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Joined 11 months ago

Permission to shout hurrah in an annoyingly loud voice sir!

I'm a natural sprinter. Very fast on short distances. But the endless slog from one shop to the next, with no respite, no idea when it will end. When we come home I'm dead tired and empty. She's dead tired and full.

Most Europeans have one, max 2 cars per household. A fuckton of Europeans also go on holiday with their cars once or twice a year.

One car needs to work for most use cases. It's fine if you have more cars than people in the house that one of them is a 100 mile range commuter, but a different kettle of fish if the same car needs to do an 800+ mile trip to the Mediterranean in summer and a 500 mile ski trip in winter.

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I've read once that eating iron won't do anything for your iron intake, but for example sticking some rusty nails through an apple for a while and then eating the apple would.

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The rulers of today have already bought nice chunks of London, Paris, New York. They'll be fine.

No script is not an easy tool. By default, it breaks 99% of websites. It has become a game for me though to approve the lowest amount of scripts to make a site run, but I realize this is definitely not for everyone.

You are sold escapism, because you can't escape.

Cats going outside are a rounding error compared to habitat destruction and pollution.


For better efficiency the steam should be used twice, in a high pressure circuit first and on its way back to the boiler through a low pressure circuit.

While the influence from the elite is undeniable, I also hope you don't subscribe to the idea of the noble savage.

The pattern is always the same. No ads - ads - no ads if you pay - no ads if you pay but we sell your data - personalised ads because you pay, and we sell your data.

Guys. This fellow here is missing a Lord of the Rings reference! Did you know that trilogy is 20 years ago now? Feeling old yet?

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Death by a thousand cuts though. I had to sit a co-worker down and go over his finances because he never learnt at home or school. The amount of €10-25 monthly subscriptions this guy had meant he spent about €500 per month on those. On top of buying everything on payments because he never has any savings.

It's another example of making use of the flawed human psyche which can't keep track of the little things.

J stroke baby

Women, know your limits!

A quarrel about a Pokémon gym gone too far.