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Joined 1 years ago

Yes, I use it to generate code that I run at home. Also generate a ton of icons that look amazing, and content for a game I am working on.

I'm getting a lot better at not being so serious all the time, it's difficult but possible to change oneself.

I'm going to visit my sister soon and I haven't seen her in years, she doesn't know I'm coming so will be a fun surprise.

A single thing? I'd be tempted to get a bike, looking for ways to improve my cardio.

Maybe. Someday in the distant future someone will invent a technology which can validate bold theories like that. Whoever gets that right will be insanely rich.

You'd be able to post on a forum and have a validated rank 5 snuggler badge or something, and everyone would know you're pro. Go on talk shows, maybe start a product line of high performance pillows.

I could go on, but there's an insane sandwich here that's staring me down

How is it possible you're the only one talking about snuggling and cuddling?

Everyone else doing it wrong or something.

I'll add star gazing. For me that's an insane relaxant.

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Does anyone else notice missing comments here?

There were comments here yesterday.

Just as they announced their profitable quarter.

This isn't to "Save costs". It's to further boost profits at any measure, which is what publically traded companies want. Happy investors.

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Can't remember the last time I was on Twitter. Turns out I don't need it. Turns out I'm just a little happier without it.

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Jesus Christ, can we leave things alone that aren't infinitely growing

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Man, the internet archive is one of the good sites that's not a puke gobbling corporate, can we direct attacks to someone worthy of the heat instead?

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The thing is that this guy is not the head of a public company where shareholders demand massive and continually growing profits. So he acts in the interests of the consumer, the customer, the gamer. But if this was a public company, shareholders would buy shares and then demand he do something to grow that share price, so they can sell the shares later for profit.

When that happens we see that CEOs do everything they can to maximize profits, like promising release dates in earnings calls.

The difference between private and public companies is the single biggest threat to us all because as soon as the company acts in the exclusive interest of profit, everything else gets fucked. And most do.

That means employees, customers, everyone. Only the 1% benefit from the gutting of everyone else.

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Merry Christmas to all those families!

Yes, we had record profits but our CEO has the job of raising the share price so that investors can buy and sell higher, so we have to find more profits somewhere.

You understand.

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This guy is an incredibly dangerous parasite with apex predator instincts. Fucking up games is one thing, but stepping closer to the social fabric is a next level concern.

There should be consequences for companies (and specifically the leadership) that cause danger to innocent lives in their pursuit of profit over all else.

Motherfuckers tried to get away from responsibility for their own systems?

Air Canada, disgusting.

So they're cashing in by selling other people's conversations.


It will not stop. The government won't step in, because they are all in on it. Their money comes first, above all else. The way they treat me homeless people today is how you will be treated tomorrow.

There is only one way to stop the runaway cancer of greed, and it's not by writing angry notes.

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Public company, CEO driven to raise share price by shareholders, corners cut and pure pursuit of profit takes over everything.

This is the cancer destroying the world.

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Making those promises was good for shareholders. Good spin, positive pr, keep share price stable etc.

And then staying in Russia was also good for shareholders. Moves more product. Easy.

So that's what they do. Shareholder value above anything else, there are no exceptions.

Nestle and Adobe, on my special list.

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Funny observations now will turn into food and water scarcity later. The 1% will be high and dry (at least while they can grow food without an ecosystem), while the rest of us enjoy unimaginable human suffering on a massive scale.

It's not companies pulling ads that kills the platform. That's not a root cause. Ads pulling out is a consequence.

The root cause of this, is the platform owner choosing to publically engage with a heavily charged emotional minefield where everyone and their dog has chosen hills to die on.

If your goal is to try make Twitter a successful company, wading into that mess is simply not a high quality decision.

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Peoples jobs will always be sacrificed to make that quarterly earnings call sound sweet to investors.

Profits above all.

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I wonder if any of these billionaires secretly harbours the desire to subjugate humanity.

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Yup. Shareholders are the problem, who bought shares at price X and want to sell those shares at X+Y.

And they will do anything to get it.

Exercise. I've now done it 8 weeks straight, and I think I have it locked in as a long term habit.

Never had that before in my life and I'm 48 now. It's never too late to get going folks.

That story is horrific, I can't imagine living like that.

When I have a medical emergency (or even if it's just a possibility) then I go straight to the ER. I might have a small administration cost to pay, but it's easy enough to manage that I don't have to give it a second thought.

My job isn't linked to my healthcare, that sounds like insane leverage.

Wow, I've never changed my opinion on someone so fast before, that's insane.

Some people probably do not have home lives that they enjoy, I can imagine that.

That entire fucking family needs some old school reality check. Just a cancer on the world.

Take it as a meditation challenge, just be alone and quiet with nothing but your thoughts.

Don't care, still looking at other engines. Public companies are poison.

And no self awareness in sight.

There are many to blame, but we have to start executing somewhere, might as well be here:

And even that is a lie.

It's not the job of EA execs to keep offices open or people employed. It's their job to drive profit above anything else, no sacrifice is too great.

I enjoyed the others in the series for some reason, but cautious about this one.

It's only Bioware in name. It's actually a normal corporate just wearing their skin.

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Do explain please.

If these fuckers touch notepad I'll riot.

Actually that's not true, I'll just be quietly annoyed.

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