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Joined 1 months ago

Could not agree more, Legion has an absolutely amazing score/soundtrack. The Bolero scene? Legendary.

“1oz .999% silver medallions”

So the coins weigh 1 oz, and are, for all intents and purposes, 1% silver? According to a quick google, silver is worth $31.07 an ounce today. So these coins have 3.1 cents worth of silver in them.
And he's selling them for $100 each.

Or is the decimal used differently here because the Guardian is British and in this context it means 99.9%?
In that case it's $31 worth of silver sold for $100, but that seems a downright generous investment when it comes to Trump merchandise, so I'm still guessing it's 3 cents worth of silver.

3 more...

A quick google says the tour doesn't end till December, so after the election anyway, unfortunately.

NYT and WaPo both have articles about it. Paywalled, so I can see why OP wouldn't link em. I can't even get the wsj home page to load on firefox with ublock, so I can't say whether they reported on it at all, but it's not exactly like nobody is reporting on this.

Why wouldn't they confirm his appointments? Senate is controlled by dems right now. They can either confirm Biden's appointments, and have a dem judge, or not, which risks Trump making appointments to these same positions.

Only time the judges don't get confirmed at the end of a president's term is when the opposing party controls the senate. See: end of Obama's term and his appointment of Garland to the SC.