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Joined 1 years ago

Not interested in expensive gimmicks. How does it improve the experience? Now a phone that is a snap bracelet. Lives on my wrist. Sign me up.

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Read it who ?


Love list Odyssey

No. That's not what I want nor need.

Yeah so you use an iPhone. Apple. Fantastic. A trillion dollar company. It never svuses it's Power. So all android users shall move to apple. C'mon now.

I find dick dick go gives horrible search results. So you basically just use all apple products instead

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Same. I've moved to summit and kbin


Year's of rumours and nothing ever happens. One day would be nice. Be better if they got it on PC. Probably never play it. Real shame they lock games away

Only works in business where nobody is working 5 days anyway.

Where it would be best uses would be healthcare. But can't reduce hours due to ls k if staff.

Need a global rethink. Made up money here bs where you move a number on a spreadsheet back and forth are worthless to humanity. Need more teachers care workers hospital staff.

Not more middle managers who do absolutely nothing.

Apple does though. Just not as much as google.

Google is an ad company. It has other products but at the end of the day it's just a bloated as company. Apple isn't.

Apple still uses that data and I think it pretty much has to sell it to use it.

I think there definitely things we can do as consumers. Force companies to be transparent and make sure they encrypted all data so it's less dangerous to its users. Same procedure for data collection for research.

Ive been moving to brave but now I've just moved everything over to Firefox now. I will try out duck duck. Didn't they recently get in trouble for selling data.

I'm in the Google ecosystem and use a pixel phone. I'm very google. I used to love company but I was young and naive. I hate apple with a passion so I'm kinda screwed either way.

I can go live in a cave and not use any devices and it would make zero difference to these companies. So it's really just for my own.

I use Google photos. I pay for extra space. I'm sure there are plenty I can move to but if it disappears then I'll lose everything. Big risk.

I have Gmail/ Hotmail. If there's a new email I can use that's easy and works then I can move. Unfortunately a huge issue that we all will have will be changing emails for hundreds of accounts. 2fa set ups and accounts and all sorts.

Does Android Auto run on third party stuff. Maps I need for work and just life in general.

What a piece of shit. I think it's past the time. Send him to space. He needs to be exiled.

Precisely. Yet people are buying.

Why would they be next steps ?

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Why would bigger hardware be the next step. Isn't that kinda dumb ?

Next step are wearables.

Next logical step is a bigger viewing platform. Screens are dumb, but we need to see information, so really smart glasses or projectiors should be next step

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I disagree. 350 xreal are pretty good.

It's just mirroring your screen. Yeah it's not going to be as good as native and nothing compared to apple. It's the next steps which I think should be modular.


Glasses, hearable. Which is just a hearing aid but better and smart watch wrist band. With the phone tying everything together.

Obviously will near near perfect latency and much more powerful batteries. Plus some kind of wireless charging for all devices.

Screen should obviously be on glasses. Just makes sense. Only need a viewing platform don't need anything else from it. Leave grunt in phone or computer box. It streams to watch glasses wrists and hearable.

Wrist can show small information, maybe reply to easy message and give notifications. Hearable is music and audio playback. And anything you need to view is from glasses

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Why ? Is not really the phone change though. It's just the way you view content. From laptops to phones to whatever is next. We view data so going straight to eyes would cut out middle man

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Fair enough. Good point.

Maybe they will get significantly better.

Sign me the fuck up.

Take my money

This is the first negative review I've seen.

All the rest have been shitting rainbows on it. I don't get it at all.

Why make it less engaging by changing the combat to button mashing. I get they you need to stoke the fire try new things and bring in new people. Isn't there a way to do both. It just looks real boring to me. I hated the lady one. I waited so long for it and it was boring and uninteresting.

I'm massively in the minority and that's a real shame as the game will never go back to how I enjoyed it.

Yup. I get that. Always a niche and people buy unnecessary products. I still don't get tablets at all. Wouldn't buy one. See no reason for their continued existence. I'm wrong. Like most things people baffle me.

Tablet is a larger screen. That's it. It's an inferior laptop and inferior phone. Only use I could think of would again be game or watch films. However once again a tv fulfils that role by a country mile.

Only reason would be as you said portability, however in that sense I'd expect most adults would require a laptop for work and so would be able to dual purpose that.

If you didn't have a laptop and had to travel frequently then tablet would be a cheaper alternative.

Literally had my account banned for Calling out power hungry mods.

One mod was on rspiders and a recounted a take about my gfs friend being bitten by a spider. Perma banned and because I had 3 strikes I was permanently banned from reddit.

Just fucking stupid. Fuck em all.

Basically the bouncers of the internet

And what phone are you using ? What apps do you use

Google is pretty integrated into life.

Yes fuck them but don't lie.

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that exists a laptop or tablet why make a huge phone

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You can use a laptop or a tablet. A big phone doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's just a sub category. Most people don't need a tablet a laptop a phone and a large phone. Some might get something from it.

Only situation I'd see would be watching on a larger screen and maybe gaming. However I'd never need that as I have a tv. So why would I use a small screen? I'm sure it's fun but I can never see it as something worth dropping 2k on.

Gaming laptop or a TV for gaming on. I wouldn't play on my phone as it's just a massive downgrade. But each to their own. Now a screen projected on my glasses. Sure.

Why would you ever play two idle games ? Sounds like an awful thing to do.

I'd say I'd get down voted but no longer on Reddit.

Yes the practice sucks and I hate corporations they all suck and are greedy.

However if I bought a device that requires any kind of digital signature then it's kinda sane deal. I'm not condoning the action but if that business went bust after 10 years there's a chance the product will likely fail after that point.

Yes old games can and are playable decades after they were released but those unfortunately aren't the games we have now. Anything digital can basically stop working without access to it's creator.

10 + years is a long time. Are you up in arms when your phone craps out after 2 years ? Your car stops after 20 ? Your house after 30+ years needs upgraded. New wiring new carpets new roof.

Things degrade. Unless we have open source and a way to keep refreshing the code after new systems come into play.

I disagree with Ubisoft practice but I also understand that after a certain period of time things will no longer work. They won't make money maintaining something so obviously they will void it

Nothing has a lifetime guarantee