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Joined 1 years ago

Can confirm. When I got diagnosed with GAD, SzPD and rediagnosed with ADHD, my therapist asked me why I was so anxious all the time. After giving them the rundown of everything going on around me, they told me to not think about it.

Like, I get it. Would be cool. But, it's around me. Would be easier to avoid the ground beneath my feet. They did end up helping me fine-tune my routine to unfuck myself when spiraling into a panic attack though.

America, americans, or american politicians? I've got different opinions. The common american may be misguided or misinformed, but they're not hateful. America itself, has done incredible damage to the world, all while claiming they're all for liberty and freedom after being dragged into the most clear-cut good vs. bad war almost a hundred years ago. Ever since, it's has been dragged kicking and screaming towards progress, and fighting very hard to go back to the stone age. American politicians are nearly all wastes of skin.

For reference, I'm latino.

The people will find out, the fucks actually responsible for this will get the best treatments possible world wide.

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Hard work does not always lead to success. Most of the time, it just leads to more work.

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Eat fries first, main dish later, always. Good reason though: usually the main dish holds heat much longer than fries do, and it probably won't get as gross as fries do.

Cold fries are tasteless and soggy. A warm burger is still good.

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Coffee. I'm in a coffee producing country. It could be as cheap as grabbing a bag from the coffee institute (really good and cheap), a cloth filter and call it a day. Instead, I'm on my second espresso machine, fourth grinder, second portafilter set, and have all the doodads to make it just how I like it.

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Remember kids. It is always morally correct to pirate adobe products.

I'm a graphic designer and honestly, been thinking long and hard about switching to Affinity. Affinity Designer even seems like it would streamline most of my workflow.

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What have they to gain from advocating against it?

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An E-reader. There's no more space in my house for book shelves. I've a ton of books stored inappropriately in a bunch of cabinets and on top of furniture, that I hope to find new homes for before irreparable damage is done to their spine.

Having an e-reader also helped me in the gym. Instead of doomscrolling on lemmy or tiktok, I read between sets. Helped me regain my reading habit and kick my social media habit. Also, helped my social anxiety of having to rest longer than half a minute when other people might want to use the iron I'm using.

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It wasn't a single cat, but yeah. The island became infested with them. After the damage was done, they sent men with shotguns to kill the cats. Whole lotta good all that did.

Baldur's Gate 3, four playthroughs back to back, two of em multiplayer. I still play it every now and then when I want to continue my honor run.

Besides that, Rimworld. Nearly 4k hours.

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I work in the industry, and yeah. Before, marketing was based on utility. "Buy this because it can do this and this and that", basically marketing how effective or what it can actually do for you. Around the 50s (in the US) marketing changed to be based around lifestyle. "Buy this so you can be this". Now nearly all ads appeal to emotion instead of reason, and it is very effective.

Researching about what a product offers is so much harder than just buying on a whim because the ads and the product are colorful.

You can see this change in old (really old) newspapers. Ad spreads were chock full of text about features. Now 3/4ths of the ads are an image of a happy woman if marketed for gals, or a stoic muscly man if marketed for guys.

Gives me the ick.

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Yup, this. I've played two runs by myself and on my fourth with some buddies and I'm still finding out meaningful stuff I didn't do on my solo runs. Starfield is an upgrade in tons of aspects over previous beth titles (big exception is planetside exploration), they fixed tons of issues both Skyrim and F4 had. Skill checks, while not as present as they should be, pop up once in a while. Skill tree isn't as boring as F4 but build variety suffers, same as in Skyrim. Character background pops up in convos sometimes (but isn't as deep as it could be).

That's starfield. It has the makings of a good game, and it is, but it plays it very safe. And because of that, NPCs are boring, as is the story, as is combat, as is pretty much everything else in the game. The only thing that impressed me was that one mission in the main quest but even that one was limp dicked on the finish. And ship costumization, but if I wanted in-depth ship mechanics I'd play KSP.

Like the game was too ambitious and too chicken shit at the same time.

Haven't seen any lemmygrad users in a while, but honestly the vitriol towards Hexbear is overblown. They're fine. Bit trolly, and they shitpost a lot, but it's kinda fun.

Bacta Tanks. Maybe a few days in one would fix my back.

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The night of the breakup I went to my best bud's house and talked and smoked for hours. After that, I worked on myself, started reading again, going to the gym again and finally got myself checked out by a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I had been putting all of that off for a long time and if there was ever a more cliche time to start, it was then.

Been about 2 years, half of what I was with her, and I still sometimes wish I had someone like her. I miss the connection I had with her. We went through a lot and at the time I thought I'd marry the girl. Then covid happened, some family tragedies, and suddenly our vibe was off. Sucks, but it woulda sucked more if it happened years later in life.

It was easier for me than it was for her, though. I've got issues regarding failure (not sure how else to word it). Whenever something might go tits up, I emotionally distance immediately. Job opportunities, dying pets, relationships, same defensive mechanism. Causes more trouble than it avoids, honestly, because I never know when to trust a gut feeling, or to stop being like this.

I still don't feel 100%, but I wasn't 100% when we broke up. Not looking for anything new, or to start up anything old again either.

Fr. The only other game that comes close is Terraria. Both have only improved as the years have gone by.

Wish SV was my cup of tea.

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Couple years ago I won a scholarship to a college in Germany, for the carreer I had always wanted to work in but couldn't practice it, as it just doesn't exist in local colleges. I was born and bred in the third world, and still live here; I thought my luck was finally turning around. I'd be able to maybe have a better future, doing what I really wanted instead of just what I was good at.

One night as I was overthinking ish, I decided to look for everything relevant about the college. It was a scam college. No certifications, and the owners had recently been in hot waters due to money laundering. I had everything ready to hop on a plane.

KSP. Never managed to even land on the Mün without a fast and violent end to the crew, but I loved building spaceships.

The best thing I managed to do was to achieve an orbit around Kerbin.

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Just rock or is metal allowed? Cus if so:

  1. Ghost (Ghost B.C. in the UK) is very silly. Guys dressed in corpsepaint clergy, sounding like a hodgepodge of 70's/80's hits you missed. They got lore too, which is appropriately silly.

  2. Electric Callboy is silly. They are... Like, deathcore mixed with whatever they feel like for that song. We Got the Moves is deathcore with a bit of hard bass, for example. And it's a song about partying. Pump It is about going to the gym. Spaceman is about a guy going to space and rapping in german. Honestly one of my favourite bands.

  3. Wind Rose is silly as hell. Bearded guys, singing about dwarf stuff. They covered Diggy Diggy Hole and blew up, and props to them because their version is a banger, but they got good original stuff too which is sadly overlooked because Diggy Diggy Hole was just that good.

  4. Powerwolf is another one, similar to Ghost. They're vampiric werewolves? And their songs are all in-keeping with that theme. Power metal though, unlike Ghost.

  5. Austrian Death Machine is also silly. Voice actors emulating Arnold while the vocalist growls about lifting weights, the cookie monster, jingle bells, getting to the choppah, etc. The vocalist's history has kind of soured the band for me though.

  6. Gnome is underrated. Their songs are simplistic as hell, and none of them are virtuosos. But their songs go hard. Wenceslas is great, Ambrosius as well. Edit: writing this gave me an earworm and went down Gnome's songs. Their bassist is a goddamn genius. Simple licks that sound great, and they got weird time sig changes here and there that tickle my brain in the best ways. I can't figure out if they are actual time sig changes or just weird changes, and I love that.

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Rimworld. Did the standard start (industrial with 3 pawns) on cass. Died of hunger. Uninstalled the game.

Next week I was bored at my intership and redownloaded it and gave it another shot. Now I have close to 4k hours in Rimworld.

Same thing happened with Crusader Kings, funnily enough.

Edit: oh, that happened with M&B: Warband and Kenshi as well.

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Also, that lightbulb that still shines today is kept on such a low output that it would not be useful for anyone.

One in Made it when was suffering from outages, and returned to when got pissy about piracy. By then, was good to go.

That account just collects dust nowadays.

VHS player when I was a toddler. Was in the daycare and saw a cord, so naturally I pulled it. It was on top of the TV, which was bolted to the wall high up. Shattered on impact. Nearly fell on my head too.

Missing a pretty big thing about Varg being a white supremacist, and of the spineless kind.

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Not FPS, but Valheim is plenty fun. Also, zomboid, but that ones a bit more violent

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Reddit killing off third party apps. I'll blow a leper before I use the official one. Lemmy was a good enough replacement at the time, and nowadays I only visit reddit when I need super specific information that might've been asked in the past 10 years.

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My eldest dislikes it, but she rarely ever likes anything not made of tuna. Doesn't even like catnip. My youngest doesn't mind music. The other day I spent the better part of the afternoon doing meal prep while listening to Idles, Ghost, Coltrane, and other artists on a speaker, and she went to his favourite spot to hang out, coming occasionally for scritches. Could've run upstairs or hid under furniture but didn't.

Wanna know this too. Checking later.

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  1. E-reader. I'm not reading 4-5 books a month as I did before but it reignited my desire to read after losing it in college (plus: it's way cheaper).
  2. Chemex. I was used to burnt gas station coffee and it gave me a new hobby.
  3. First DSLR as well. Helped me think about composition more in my paintings, as well as contrast. I haven't touched a camera in years though. Little opportunity or desire.

Don't think PhilosophyTube has been mentioned. Abby's great at taking complex topics and condensing them down to understandable discourse, and the videos are funny to boot. She used to do videos focused on philosophy but now applies that philosophy to popular subjects.

Probably missing features and less stable. I remember reading something about that in a patch notes post a couple days after the reddit debacle.

Guaras, or Guacamayas, I suppose. Think they're called Macaws in english. They're neat, pretty feathers and all. Shame they're hardly ever visible outside of a zoo, unless you're in the right spot at the right time and you're really paying attention.

I mean, isn't the average english level in the states equivalent to that of a six year old? Remember reading something to that effect. Or maybe it was about literacy rates.

I don't know I'd qualify Rimworld as complicated, honestly. It has more moving parts than The Sims, sure, but it is nowhere near how complicated EU4 seems (I haven't played it, it scares me, but CK is another good example).

IMO the problem at this point is leadership. They've realized people will buy their shit if they sell a cheap, surface-deep fantasy with interesting visuals and let folks do a very limited number of different things in a single playthrough. Because of that, there's no nuance to their worlds. They want to make a sandbox game with no reactivity.

Unless leadership resigns I won't expect anything else than the equivalent of a gas station meal.

Honestly, I prefer this, as long as the single player option is unaffected by the multiplayer component's performance, and the resources allotted to the SP game don't suffer because of the MP.

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Live in a third world country sort of famous for its gang violence and migrant caravans, and we have strict gun laws. Used to be you could buy semi auto rifles, now unless you got a good reason (like hunting), pistols are your best hope.

Honestly, at this point I wish we had an easier time getting a hold of them. It might be the help people in some areas need to drive gangs out their neighborhoods, cus I sure as hell ain't trusting a pig not to take a bribe.

Edit: also, might make the government think twice about fucking with democracy or stepping over the common man.

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Comment less, but I've enjoyed it much more. There's so much shit slinging in reddit. Every comment thread eventually devolves into one guy with an out of pocket comment or hot take, or miscommunication even, and then everyone dunking on the guy. So much negativity.

Folks are generally nice here.

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Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. If you were too lazy to trek back to Cordon after deactivating the miracle machine (I think), you couldn't get the true ending without abusing glitches and bugs.