
6 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I would want to go that appros but it feels very inconvenient having to connect to VPN every time I want to check something, also the battery drain if I stayed connected all the time

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Thank you for the* so much wanted advice, it's one of the reasons I actually posted this, to get advices on how to do things better.

I've been trying to do that for a specific service running (firefly) but I can't figure out what to do exactly, about the domain name, Is there a way to do that without one?

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What about all the deaths before they got any hostages? Before Hamas?

What about what is happening in the west bank where there is no Hamas? Hamas was created because of what Israel has done and keep on doing. Giving up won't change anything

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I would say tipping the change is reasonable, anything more is not reasonable.

He is not doing the shopping for him, he gets paid a salary to do this job. And the salary being very low is irrelevant to this.

Plus for other people who are curious but just browsing.

I was curious about that last week for some reason but I didn't really have time to look it up and now I saw it in the feed.

I used chatgpt to create the exact steps, commands and configurations I needed for my setup and achieved this the seemingly cheatful way. I used nginx and certbot. Worked like a charm. Congrats!

It's impressive that you was able to get it to help you correctly. It usually just spew things i need to fix that's why I didn't ask him, thank you for the tip.

Btw did you use a custom local domain name or did you use an actual domain ?

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So I’ll resist the urge to give you that overcomplicated

Please don't, if it wasn't useful for me someone else might find it useful

Sadly I'm one of them

I don't want to manually upload pictures, I want new photos to be uploaded to Immich automatically and deleted from my phone after 30 days.

Also the Immich backup on android is very limited, I can't find all folders in the list it's giving me

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I will make sure that this doesn't exist first before requesting a feature, thanks for the tip

I was thinking about that but I think Nextcloud is a bit too much for my needs

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Where does one explore new rss feeds

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Just follow my steps to achieve this, and the ssl comes after. For SSL follow this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlcVx-k-02E

Please do

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Do you mean windows?

Please use the cross post functionality instead of posting it to all the communities

Are these good for a home server that would be always on? First time building

Thank you. First person to not advise me to use something other than immich for this. And thanks for the heads up about the CLI, can you share the upload script?

Thank you

What is the best practice then when you want to update a variable's value?

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can you recommend me something else?

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Thank you

ok I just did that and my problem is that I wanted to access my services with a custom domain like .homes

Now I need to access them for x.y.duckdns.org

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I managed to get it to work finally, I disabled these Cache Assets, Block Common Exploits, Websockets Support.

What clients would you recommend with it?

I think people are angry that the game took more time than it was promised

Thank you, I was getting some buyer's regret because of the hast decision to buy.

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Where is VPN in demand setting?

Sorry it's just 9101, I updated it.

In GUI you can change the port of the GUI and that's what I did, so I can right now actually access it using and it works. Do you have NPM configured in anyway other than pointing? have you made any changes in Syncthing itself to give it a domain name or an address?

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I can access using the local ip but I can't access using the ssl domain, I can access it but I can't login for some reason. I can't figure out how to fix it

The forwarding is actually taking place, the problem is that when I write credintials and try to login it doesn't

I have it set to, and I can access it from another pc using the ip:port address. But when I try to access using the domain name it shows the login page but I can't login, it just refresh the page and I can see the error above in the logs.

More or less yes. Except that the auto upload is limited I can't figure out why most of albums aren't showing

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I want to use immich mostly for viewing

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Oh that might be perfect. I will look into it, thank you!

(except I manually sort through my photos on a semi-weekly basis before I upload it to Immich).

I think that would be a better approach if I weren't very lazy, I think even after the initial run I could do that since I don't take lots of pictures but I was thinking about a fire and forget sort of thing.

If you want, I can cook up a little Python script you could stick into Cron to do all the tasks you described.

Thank you so much, I asked ChatGPT and it generated the bat file below (since I'm using Windows) do you think this would work?

@echo off
REM Change directory to your photos folder
cd /d "C:\path\to\your\photos\folder"

REM Sync files to backup folder
robocopy . "C:\path\to\your\Camera_Backup" /mir /xo

REM Delete files older than 15 days
forfiles /p "C:\path\to\your\photos\folder" /s /m *.* /d -15 /c "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del @file"

REM Upload assets using immich cli
immich upload "C:\path\to\your\Camera_Backup" -r -a --delete
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Thank you for the suggestion, they seem to be readonly, I was hoping I could delete/rename photos using them.

Although, it will try to upload all photos every time

I will use the argument which makes it delete after upload, this way if it wasn't deleted then it wasn't uploaded and needs to be uploaded, hopefully the CLI is smart to do so.

I want it to use the folder name as album name, I was hoping that it would do the same for nested folders

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My problem is that external libraries are readonly