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Not that I disagree with your premise, but that's an "at will" law area, not "right to work" (can't be forced to join a union/pay union dues in a unionized workplace).

To add, some argue at will is fair because it goes both ways, but it definitely doesn't. If your employer fires you suddenly for no reason, there's no real consequences. If you quit suddenly for no reason, you can get blackballed.

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It's interesting that these people God talks to like this are only ever told they've been chosen. I never hear someone saying, "Well, God spoke to me last night. It turns out I should just chill the fuck out and mind my own business."

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Depends on the quality. High quality French toast can be transcendent. A decent Belgian waffle is always good. Finally, pancakes are like pizza. It's hard to entirely fuck them up, so even crappy pancakes are ok with enough butter and maple syrup.

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I'm pretty sure this is a Demetri Martin joke.

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At a lot of orgs, I think executive leadership are basically buying the service of assigning blame to the consulting firm if things go wrong. If that happens, they can tell the board they took the advice of one of the big consulting firms everyone has heard of. The consulting firm got paid and will still get business, so I doubt they care. Though they are certainly also farming out critical thinking at the same time.

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The government did not for Pfizer. That was Moderns. Pfizer did spend billions of their own cash. This move is largely because the executive leadership way overestimated the amount of covid vaccine and drug treatment revenue for this year, and they are desperate to make up ground.

So they are raising prices and cutting across the board rather than admitting they didn't know what they were doing in their projections. CEO isn't taking a pay cut though. Morons got a winning lottery ticket in the pandemic and assumed they'd keep winning every year.

"So if the company has performed so well, surely there's plenty of capital available for increasing worker compensation!"

Consequences for their families/friends. It's not a choice I'd ever want to have to make.

It was the inverse in my family. The uncle who extricated himself from most of the family was actually a huge piece of garbage and did everyone a favor by cutting us off. I don't think he expected that nobody would make an effort to re-establish contact.

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It's insane. I swear that some liquor stores I go to have a craft beer section that's 90% IPAs... and another 5% that are basically IPAs with cutesy names like "Super Duper Pale Ale."

Yeah, the Pinochet regime was FAMOUSLY peaceful.

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Very rarely. Physical intimacy in movies or TV is like a strong seasoning. In the right place, it can accentuate the flavor and bring it to another level. Otherwise, you're just adding curry powder to a cherry danish.

Three points: 1) school is not a job, 2) dress codes are rarely enforced evenly (girls are usually overpoliced; non-whites as well), and 3) school staff worrying about how students are dressed rather than something relevant to learning is a distraction.

Not being in constant contact with everyone you know, and not having a neverending stream of notifications assaulting you via your phone.

When you got to see relatives who lived far away, you talked about what had been going on in their life because you probably had no idea.

You read, listened to, or watched the news when you wanted to, unless someone you know told you sooner.

If you had to wait somewhere without a book or magazine, you just sat there with your thoughts. During childhood, you learned how to be bored and practice imagining things.

Read the details first though and compare to what else you can find out. Some companies are sneakily reducing severance package standards just for remote employees. It may be better to just aggressively job hunt while still getting a full paycheck as long as possible.

Two points about R&D costs:

First, they aren't just trying to make up what they spent on this treatment, but others that failed during research/trials. There's a lot of them the general public will never hear about, and pharmas generally don't like to bring attention to their failures. Part of that is many shareholders are morons who don't understand how science works.

Second, the costs can get fuzzier for larger companies who in-house much of the R&D process, since the costs get shared among many programs. Properly attributing spend in that case can be a serious challenge.

All that said, they've clearly seen an opportunity to rake it in with this trendy drug and are charging way more than they need to.

As someone who's consumed every album and special George Carlin produced, it felt like someone retelling their memory of some of his bits. Like regurgitation. It'd be impressive if your nephew performed this at his thirteenth birthday party after becoming obsessed with Carlin.

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One of the regional grocery stores in my part of the US has these (if you have an account). Before I did online ordering with curbside pickup, this was how I shopped. I didn't understand why it wasn't more popular. It made checking out so quick. Every twenty or so trips I'd be randomly "audited," where some poor employee had to rifle through my bags to double check I wasn't stealing anything.

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I don't think that's the message at all. It's disproportionately punishing women for nudity that is sexist.

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The White House is capable of having a position on more than one issue at a time. There also doesn't seem to be a particular bill they are touting, so this seems to be more of a "This is messed up. Congress should do something about it" situation than "We're dropping everything to deal with this" one.

Oracle is nothing if not consistent in providing shitty customer support across all sorts of products.

Sometimes it's really valuable to have a greybeard with no fear for their job who just stops everyone from making stupid decisions that they're too in the weeds to appreciate. Hopefully they're one of the funny ones, and not one who condescends everybody constantly.

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The physical limitations are an important difference. A human can only read and remember so much material. With AI, you can scale that exponentially with more compute resources. Frankly, IP law was not written with this possibility in mind and needs to be updated to find a balance.

I agree, though it depends on the activity. Going for drinks is shitty on coworkers who don't drink. Going for BBQ is shitty on coworkers who are vegan/vegetarian. You can't please everyone, but I think it's very possible to at least not exclude anyone.

I worked at a place where everyone came in a bit early on Fridays for free bagels. It was nice to shoot the shit, and most people left a bit early in the afternoon to offset the earlier arrival. Maybe we lost a little productivity. However, everyone knew everyone in that office.

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Because their content is controversial, thus driving engagement, thus being favored by the algorithms of many social media platforms. I still get recommended some of their garbage on YouTube, despite never having watched anything remotely similar to it.

Younger people tend to be easier to influence, and they often lack the experience to smell bullshit. And the more people hear something, the more likely they are to believe it.

I would say questioning the position of the powers that be is the mark of good journalism, whether that's government, religion, the wealthy, business, whatever.

I used to root against the Golden State Warriors solely because they played at the Oracle Arena.

Don't forget that he's the smuggest person to ever draw air.

It has to actually become a common thing for it to not be a big deal. You can't put the cart before the horse.

Exactly. If it's a regulated industry, they're not just paying for Teams. They're paying for someone else to worry about meeting certain compliance requirements and take the heat if things go wrong. I'm not sure how many companies besides Microsoft can offer that. At most it's a fraction of the available options.

I used to see this a lot when a team had to engage with an external vendor temporarily (or not so temporarily), but the only approved software both companies shared was Office before Teams was ubiquitous.

In the worst case, the file wasn't able to be shared live (e.g., SharePoint), so it was just going back and forth in email attachments. That was just as much of a nightmare as you'd guess.

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She may not be your cup of tea, which is totally fine. No music is for everyone. But to say her music is not creative or good like Michael Jackson and Madonna is silly. It definitely reveals an unfamiliarity with her catalog. While I like Madonna, she has not competently covered as much ground as Taylor Swift has been able to.

I used to not really like Taylor Swift until I actually sat down and gave her music a real listen, then I got what all the hubbub was about. She has a lot of albums for her age, and there's relatively little filler on them (some have none in my opinion).

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Location is a major issue. A lot of empty housing stock is in places no one wants to live in anymore. There is a lack of housing in high demand areas. There's no silver bullet, but converting commercial real estate in those high demand areas is ideal to add useful housing.

But yes, corporations sucking up residential real estate needs to be tackled just the same.

It's been 8 years since VI came out. That's the longest they've gone between releases since the original. It's also difficult to say if it's necessary without actually seeing what VII has to offer. If it's VI with a new coat of paint, then I agree. But I hope they bring a novel aspect like districts was for VI that made it worth it.

Check out their controversies section on Wikipedia. This doesn't seem out of character for this publication. It's more likely incompetence than malice.

Vegas already has a poorly implemented monorail.

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Pepsi just does international distribution of it. Keurig Dr Pepper owns it.

That would be terribly boring. It would take the art, nuance, and fun out of language. It would also curtail the development and evolution of language. Can you imagine language without innuendo or double entendre?

Was that the Adam Kinzinger one? It's a low bar, but I'll give him a modicum of credit for saying his vote against the first impeachment was cowardice and that he'd vote for Biden in 2024 if Trump is the Republican nominee. Doesn't totally feel like a lesson learnt that he still considers himself a Republican, though.

Does Hal Jordan manage this location?