0 Post – 13 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Apollo was rip.

Also out of principle.

Haha I think you a word.

I never really got the Twitter model either. Following a specific individual is a weird one for me; I’d rather follow an idea or a topic instead (Reddit/lemmy/forums). I honestly don’t care enough about any individual user to the point where I want to know what they have to say about… anything, really.

Mint is for sure a good place to start. I personally run EndeavourOS with Cinnamon desktop and it's been more trouble-free than anything Ubuntu based I've used (shocking, I know).

My issue with SearXNG is that I cannot natively use it on mobile (iOS). Might be a small issue for most but I need to be able to type into my browser's search bar and it utilize that search engine. Open browser > navigate to search homepage > enter query is a lot slower, especially if I am out and about and need information quickly.

If there is some way to configure this I'd love to hear about it, but Safari on iOS limits you to a handful of search engines. I use DDG today.

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But think about it. You’re talking on Lemmy - currently a niche messaging board with a tech focused audience. I don’t think you’d count as the average Chrome user. Most people won’t hear about this or if they do, won’t care.

What service will you use instead?

-a Kagi subscriber

Look into setting up WireGuard or tailscale depending on what you have available to you. I’m always on my home network, blocking ads, thanks to my own VPN.

But how do you handle music discovery?

On iOS or just Android?

How so?

Do you know how many more users are on Mastodon compared to Bluesky? I struggle to find content on Bluesky.

No one would buy that in the US.

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