
1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I need all of these! I already have them for data structures and agile but this is also golden!

They also created ghidra! Probably second best

Sometimes my brain does a little funny with me and I'm not sure if I like it or not... I just didn't realize this at all

To train a diffusion model that only outputs one image with difference is I think not possible you could do an image to image and then fix the seed so you would get a consistent result and then picking the nearest result that is nearly an identical copy

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I really liked it I used it if I need to send some 100 mb files to friends god I will miss that site it was great

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Seems Interesting. I hope this will also be a local feature and not dependent on a cloud service but since the Company behind this is using some AI and ML I doubt that it will run on the computer especially since firefox is known to run on basically anything

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Thats nice. One question tho is rune codex now? Since I saw on elamigos that rune/codex refere to the same people

Mines good and from the Reddit thread the majority of people installed it on fdroid and maybe play protect just removed it because the package name and signatures didn't match, at least that is what's being suspected

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Probably or the ai if I should have guessed in the backend it's using something like local ai, koboldcpp, llamacpp probably

Ollama is a big thing, do you want it to be fast? You will need a GPU, how large is the model you will be running be? 7/8B with CPU not as fast but no problem. 13B slow with CPU but possible

Kvm/qemu is really good too you should try it out or is there special feature holding you back on virtualbox?

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I think I have some slowdowns FF with unlock Origin in Germany so maybe

Can you elaborate on what questionable things they did? I am thinking of hosting my own gitea instance

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At least here in Germany it is like that. if you got a new number or whatever you are 99,9% certain that number is on WhatsApp it's inevitable its the main source for chatting for everyone. So if you'd want to switch platforms youd have to convince a lot of people and most would not be ready to do that since why bother when you can just use WhatsApp?

I think there is something like that but it's really not popular and I'm not even sure it's maintained anymore

Fyi searx is deprecated or at least not maintained and discontinued Switch to searxNG which is an active fork and it is really good :D

So PC gaming is a niche market now wonderful /s

Well to be fair compression/decompression is EXTREMELY CPU intensive even on newest hardware. It was always that way and will always stay that way probably. The more you compress the longer and more CPU intensive it is to decompress No matter if your pc is 10 years old or if it's a rack server with newest hardware

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Thank you for the suggestions :D

I think I'm just ignorant 😅 I know how ipv4 works and all the addressing and that's why I'm currently sticking to it I just couldn't really wrap my head about ipv6 I guess there aren't any major changes just other addressed

I would take that any day!

That's the thing I am having problems with currently

I know about that, and I love that it runs locally. I just hope that they will keep this mindset, I would love to have such tool available at all times Edit: Personally I also agree its a bit weird that it will be a native feature, maybe an official extension would be more adequate

Pi hole works network wide ;D

Just want to piggyback this. You will probably need more than 6gb vram to run good enough models with a acceptable speed and coherent output, but the more the better.

Yeah think so but with extra privacy hardening features and especially useful Screensharing on Wayland! I don't know if there is an alternative to it for Screensharing on wayland

Run local AI models

Sorry if I am a bit late I think with the epic games update they removed the native Linux support you have to use proton from now on. Also I had crashes when the game launched and I interacted with the desktop or something once you start the game just don't touch your pc for 15 seconds and from there on it should be stable. Last problem I had is the full screen once I tabbed out after 5 seconds the game crashes has to fix that with a mod that adds full screen border less to the game

Always great to see how Adaptable and useful Linux commands are Problem is only coming up with them 😅

It heavily depends which filter lists you use obviously. I never had this issues and neither my family does

Definitely! I cannot even imagine what compression algorithm we have in a couple of years. They are probably much better and less CPU intensive while also giving other benefits I can imagine. But as always that's for the future ;D

Oh fuck yeah I should have said that I live in Germany.... Thank you for your comment

I agree it does suck in general One thing I tried is using a metasearch engine and for the least part I find the results better and way more customizable (for reference I am self hosting searxNG)

Is kagi a metasearch engine? Or does it have its own crawler and so on?

Oh yeah I heard about this and saw that mutahar (some ordinary gamers) was doing it once on windows with a 4090. I would love to do that on my GPU and then split it between my host and my VM

I am in the same boat currently and thinking about how I can migrate my stuff over without having a 1 month downtime EDIT: after reading all the comments I'm still not sure if I should do it or like I said even how. I love my unraid it fits me well however I think I also have fallen in love with proxmox

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I had some problems using proton experimental 9 in helldivers. I'd try some 8.X version preferably from Proton-GE as another commenter said, in hopes that that could fix the issue you are facing

Source code is available at GitHub but it require you to have your phone by yourside e.g. connected via usb or in the same network so you can connect via IP

Completely agree although I love rm -r since it's way better than cluttering up my trash folder 😄

Well yeah that approach would work if you train it on one model but that doesn't mean it would work on another model, but for the normal user who uses chatgpt it is probably enough to detect it at least 80-90% of the times