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Joined 1 years ago

he/him (cisgender)

Yeah, it's amazing how quickly things have improved amid a massive influx of new users! Truly impressive!

Just for a bit of context I was "surfing the internet" in 1994 via Gopher, an early alternative to the web as we know it now and I used it primarily to find and download apps stored on computers connected to the internet.

In 1995 I was using the Mosaic browser and later Netscape to surf the World Wide Web mostly via webrings that were individual webpages that had links to other wepages of similar content linked to them.

I don't recall and am not aware of anything that would resemble a meme from that time? This is a year or so before Dancing Baby which is usually considered the first viral video and even then that was originally shared via email forwards.

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THIS! A million times this!! It's literally implying the opposite of their intent in that you have to have someone else HELP YOU because you OBVIOUSLY can't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps!

One way to use this phrase correctly would be "No one can pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, we all need some help along the way."!

You MUST re-open the community you helped build over the years for free so that we can earn BIG monies on teh ads!! Make us monies for FREE slave!! We pay you NUTHIN! You work hard for USSSS!!!! Work when WE tell you too!!!!!! foaming at the mouth with rage

Oh god, the cringe is strong?!

Kleiopedia. Named after Kleio the Greek muse of History. Alternate spelling derived from her Latin spelling is Cliopedia but I personally prefer Kleiopedia. She was often depicted with a scroll or a chest full of books.

0:00 We all know, that GNOME has been one of the best desktop environments providing
0:03 a graphical user interface for the Linux operating system. It delivers a next-level
0:08 user experience that is similar to Windows and macOS. However, there are a few things you can
0:14 do to enhance your gnome desktop functionality. This is where Gnome Extensions comes into play. 0:21 An extension is a software that allows you to take your GNOME customization to the next
0:26 level. By using the extensions, you can customize GNOME Shell,
0:31 add app transitions, as well as additional features like window tiling.
0:36 In this video, I will show you the top 15 must-install GNOME extensions for Linux
0:42 systems in 2024. For demonstration purposes, I choose to use arch linux but these extensions can
0:49 be used on any GNOME-based distribution such as Fedora, Manjaro, Zorin, Pop OS, and more. 0:57 Before we begin, If you enjoy this video, please
1:00 like and help the YouTube algorithm make it visible to more people.
1:03 Requirements The only requirement of this
1:05 video is to ensure you have installed the flatpak package on your Linux system. Then, open the
1:11 terminal on your gnome desktop and download the extensions manager using flatpak. Once installed,
1:19 open the extensions manager. This is a simple tool that allows you to install any gnome extension.
1:26 The user interface is clean and intuitive, with two sections on the top bar, Browse and Installed.
1:32 The Installed section displays all the extensions installed by the user. The "Browser" section,
1:38 allows you to search for any GNOME extension. Let’s start installing gnome extensions.

Astra Monitor
1:45 Search for Astra Monitor and install it. Astra is a monitoring extension for the
1:51 GNOME top bar that helps users track various system performance metrics such as CPU, GPU,
1:57 RAM, disk usage, network statistics, and sensor readings. It offers comprehensive
2:00 monitoring capabilities with detailed information accessible through hovering
2:05 over resources. The interface is highly customizable, allowing users to choose
2:22 what resources to monitor. The extension is designed for optimized performance,
2:27 ensuring lightweight operation without unnecessary resource consumption.

Pano Clipboard Manager
2:37 Pano Clipboard Manager provides a graphical overview of your clipboard history making it
2:43 much faster to find previously copied content, such as text, images, website URLs & more 2:50 You can view the clipboard history at any time, from any app, by pressing shift + super + v on
2:57 your keyboard. So when you copy anything on your system it will be shown here.
3:06 By clicking on any item in this row allows you to copy and paste it elsewhere.

3:16 PaperWM is a Gnome Shell extension that provides scrollable tiling of windows and per-monitor
3:23 workspaces. It's inspired by paper notebooks and tiling window managers, it makes working
3:29 with different applications very easy. Hovering on the left or right gives the preview of an app,
3:36 and clicking on it puts the app into focus mode. By toggling the workspace button,
3:50 you can change the Windows focus mode to the center or default.

4:06 MiniView displays an app window like Picture in Picture Mode. Pressing Shift + F12 opens & closes
4:13 mini app View. By holding the left mouse button you can drag the mini window and
4:23 by holding Ctrl and dragging the window with a right mouse button, you can resize the preview.
4:30 By hovering on the Window preview and scrolling
4:33 with the mouse wheel switches to different applications. 4:37 This is my favorite extension that allows
4:39 to monitoring of a specific app while working with other apps.

Quick Settings Tweaker
4:52 Quick Settings tweaker lets you add media controls, notifications,
4:56 and volume mixers to quick settings and remove useless buttons giving
5:00 a brand new look to the default quick settings and making it more functional
5:04 and practical. You can notice the date menu goes vertical and looks minimal.

Privacy Settings
5:12 Along with that installing the privacy settings extension adds a privacy toggle
5:17 that allows you to enable or disable the camera, microphone, and location services.

Apps Menu
5:31 Apps Menu is a must-have extension that categorizes the installed applications
5:37 making it easy to find the app you need based on category.

Places Status Indicator
5:50 Along with that places status indicator, Add a menu for quickly navigating places in the system.

Logo Menu
6:05 The Logo Menu is similar to Apple's macOS menu for the GNOME Desktop.
6:14 This extension provides a simple menu along with the ability to get the icon
6:19 of your distribution on the top left part of the panel for a great look.

Just perfection
6:36 Just Perfection is an excellent gnome extension for customizing the gnome-shell.
6:41 Using this extension, you can tweak things like the dock, notification panel, icons, and more. 6:57 For example, you can enable or disable system animations, panels, clock, app menu & more. 7:12 You can also change the behavior of the workspace preview,
7:15 whether to show a workspace switcher or not, how you want to open the app grid, and more.

Top Bar Organizer
7:26 The top bar organizer allows you to organize the Menu items of the top bar. You can simply
7:32 rearrange all these menu items according to your liking by dragging them with the left
7:37 mouse button. You can even delete the specific menu items by clicking on the three-dot menu.

SpeedUp Gnome Shell
8:03 Gnome 4x UI improvements tune Overview UI to make it more usable. You can increase the size
8:08 of Workspace thumbnails, hide the search bar & show it only when the user begins to search. 8:24 In combination with that, Impatience is another
8:26 extension that helps increase the animation speed of the GNOME Shell

8:44 Wiggle is an extension that magnifies the cursor when the mouse is moved rapidly
8:49 which is extremely useful especially when working with large screen monitors. So
8:56 when you forget the location of the mouse pointer just wiggle the mouse to find it.

Blur my shell
9:08 Installing blurMyShell extends a blur to the dock, panels, activities overview, and more.

Burn My Windows
9:32 BurnMyWindows triggers an app transition when it’s
9:35 opened or closed providing stunning app transitions that may surprise everyone.

10:00 When running an important task that needs to be monitored, use caffeine which prevents
10:05 your system from sleeping. Upon installing this extension, you will see a new toggle
10:10 added to the quick settings Menu allowing you can enable or disable caffeine mode.

10:30 DDTerm is my favorite drop-down terminal extension for GNOME Shell With tabs and
10:35 is compatible with Wayland. This allows quick access to the terminal by clicking on this icon
10:41 on the top bar. It’s very responsive and also provides an option to customize it. 11:03 That's pretty much it, these are the top 15 best gnome extensions that
11:07 you must try on GNOME Desktop in 2024. Let me know if I have missed anything,
11:12 and feel free to share your list of extensions that you use in the comments section below.

It was her great great grandparents

This is terrible! I went to /r/steam to learn about steamed hams but they were clearly grilled! I'm not even sure they were hams?!? 1 star, would not visit again!!

No no, you've got it quite wrong, they only have 22.4k karma not 24k! 24k would be insane!!?

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Yikes, after reading that thread in its entirety I unsubbed from their channel. They will have to do a LOT to get me to ever come back. I'm not sure if that's even possible?

I’ll have no choice but to close a store.

Yeah, because hiring staff back and getting rid of self help checkouts is impossible?? How would they even go about that?

Or, and here's a radical idea, drop your prices so people can actually afford to pay for the food??

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I have good news! If you wait around long enough your comment will eventually become 100% correct while mine will become weird and just flat out wrong?!

Super hard to limit to just 5 but here's the first that came to mind: Star Wars: A New Hope The Matrix Delicatessen The Science of Sleep The Fifth Element

Any of the following could easily go somewhere on the above list :) Blade Runner, 12 Monkeys, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Brazil, The Hudsucker Proxy, Groundhog Day, Dark City, Inception & Intersteller (if only it didn't have the whole love is a force that transcends dimensions and can be used to communicate across time and space stuff?!)

It's F2P this weekend and your progress will carry over if you decide to buy the game.

It changed something for me. Sure I might have changed sooner or later anyway but the 48 hours created awareness and provided a moment of time in which to look into alternatives.

Brilliant! I miss the days of being able to slap on a massive oversize battery to get you through the day! :-D Carrying around powerbanks and cables is such a huge step back!

Yes, this is key, fewer but more vibrant communities rather than many mostly empty ones.

Great post idea! My list is based mostly on nostalgia for a certain period of time in my life:

Fog (again) - Live - Radiohead

Pyramid Song - Radiohead

Fake Empire - The National

Hurt - Johnny Cash

Headlong - The Frames

Scattered Black and Whites - Elbow

Grace Under Pressure - Elbow

Starálfur - Sigur Rós

Hoppípolla - Sigur Rós

October - U2

I've moved from Twitter to Mastodon and Reddit to Lemmy and am so far loving both. Even though they're taking a bit to get used to they're mostly pretty straight forward and familiar feeling in how they work. I will definitely miss certain subreddits but many of them are already here in some form or in the process of moving over. I really love the distributed model that is not at the behest of a single corporate entity or billionaire.

Yeah, all I got was something about security reasons & some fan almost drowned swimming out to Leonardo's boat to say hi?! Personally I'd say good riddence BUT I would say the local economy might take a hit?

This is really great! I've also been quite lost but am enjoying the learning process!

One thing I've just learned is that all the different instances don't neccessarily 'federate' with each other in real time (there can be some lag in content showing up in your instance) or at all. Only instances your instance federates with sync up? I think? :-) I see beehaw.org have had to cut ties to a couple of instances to help with the flood of new users and content happening right now. It seems while you can still view their content from your instance you can't comment or post to it? I think? :-)

I am too but hey, look you inspiring me to comment too! Honestly I do try to comment but I'm more determined than ever to lurk less and engage more!


Yet another excellent "Welcome" post! I've been so impressed with the welcome and onboarding that the Lemmy/Fediverse community as a whole has provided! Truly impressive! I can confidentally say to people just jump in and try it, you'll find a TON of how to's and people willing to help out and explain things!

Thanks for the recommend! Very nice looking app 👍

Okay, so I just tried clicking subscribe pending on several subs and clicking subscribe again and it did NOT update to joined on any of them. BUT it did update to joined if I did that and then REFRESHED the page!? So, just a bug.

So in summary, if you click subscribe pending to unsub, then click subscribe again to sub and then refresh the page and you should be joined for real! No more yellow, am I on some kind of trial, subscribe pending yellow button of paranoia!

This feels like it should be cross-posted to !minecraft@lemmy.world but I don't know how to do that? 🤔 Hopefully a few people start looking around for an alternative place to hang out. Even if 0.5% of that sub moved over to Lemmy you'd have a really stong community here!

Nah, I'd be like, go on! Do you associate that song with a particular event, person, time or place in your life? When did you first hear it? In what context is it your fave? Have you ever heard it played live? What was that like? Could you ever imagine another song taking its place or is it too sentimental or ingrained into your very being?

Basically a question like "fave colour/song" is often a simple test. The kind of answer you give should indicate whether or not the topic can be opened up or expanded upon or even just indicate if you want to talk to this person at all right now. If you answer "blue I guess", and look completely disinterested or "insert massive pop hit of the moment" and leave it at that, then they know to go about their day or try another topic like "So what about that sportsball game/weather/current event?". But you might give them a nuanced answer that will lead to more conversation.

It is handy to have a simple, 1 dimensional responce if you want to shut down the conversation quickly or direct it to another topic.

New Zealand, Christchurch. We can drink straight out of the tap BUT it was chlorinated while our crappy infrastructure was being upgraded in recent years. Still is in some parts of the city I think? The actual water is from deep aquifers and was pristine and then it went through our dodgy wellheads which have since been upgraded.

Oh, I forgot. Apparently it doesn't even work outside of your home wifi network (it needs to be on the same wifi as the PS5??) making it even less functional than a phone using remote play?! So weird?!

I don't understand this device AT ALL?! Unless it's suuuuper cheap there's nothing it offers over simply pairing a DualSense controller to a phone or tablet?! Add to that the awkwardness of your hands HAVING to be a foot apart to hold the controller halves and it's just mystifying why anyone would want this??

At the moment I can chuck a DualSense in my backpack and know that I can pair it to my phone when out and about. Two things I already have that work just fine and are arguably more comfortable to use. I would hope this is going to provide a better streaming experience but what I currently use is good enough for occasional use and my phone isn't even a high end phone.

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Your comment was so insightful I just had to upvote it thus increasing 'engagement'. Am I helping?

There's no setting to change that behavior that I can see but it's clear that there could be a setting for it.

Must be a bug. I was "subcribe pending" on a community on the instance I'm actually on?! So I clicked the "subcribe pending" button and then clicked subscribe again and it updated to joined immediately!

But I hadn't subbed to this community yet so I tried clicking subscribe and it said subscribe pending. I clicked it off and on again but it still says subscribe pending. I'll try again later.

Crikey!? What an update! That was wild! You'd never get that kind of openness or behind the scenes look from a corporate / shareholder beholden platform! Certainly you wouldn't get this kind of honesty :-D

the server is dying, I don’t even know what I need, help! ;)

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I get both sides. Just the act of having to create a new login/password is too much for many who've gotten used to signing in with their Facebook or Google accounts and they want things to be as friction free as possible and I think that's fair enough. Personally I really enjoyed the process of learning about the Fediverse, figuring out how Lemmy works and understanding its strengths and limitations. But that's not most people. I know one redditor I tried to describe it to said they gave up after the first sentence. If I really simplified it they will understand but in doing so you might misslead them about the world of instances, how they can all differ slightly, how they may or may not fully interact with each other. Me, I'm like holy crap! I'm on this tiny little instance in a corner of the world and I can not only read but like, comment and subscribe to all these other much bigger communities!? Let alone interact with kbin.social which isn't even Lemmy at all!? It just works! But I'm also very tollerant of times when things may not work as expected, but I don't care, because at least it's not reddit ;-)

Holy heck?! Who is this psychopath?! "You must conform!" in this case basically = "You must assimilate!". This is why some version of CRT, at least an overview of the fundamentals, SHOULD be taught in highshool so students can recognise these sorts of policies for what they often are. But the system is hardly going to educate the subjects of its oppression is it, or they might actually recognize and resist policies and practices that are rooted in racism and discrimination. Can't have that!

Yes, weird?! There was a glitch in the matrix!?

I'm on desktop at the mo but I just loaded up wefwef.app in Chrome and it shows a little smiley/emoji with a percentage beside it. I upvoted this post and it stayed on 100%, I downvoted and it changed to 91%.

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