing so much for the expansion.

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I love the game. Considering to buy it for two of my friends so we can play multiplayer some day.

And even today there are no other games that do PvP as well as DAoC did. I am playing guild wars 2 and that is as close an experience as I have found in any newer mmo.

Wow. I played this at some point in my life. Had totally forgotten about it.

Glad to see you found what you were looking for and being able to experience it again.

I feel the same. Games where the story is in focus I rather play the finished version instead of getting bits and pieces here and there.

I remember reading from someone working in the same building as them and saw them working as usual. It's done when it's done.

There is a video out. Looks kind of the same in graphics except 3d instead of 2d.

They usually give a lot of free stuff at the same patch even if you don't buy the dlc.

Gotta survive the biters!

After being a regular cracktorio addict I can't find this game as good as everyone says it is. I played all but the last tier of research with my friends a couple of weeks back.

Building is driving me nuts. Belts are not connecting to where you want them (looking at you stacked splitters). Before you unlock any kind of flying, building in levels just suck. Why does the game even have a landscape when you have to pave it over with foundations... for best effect you do this up in the sky so boulders and stuff is out of the way.

All building are fucking humongous and the heights are not sized with the walls in mind. You have to build 4m wall then a 2m wall at least to put foundations above for another level for the small assemblers... "Small".

After exploring the blueprint editor most of the irritating stuff disappeared as I could just plop down blueprint on blueprint but why is the editor sooooooo small? Want to build anything with the largest assemblers... Well you better try to stuff the rest into the smallest space ever because those large ones takes like 25% of the whole blueprint each!

Research is so bad also. I like the progress steps but the materials needed... Who came up with that? Make stuff that isn't needed anywhere else and once you are done you should just stop that factory or end up wasting a ton of resources. Talking about wasting resources... Inputs keep stacking into at least 100 in each machine so if you have splitter after splitter after splitter etc the last machines in the row will get starved for hours before full production is possible.

In the end i thought that trains would be great for our base. That station is so big i almost fell off my chair when i saw it. My god. Tried to combine one station for unloading 3 different resources into our base. Huge mistake. It kind of worked for two. Then getting the resources from wherever in the world to this station... Nope. Mountains everywhere making it almost impossible to put rails to the mines.

Both me and my friends felt we were done with this disaster of a game. One of my friends brought Factorio because of it and now he is also addicted so if anything i am happy i have played satisfactory, had the experience and have another friend to play the better game with.

Doubt we will return to satisfactory. Sorry for this wall of text rant. I just don't get the popularity when factorio is lightyears ahead with superior gameplay.

Tldr: satisfactory, a game if you want to get upset at bugs and poor design decisions. 5/10

I am a person that really don't care about icons. I wanted 2 widgets but since I switched I have learnt to live with just one of the two. I promise, if the price was halved i wouldn't have blinked but as it is now as a subscription every year. Yeah, no I don't use my phone that much.

This. Haven't got around to play the other games in the series yet even though I loved the first one.

Looks interesting and as others are mentioning Kenshi it got me really interested. Thank you.

Never heard of this. Will definitely try the demo. Thank you!

There is Wargroove. And it's sequel is coming soon (or already released?).

Thanks for posting the video. Was a good watch and I will watch some more videos from that channel. Really good content.

I remember when I read about bg3 not happening back in the day and it made me sad. I wondered a lot about what could have been bit I had no idea it was going to be in 3d and the only pictures were concept art. It is sad when IP and legal stuff comes in the way of creativity etc. I am happy that BG3 exists today but it is not the same.

Can't you just change zone on your Nintendo account and download the Japan app like you could do back in the day? Sure, the game is till in Japanese but you get the game :p

Unlocking the overclocks is just an unnecessary pain in the ass. Otherwise good game.

I really hope this game will be good. If the rumors are true that there will be a new console coming out next year this would be a nice end to the switch era as long as the game is good.

I wonder what their flagship game will be for the new console...

When focus is on gameplay and fun instead of graphics, that is where the magic happens. I also enjoy my switch but it doesn't get as much time from me as I wish. Them indie games on my pc sucking all the time but the same statement about joy is there. I have a beefy pc that can play all AAA titles but what do I do? I play the stuff I could play on a 10 year old pc because those games are the most fun for me.