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Israel has no right to exist where it does right now. No group of people has a right to force others out of their homes to establish a nation for themselves. By your logic if all peoples have a right to establish a nation wherever they see fit then the Roma people can justifiably show up in tel aviv tomorrow and start conquering the place since they have no nation of their own

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We live in a world that rewards narcissistic asshole behavior and nothing else. It's fucking depressing no amount of therapy will change that.

the guillotine’s association with executing wealthy nobles is largely fictional.

that can change

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Wealthy elites are running a reign of terror right now, have been for centuries, If we can't reason with them (which has been tried, and failed) then there's only one option left.

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USA is a fascist state and always has been, that does not justify what Israeli settlers and the IDF are doing currently

Maybe learn something before you advocate for the extermination of an entire people. Jerusalem was named after the pre jewish pagan Canaanite god Shalem. Those ancient Canaanites were there before the Jews and the modern Palestinians are the descendants of those ancient Canaanites.

This is what happens when states destroy access to reproductive healthcare. Desperate people do stupid things.

Bidens words say one thing but his actions say kill all you like

Police brutality is political violence. You will never escape political violence, there has never been a period of history without it. You enemies will always use violence against you what are you gonna do just roll over and let them take everything?

You could call it cancel culture or your could just call it pissing off your fanbase. This has always existed and will always exist. I don't agree with the old dixie chicks fanbase but if they thought they could be antiwar and keep playing on country radio they were very misled.

Are you familiar with the american police? Their brutality upholds the status quo. They and the elites they serve deserve to be terrorized.

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Do you think we can make things better by being nice and civil to the people currently doing the oppression? Or do you just like things the way they are and want nothing to change?

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Sounds like capitalism is the problem. Boom and bust cycles are terrible for working people and great for billionaires.

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how do you keep it and how long does it last?

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Are we living in some planned economy where a single dictator can wave his magic hand and decree that things happen? Because that’s what it sounds like you want.

The headline reads "US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it"

I agree that bidens power is limited but in that case he should stop trying to take so much credit while so many people suffer.

Then GET OFF LEMMY if nothing anyone says here matters then stop saying shit here

You make your own reality.

You are an incredibly lucky person. Everyone is a victim of circumstance.

No one asked you to be here. You chose to have a convo in an online forum


Our economy’s health is not directly related to the average person’s buying power. One can argue that it’s actually inversely proportional.

If that's the case then a weak economy is what we should be aiming for

When will tyranny happen? Trump was president before and everyone thought that he was going to take over as tyrant but he never did because he's too lazy for that. Biden has been involved in murdering civilians overseas for like 40 years and trump hasn't. Trump is the lesser of two evils

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American voters have zero say over our foreign policy. That isn't democracy.

The coup failed because Trump is a lazy moron and tried to asked the military to back him up on the day and they said no. A coup cannot happen without military support and trump is never going to get that from the generals and officers who run the us military. Too many of them are democrats.

The bad outcome that you're worried about is happening right now the current president is supporting genocide overseas and has supported mass slaughter for his entire long career

facts? how many civilian deaths is trump responsible for and how many is biden responsible for? If you care about facts and you care about the lesser of two evils then those numbers should be pretty important.

A party that wants my vote should do something I like to earn that vote. This is politics not religion.

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Money is power. The people with the most money have the most power and therefore bear the most responsibility for the way things are

I also think that trump will cause less civilian death overseas. I guess we both know who we're voting for.

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You don't care about the death of non-americans. You are just as bad as the right wingers that your claim moral superiority over.

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