1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I still think it's crazy that the same guy who created Wikipedia also founded Fandom, and I believe is still involved. Considering what Wikipedia is and its utility, it almost seems like an incompatible ideology to have anything to do with both at the same time. I guess he's got to make money somehow...

They never should have been allowed to buy it in the first place.

I've been following this saga since the headlines were prefixed with "Teen that created the Elon private jet tracker...". I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's now been married 50 years and long-retired. I've lost track of time.

Google's infamous graveyard makes it seem like they're just a bored university student that can't ever finish its side projects.

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Last year me: I don't trust Reddit, that's why I use old.Reddit.

I keep hoping that their voters finally see them for what they are, but well, I guess they do and that's the point...

The cynical side of me says they're doing this to sell one of the halves off to one of the other publishers. The optimist in me hopes this leads to one more publisher in this space; we sorely need less consolidation.

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Nice try NSA's machine learning algorithm!

Same. Normally I go into huge games with lots of player agency with a walkthrough sitting next to me because I want the 'perfect ending'. I think with this one I'm just going to get lost in it and whatever happens happens. It looks so good.

Ah, I see thank you. I've been out of the loop so I guess I'll take a step back and see where all of this lands.

Yeah the guy who runs my mastadon instance has been boosting pro-meta posts all over but then I see him boosting people on the opposite side of the aisle on occasion. Not sure where he stands if he's not made a statement himself. I hope he's part of that pact.

Oh my god this looks incredible haha. Not that poison isn't viable (I've been struggling), but this actually looks like it would even help me while playing solo. Going to give this a shot, thank you.

Not very happy to hear this. The whole point behind all of these movements is to move away from what was wrong with social media: centralization, selling our data, etc etc. If this is a deal that gives them money in exchange of our data or to start implementing targeted ads, I'll probably just end up quitting social media altogether.

I'm not sure I understand what's going on exactly, so a lot of this is just what my immediate reaction is after reading this.

Edit: I misread. So they had an NDA meeting with Meta and are now blocking Meta activity in the Fediverse?

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Shakespearean bot always came through at the worst possible times to make me laugh, like it would almost intentionally pick posts that were heated and finally cooled off only for it to come in for the punchline.

I just hope they're done acquiring publishers after ATVI; they have enough studios. I get how unlikely that is.

I was thinking this would be a link to Alan Wake 2 but was pleasantly surprised. This is awesome.

This gives off Twitch Plays Pokemon energy. I love it.

I was a five year old in the late 90s with zero culinary skills and too much time 😂 I remember it being my favorite snack all the way through grade school. It's actually so funny how it has been such an unintentionally suppressed memory until I saw this post.

You should try it though!

This kind of thing makes me so angry. If the game is so old, how is it hurting anyone to reverse engineer it and keep its tiny group of fans happy. I know the answer. It's rhetorical.

We're self-service in California and our Costco gas queues are also asinine. Are they just that much worse over there?

Don't forget about FreeCiv!

I can't say I agree. It's more likely they see the money they'd be leaving on the table and it helps that this makes them look more amiable for future acquisitions.

Same, yet here I am playing Diablo IV. That said, I guess it's not the same thing. I'm a bit wary of Starfield though, that thing looks massive! lol

Druids are cool! My buddy plays one but I always feel better when he's in the party due to the sheer tank. At least I think the bear ability is tanky.

Yeah I need to be less shy about respecs--I've stuck with the same one since the start. I really dig that AOE build for Rogue in that link you sent. Looks like I got a couple of experiments I could try tonight.

Mine seems to be defending the idea, so I'm looking to move soon just not sure where anymore or when. It's frustrating because it's hard to find any actual positions he actually has on this topic when his timeline is just endless boosts giving people props for defending this. if anyone is curious.

Yeah and we can all knock their sports division all we want but it brought in money. With this change and in the possible outcome that they're not out to be bought, we'll have to see if the originals side will become a lot more risk-averse and pivot more into the GaaS market than they already were.

I'm interested to see where this goes.

Thanks for this, absolutely helpful information.

If Pixar was allowed to refocus its pipeline to darker, more mature stories I'd be up for watching them. I don't know that any animation movies make movies like this except studio Ghibli.

I use Mastadon as a Twitter replacement, even though it still can see other content. I like how there's not an apparent algorithm--it's all chronological and feels less pandering to what it thinks I want to see.

As for Reddit alternatives, I'm happy with Beehaw and Kbin. I hope they both stick around.

This is hilarious. I hope their code is literally something like

if (user.pref == hate("andrew tate") 
{ = "communist";

I wouldn't even be mad.

I'm doing summer research with a focus on ML. I just built my computer and picked AMD because of the price, but did not now that Nvidia was the one to pick at the moment if that's what I wanted it for. I don't know enough about hardware and could use the school labs anyway, but I should have done better research (ironic heh).

I also reckon that as this generation finally starts releasing games that push the hardware, we'll start seeing 30 fps games release more often. 60 fps was nice while games were still multi-plat but I can't see that commitment being sustainable if we want to see what a Series X can really do.

I can't believe it's only 11 years old. It already felt like it had a lot of history when I played it back in 2012.

Of course it's from the Midwest. If my time over there meant anything, they sure do love 'pop' especially Mountain Dew. lol

A sour cream and Kix cereal sandwich is the most delicious thing you'll never eat.

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I use Github Desktop but am looking to start moving toward CLI soon for this reason; though to be honest, I only know it's not good practice and don't know the reason why. What kind of issues can happen in a team environment using it?

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That sounds awful lol. I'm in university right now and have neglected work on any projects. I finally found something of a passion in retro game reverse engineering a few months ago and have obsessed over it. It's only one game I'm reversing though so it's likely to take me years and years before I can release anything resembling something playable.

You've now scared me into maybe working on other things too...I wonder if related projects count? A website for the project, developer tools, documentation, etc.

Yeah it's so stressful to think about. The only good thing to come out of this is a less-apathetic voting demographic between 18-35. Let's hope it's enough to keep the fascists at bay.

It's just a bummer that most tech tutorials are on there...wish we were back in the early 00s when alternatives to Youtube were still viable.

So...does this mean the cage match is still on?