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Reddit refugee

Tbh that says a lot more about the people at SpaceX than it does about Musk

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What was the demographic of the study? Honestly that 69% of non LGBTQ+ people is surprisingly high imo

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Holy cow, you weren't kidding!

when a generation habituated to unquestioning adulation enters a labour market in which competition is global “the approval bath stops. The world doesn’t know your name or care who you are.” That’s a shock for a generation used to “years of being coddled in schools without failure and provided unearned rewards and medals for mediocre performance so their feelings wouldn’t be hurt or egos threatened,”

Brooks argues a lack of morality leads to a focus on self rather than the well-being of others. David Foster Wallace agrees: “This is a generation that has an inheritance of absolutely nothing as far as meaningful moral values.” Brooks recommends turning off the screen, which too often acts as a mirror to yourself, and getting involved in the outside world

I know it's incredibly disheartening, I just want to let you know that there's someone out there for you 🧡

So what do you think is going to decrease school shootings? What are you proposing or support that will improve the situation?

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Is that even a question at this point? He's made so many terrible decisions

Wow, that's actually super interesting. Thanks for sharing!

That's amazing to hear

I just tried libretube but it crashes every time I click on a video :(

It's such a shame because I used to use newpipe all the time and I absolutely loved that, until it also stopped working

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Thank you!! Now it works perfectly :)

I'm interested in a banana bread recipe that uses the peels too! I'd honestly never heard of cooking with banana peels before

Those are all fantastic suggestions. In my opinion we absolutely should be taking much more drastic measures to decrease school shootings in the meantime, as nearly everything you suggest would still take at least ~15-20 years to see results. Any dead kid is too many and there are way too many school shootings.

Yeah I'm really not sure how you get "abortion = commodification of human life". If we're going there, it's the women forced to carry dead babies and schoolgirls giving birth in toilets who are being commodified.

Yes, if they want the privilege of owning a gun they should pay for registration as well. We do the same for cars and those are arguably actually required for a lot of people to work and live.

According to this interview with someone from the Human Rights Watch, it is considered a war crime (if I understand it correctly):

The laws of war require armies to avoid deliberately targeting civilians, and also to avoid attacks that by their nature cannot distinguish between civilians and combatants. In particular, in Gaza, because it’s such a densely populated urban area, when you fire explosive weapons on a massive scale, it’s predictable that civilians will die. It’s predictable that children will die.

I'm kind of split on this one tbh. On one hand I can understand wanting to know the background behind influencers, especially influencers who claim to have knowledge or Expertise in some area. Plus a lot of influencers do already share their name and jobs etc.

On the other hand I think it's outrageous to force people to dox themselves when they hit a certain number of subscribers. I feel like something like this would result in a lot more targeted harassment, especially for women. It's already dangerous to be a woman on the internet, no need to add a ton of identifying information on top of that. This may end up adding another barrier to marginalized groups of all kinds.