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Joined 1 years ago

since it was anal that got her pregnant

Umm...you might still be missing some sex ed info.

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Your account is 11 hours old, yet you know what everyone here is annoyed with? Sure.

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Nah, fuck that. If she had sick days they are hers to decide how to use em.

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It's almost like I was pointing out the age of the account to infer that dude made another account to agree with himself. The usernames alone are kind of a giveaway.

Not a movie, rather a show, and also not complete yet, but The Dragon Prince on Netflix is pretty good. The titular prince is a dragon, but there are human princes as well, with one becoming a king actually pretty early on. And King Ezran absolutely tries to bring people together peacefully and with honorable intentions, though there is some action/fighting as well. Caveat, while it is a kids show, it might be thematically better for kids a bit older than 6, as some of the themes can be a bit dark for a kids show, but I'd just recommend you watch a couple eps yourself before showing it to the kiddo and decide for yourself if it's appropriate.

Also, someone else mentioned Avatar: The Last Airbender in this thread, which is also excellent, and if you happen to be familiar with that show, it has a lot of similiarities and it's some of the same writers and directors of that show.

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Yeah, I thought I might be getting whooshed there, but I also thought there might be people that saw the shit they were selling for real money and just assumed it was a free to play game, cuz clearly this sort of monetization has no place in $70 games, but well...here we are.

Might be the store you shop at is to blame. I can get a dozen cage free eggs for $2.49 at my local Safeway. I feel like some stores just refused to lower their prices back down after that bird flu panic. They're all greedy, some just greedier than others.

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I often use it to watch Hulu and such on my tv, as even though the tv has its own app, I can't put an adblocker on those, but I can use my browser through the steam link and have all the ads blocked. Just one other type of use for it!

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Not sure if you're just arguing semantics here, but just for clarification in case you, or anyone else, is unsure why the other person might have said "accused felon", it is because Paxton was indicted for felony securities fraud back in 2015. He has used his political office to delay the trial since then, and has yet to be tried. 8 years and counting since the indictment without a trial. Hence, "accused felon".

I'd say regular blu-rays are still relevant even. The jump in quality between regular blu rays to 4k ones just doesn't seem as substantial as the jump did between dvd and blu ray. or vhs and dvd. But maybe that is just my aging eyeballs that can barely tell the difference with this latest jump.

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While it does seem like something he would do, watch the clip, listen to his cadence. He is not comparing her to a car, he is using Mercedes as a name.

It seems to be a direct response to your paragraph about your dad telling you to move to a city in Texas. I don't think they're trying to be confrontational, I think they're just saying those cities in Texas that you just said were recommended to you, are also expensive.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

However, the book DOES have "literary importance," as determined by it winning the National Book Award, winning the Kirkus Prize, and being a Pulitzer finalist.

Though I notice elsewhere in the thread you refer to those as "literature prices" multiple times, and would like to point out that they are, in fact, "prizes". Prices are the cost of things you buy at the store. Prizes are awarded for achievement in a given field.

As such, I do not believe you are fit to be the arbiter of what gets to be taught in English class. It is clear you could use a few lessons on the subject yourself, and besides, before espousing that a book should only be taught in one type of classroom (Social Studies) and not another (English), a person should probably read said book. You clearly haven't.

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I always think of this panel from Preacher when I see dudes like this.

Mistborn, developed by Insomniac. I feel like they could really do a good push/pull traversal mechanic.

The homes no longer having arrows is already driving me nuts. And I don't know if they matter or not either, but i'm unable to let myself place them with a door facing another building or something to find out.

Did you just read the quote of what he said or did you actually listen to it? By the way he says it, it's clear he's using it as a name.

I would say the article even printed the quote wrong. They wrote, "Oh look at that Mercedes, that's pretty good."
They dropped a word and in my opinion got the punctuation wrong. I would quote it as, "Oh look at that, wow. Mercedes, that's pretty good."

I grew up in Chicago area. Out of curiosity, I looked it up on the Jewel Osco website and a dozen normal eggs is 2 bucks a dozen, currently on sale for $1.79.

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Lotta good shows people have already listed, but one that is conspicuously missing, Reservation Dogs. It is an absolute master class treatise on grief and loss, yet somehow manages to be fucking hysterical at the same time.

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Dunno if this is the case for wherever you got your sales figures from, but a lot of the places that track best-selling games only track physical releases. Or they might also track digital releases if the publisher provides them to whoever is doing that tracking, but they often don't. BG3 does not have a physical release (yet).

And a quick google seems to back that up. According to Phil Spencer the other day, Starfield has had "over 12 million players". I'm assuming this is a combined figure of sales and people who downloaded it through game pass. So, less than 12 million copies sold, and probably a good deal under that cuz I assume game pass would be a pretty decent chunk of those players reached. If the top result when googling is accurate, BG3 has sold 22+ million copies. Prolly enough to crack that top 20, I'd guess.

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The layoffs were after Microsoft bought em.

Gravity Falls. The theme song makes a decent enough synopsis of the premise, I'd say. www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2DUpDxFJyg

Dude, London Calling (the Clash album this song is from) sold over 5 million copies. They are in no way obscure.

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The DnD episode of Community didn't need to be removed from all streaming platforms...

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They did one playtest that was 5v5 CTF. Most playtests have been 12v12.

Pure speculation, but I could also easily see it just being kids from other nearby schools that heard about a protest at Columbia and rode the subway up from NYU, or CUNY, or any number of schools in the area. Technically outsiders at that point, but I wouldn't really consider them as such.

In the 12-15 hour range if I remember correctly, but it's been a bit.

First of all, they specifically said general election. You're making an assumption that they voted Biden in the primary.
Second, a vote for the green party was basically a vote for Trump in the last 2 general elections.
Third, in reference to your comment slightly higher up on the thread, Biden did what he could to cancel 20k in student debt. The reason it hasn't happened is 100% due to republican lawsuits.
But you just go ahead and keep feeling betrayed.

It'll prolly be more like 25 years between 6 and 7. There is definitely some manner of exponential curve to GTA release dates.

Brought peace?

Finally! A stylish shoe for the blind earthbender!

powells.com. Largest independent bookstore in the world, they ship to Canada, but it ain't gonna be particularly cheap i'm guessing.

You're attributing a lot of things to me that I never said. On the whole though, I don't disagree with you.

Wait, are you saying yes it's unethical to give fake money to beggars and strippers, or yes, it's ok to give them fake money?

Cuz...it's really not ok to give either of them fake money.

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No Mr. Feeny. I'll give it a B-

Dunno if it's still open, but r/gifs had an essentially identical poll going to the one r/pics ran.

That's a lot more work than just continuing to use the solution I already have set up for the same end result.

He might've been speaking of women's ways. Just a guess though.

Taste aside, some of y'all really need to learn the definition of obscure.

Brown Bird. Start with the album Salt for Salt, in my opinion. It's got some gothic to it, some bluegrass to it, and it's amazing.

Here is the first track of that album for ease. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2H8bSba4JU