1 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why is everyone afraid of college students protesting? I mean this police state response goes back to before Kent State and Tianemen square no doubt.

Well if it’s frightening- keep it up! There must be some form of agency there

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When the consequence is world ending, that’s an okay reaction.

People just don’t understand basic probability payouts

OOOooh punish me sky daddy

Hey fellow traveler. Do make a post on Lemmy or share via a message. I would love to read what you wrote.

Millennials have done a great job raising Generation A and the Zoomers… the kids today by and large are way more aware and woke

I’m scared to use my Proton email address much because I’m worried it will get filled with Spam like my gmail address :-/

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While we’re engaging with your fantasies… I might suggest the US supports Ukraine all the way up to Moscow’s front door.

Prigozhin proved all you have to do is drive up the highway.

Russia is a paper tiger, and it benefits the west to arm Ukraine as long as they will fight the occupier and expose them. From a political realist perspective this is true even if Ukraine looses.

Your arguments are false and I suspect you are a troll. Slava Ukraine.

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Except it’s fucking terrifying

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Agree. But also Covid

It’s publicly stated by Israeli military staff there were warnings of preparations for an attack that were not believed by top brass and the administration despite clear evidence.

There is a bunch of reporting on this in mainstream news sources if you look.

It is positioned that they never believed Hamas would have the capabilities to carry out what they were clearly planning

Over-determinism of the subject

Such a massive miss that you can’t craft your own character. That alone makes kills it for me

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How you gonna have a bomb ass name like Tres Genco and not get laid?

Massively under calling the total costs, from my quick read on the Investopedia article. No surprise there given the quality of that source.

I don’t see Food, Utilities, Vacation, Fuel/Maintenance, Clothes, or quite a few other major household expenses listed out.

So… that cost (relative to life one interval) would be much more out of reach.

It’s actually a big question: what is fair and do we want to make things more fair… so unfortunately what is nice in spirit is a philosophical tautology

The issue being who’s definition of fair

Probably yours is the right one I’m guessing

But no, life is not fair. Yes we should make it better according to some over arching definition


It’s not impressive. No one holds them to task because of their oil wealth. Typical born on third and thinking you hit a triple syndrome

Ethically sourced sustainable cocaine

Anything for iOS?

It’s all about the Bojangles

Not sure what’s going around - but also super sick during summer!!

I was recommended Oregano Concentrate (a natural anti-viral / bacterial) which really helped reduce the respiratory side of the sickness completely.

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This is stupid (not in a you’re a jerk way or anything though). But there is a word for that: “spree killer”

Cool… what do you see when you see a hamburger?

This is the help I was seeking :-)

Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.. /s

Why do anything? … I guess I felt like it