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Joined 1 years ago

Yep, never was able to understand what I should be studying for exams. Always was learning the wrong things and then would be like where did that question come from? Then id try to just make stuff up to answer.

Got to college and it was even worse. They threw stuff on there from lectures that was not in the text book and of course I wasn't paying attention or wasn't even there. 🙄

of course the classes I was fascinated with I didn't have trouble because I could almost recite the material after fixating on it. Wish I could have done that for all my classes. Maybe I'd have a degree right now. would have been nice to know about ADHD back then. Oh well. Such is life.

All the freaking time. Like my brain is like "hey! I'm going to talk! I like talking!" And then suddenly turns on itself and is all "what where you thinking dunbass!? You are just going to make an idiot of yourself again" So then I delete my comment and scroll on. Trying to be better on lemmy so here is my comment.

I think there are a lot of computer illiterate people I most generations but there seems to be an overlap of late gen x/early millennial thst kind of had to learn how computers and the internet worked if they wanted to use them as tech wasn't as easy to use. Plus anyone older than that who used computers where more often considered nerds.

These days more and more people don't even have a computer and just do everything through their phones.

So I heard bad things too about the reddit adhd sub but haven't seen any problems here. I'm not diagnosed but working on trying to get assessed but everyone so far seems supportive. For me I'm just looking for answers and having these communities with or without diagnosis has been helpful.

Reading posts that we can all identify with and getting advice and support should be what these groups should be about. Its been helpful at least to me. We have a hard enough time as it is. Hope you stick around and feel comfortable posting. Welcome.

At 22 you still have most of your life to live. Be glad you found out now and not at 44. Diagnosed this summer and it's good to know, but at the same time all those years of flailing kind of make me sad. All I can do though is move on from here and I hope you can do the same.

If I'm not really into what I'm reading the words are just words and I dont really absorb what is being said, if I am interested in what I'm reading however its the opposite and I don't even see words, just knowledge or if its a story I disappear into another world. It's one or the other and I can't force it. I think I must hit some kind of hyperfocus mode when I am able because usually when this happens it's hard to pull myself out of what I'm reading. I need to figure out how to turn that mode on manually. 😆

Haha! I had someone tell me their name a few weeks ago. Kinda sounded like coffee so his name is now coffee. Can't for the life of me remember his actual name and I've asked numerous times. I usually just hope that I don't get in a situation where I need to know their name. Fun times. At least we can laugh about it.

I try really hard to make earlier in the day appointments now because of this. Of course once the appointment or whatever it is is done I still don't do anything else with the day because you know what? All that waiting was exhausting and now I'm spent.

I do this so much and drive my husband nuts. I even do it with phone calls I know are coming in at a certain time. I try to schedule things earlier but if not I sit there the whole day and be moody and useless. Fun times. 😆

I am proud of myself! Haven't touch reddit since the 11th! I am free! Ahahahahaha! Ahem. For real though It feels good to break the habit. Course I replaced one addiction. With another by landing over here. Oh well. That is how it goes I suppose.

Welcome! I moved to lemmy the Sunday before the blackout and haven't looked back. I did go back finally on June 30 and deleted my account. There may not be as much content now but that will come in time as we all hopefully try and contribute. I was mostly a lurker on reddit myself, only started commenting more within the past year so will try to be better here. I am quite enjoying my time here and I hope you do as well.

I don't carry much, wallet, phone in keys. I usually have a jacket or something that has pockets. I also try and pick out pants with the biggest pockets I can find. Which usually fits my wallet and keys and then I just carry my phone. I can't do purses, I'll just accidently leave them places. To risky.

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And the fediverse is the mycelium network that connects us all.

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I don't do a lot of commenting but I just wanted to say thank you for putting your foot down on this. It is incredibly disheartening to keep hearing stuff like that. It discourages people from sharing and learning. It dismisses people's lived experiences and troubles.

Personally I started to have suspicions about a year ago and it wasn't due to these memes. It was due to real struggles I am having. I hit rock bottom and just got fed up with my crap amd was finally done running from my problems. I never self disgnosed but i atumbled upon an rlarticle o. Adhd when i was trying tonfogute out why inwas so much fail and it resonated so i started reading and then found these communities which I did relate too way to much. And now as of about a month ago I have a diagnosis. The memes did help encourage me to seek help but they where not the sole reason.

Anyways, if someone relates and it encourages them to seek help I see that as a win even if it turns out they don't have adhd. And even though many people frown on it "self diagnosis" is a first step for many in seeking an official diagnosis. I really don't understand this mentality of people dismissing ADHD or gatekeeping it. It's not like people just want to have ADHD. People are here because they either have it, a loved one has it or they may have suspicions.

I just felt like I wanted to say something because this stuff has really been bothering me. Thabk you for trying to keep this a safe space for us all. Much respect.

Yep! Me too. 3 is the lucky number here! Though I do suspect living with undiagnosed ADHD my whole life led up to the other two. I'm just a bundle of fun over here.

Omfg! I just about died seeing this. My husband was co concerned!

Not op bit just wanted to thank you all for your responses. I have a Dr appointment in a couple weeks and want to ask them about an assessment. Likely just going to ask for a referral but want to be prepared. Kinda stressing but reading your experiences has helped a bit. So once again thank you. Been putting this off for way too long.

Agreed. I have seen time and time again companies going public and turning I to a steaming pile of crap. I have no doubt the ads are going to get worse and they are going to continue to make bad decisions. It's all about exponential profit now.

One good thing about the blackout is it brought this place to my attention. Made quitting reddit so much easier.

I feel called out by this statement. At least something is getting done though.

I dont know, the claws on therizinosaurus are pretty scary. I wouldn't want to walk up to that and pet it. Hell, I keep my distance from wild turkeys even daily, those barbs are no joke.

Honestly this, if you are at drop sight death is immediate. Worst is on thebout edge where your body slowly melts from radiation exposure. Fun times.

Yes! Omg...people ask me what they think is a simple question about said hobby completely unaware of the absolute storm that is about to be unleashed upon them. For example, someone asks me a simple how do you keep this plant alive....well you now are going to learn where it is native too, what the climate is like, it's life cycle and blooming characteristics, its evolution and taxonomy, pollinators and oh don't forget about the diseases and pests it gets and oh! Let's talk about soil chemistry....and mushrooms! Fungus are fascinating and network with plants...anyways, you get the idea. And suddenly they are trying to exit the conversation, and im like wait nooo, i have more. 😆

my friend has seen me do this to so many people and she just sits there with an amused look when she knows it's about to happen. So glad someone gets entertainment out of it.

I had no clue this existed before the blackout but now i do and I'm not going back. I was addicted but this place serves my purpose now. The main communities I used reddit for moved over here or have a community over here now so I'm happy. All I'm trying to say is I agree and at the very least there are more people now aware of lemmy at least.

Pretty much! Haha. At least going between car and where in headed. Otherwise it's in my car or on the table in front of me. At work I actually have an apron so I put it in there or it's in my work vehicle. I kind of have a phone addiction though so am using it alot so it's usually in my hands anyways. Lol

As a former cannabis user you can judge me. I am clean now and yes it can cause issues and it for sure amplifies any issues you have. I had problems before I started using but didn't want to deal with them so I started smoking instead. Now here I am way too many years later and trying to finally get real help. Even if you don't want to quit forever its probably a good idea at least for the assessment and diagnostic phase. It's good to know how you are without substances that interfere with your natural state whatever that may be. Just my thoughts.

Pretty much what you said except I joined lemmy the day of the blackouts. I gave up most of the other social media sites years ago but reddit was hard for me to quit until the protest. Now I am here and have a few groups on discord. My social media time has gone way down, I'm just finding other things to waste my time on now.

Totally. I haven't been back since Saturday. But I sure have been spending a lot of time here. I thought ibwant going to accomplish something during the blackout. Woops!

The migration of a certain subreddit I followed over here led me to this instance so here I am.

I feel this in my soul. I have all these hobbies I want to do, and I keep finding more and I keep buying stuff for said hobbies but barely actually manage to do any of them. Same reason I have never been able to decide on a many things I want to do. I genuinely want to do these things, I have officially overwhelmed myself I think. So instead I sit here and waste time on my phone.

Haha! That damned add was incessant. I guess reddit felt I needed to repent or something. So glad to be away from that crap!

Thanks for sharing this. I didn't have a name for this feeling until I was diagnosed with ADHD and started learning more about it and all that comes along with it. Though I would not wish this on anyone else it is good to know sometimes that we are not the only ones going through these struggles.

Pretty much! Haha. At least going between car and where in headed. Otherwise it's in my car or on the table in front of me. At work I actually have an apron so I put it in there or it's in my work vehicle. I kind of have a phone addiction though so am using it alot so it's usually in my hands anyways. Lol

Pizza for breakfast, skipped lunch and now my husband is making fajitas for dinner. I am thankful he feeds me. Lol. If not for him I would probably forget to eat half the time and then wonder why I feel like crap. Or I would live off chips and beef Jerky or something dumb like that.

As thebannanaking has said, for sure seek out help if you are struggling. I think that is the big indicator as to whether they will diagnose you. The symptoms have to be prevalent in your life. Personally if it helps put it in perspective, I've kind struggled most my life, a whole lot of fail if i am going to be honest. no clue why, never even thought about adhd until my boss literally sat me down after I almost got fired like 6 months ago and listed out a whole crapton of what I later found out where adhd symptoms. I've been struggling real bad lately with not just work but pretty much all areas of my life and so now I'm trying to navigate our crappy Healthcare system and get help. Better late than never I guess. So really what I'm trying to say is if you are having problems please seek help. Don't be like me and not deal with it for way to many years.

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So I have an appointment coming up with my new family doctor. I am going to ask for some blood tests and get my routine checkup. Then I'm going to just say I've been having some significant mental health issues and am going to ask for a referral for therapy and possible adhd assessment. At least that's what I'm telling myself I'm going to do. I have that fear about the drug seeking opinion too but I'm trying to get over it. That is their problem not yours and if they are going to have thst opinion find a different doctor. Course I'm saying this but at the same time I'm just a scared little girl in a grown ass woman's body with all this and I'm not evennsure the point I'm trying to make from this. I guess just advocate for yourself. Your experiences are your own and you knkw yourself best.

Not in tech anymore but I definitely do this with my jobs. It really sucks because I could be doing so much more but I just can't be bothered to care after the I got a new job and this is interesting phase. But at least I have these random bits of information that I can pretend to be smart with thst come up at the most inopportune times. 🤣 I feel you on the imposter syndrome.