1 Post – 367 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

That libredirect still has no check for 429: too many requests?

Taking vitamin D supplement (which anyone over 45° latitude should) doesn't make me more tired tho.

How is it with Quetiapin Sandoz? One pill is 25mg and i'm tired until noon, so i usually cut them in half.

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So probably there will be some systems other than Linux that do use Rust.

Isn't there Redox OS?

Edit: yes, it's still alive and kicking.

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Average hosts file (> 100k loc) in Windows. Or did they fix this?


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He says, you can't believe him. I agree.

Neurotypical people don't grasp what the other wants to say after the first few sentences?

Generally? That's bad leadership.

So like rEFInd but on the same drive?

My boss asking, me: "2 days to a week".

Meaning: 2 days best case scenario, but there's likely something where i'm stuck for days trying to solve it, so a week.

My boss: "ok, two days then."

But no calls for Trump to resign?

Not if your manager then takes the minimum of your estimate.

I don't work for a while anymore.

Yeah but... i asked chatgpt once how to style something in asciidoctors style.yml. It proposed me html syntax (some inline stuff can be done with html tags in asciidoctor, if output is html). After the usual apology, it suggested some wrong yaml. Third try, because formatting was wrong, it mixed them both.

I mean, sure, some niche usecase in a somewhat obscure (lots of moving parts) lightweight markup. But still, this was a lesson.

For me it's dependency hell. Almost as bad as npm.

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The joke is, you get the good people to leave first this way. Be it estate or layoff, it's a bad move either way.

So why do they do it still? Only thing i can think of is the powerplay. CEO types are sometimes as developed as a child, mentally.

Should have been attached to another answer.

Guy released from jail for $5000, after shooting teen in face for trespassing. Let that sink in.

You can be sure that MS finds a way to either bust it or make it anticompetitive.

Lesson: only ask AI if you're still stuck after searching and have no colleague around.

Not as bad. But if a bigger tool like Paperplane doesn't run after an update, it's likely some changed dependency in python.

The current installer was borked so i tried Void for my server.

Btw, Xorg has no permission for video on my Void notebook? I ask here since both are somewhat similiar.

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Static, low-js, HTML tags used-as-intended, some basic CSS for formatting, responsivity and dark/light. Modern-looking accessible webpage from scratch done in half a day.


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context menu hell™

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Why can they even patent stuff they didn't invent?

You video guys work different.

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but it seems that the Redmond giant has decided that enough is enough.

But why? People who take the effort have their reasons, find other ways.

Btw, Rufus patches the iso, works anyway.

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"Serverless" is using someone else's computer.

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The wrong way to take responsibility.

Trees planted there to farm wood. It's a wood farm, not a natural forest. Get over it already.

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Properly following licensing, right?

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Over the past two decades, online piracy has proven to be a massive challenge for the entertainment industries.


In short:

If yours is not there, please add.

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Caution, US-exclusive meme ahead!

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Fine, what's the new name?

Surprised at how ugly the area is.

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Man, cable gore.