4 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I got a 6 day ban from reddit for telling a mod in r/funny that it's not right to judge a person for posting a meme in a different sub. Which is what convinced me to make an account on Lemmy

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So are you saying that people who sweat more in hot environments are better suited for long distance hunting? Because I'm a gross, sweaty mofo and I would like to feel better about it

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When you back into a spot, you have way more visibility leaving than you would backing out

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People are strange

Pretty Fly For A WIFI

It's all just smoke and mirrors. He probably realizing that his supporters get fewer and fewer, and those charges are becoming more and more problematic so he's just trying to deflect. IMO, but Trump has never been held accountable his entire life so it will be interesting to see what he'll do when he finally is

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What you are referring to is called implicit bias. It's the automatic differentiation of tribal heritage. It's honestly a phenomenon that can't be controlled. You spend enough time with a certain people, then you are going to prefer that people. IMO that's why we should drop the cultural walls and just amalgamate

Yeah but Jim Caviezal is nuttier than squirrel turds. Why do we care what he says?

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But the claw to the raptors face is from his hind leg

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If everyone is an asshole, then is no one an asshole?

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Yeah but that's different. That's hate

Fingers crossed he'd give his best attempt

I read this to the tune of WAP

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There's still people in Louisiana that speak French. Also Louisiana doesn't have counties. It had parishes. I think Louisiana is the closest remainder to the French colonies

Putin still has more toys in the toy box, so he's not worried how many get broken

Lol. Big surprise when an insurance company is going to act like an insurance company. "You aren't taking the necessary steps that our insurance requires, so we're not going to cover you." That's how it goes. Plus if Patronis just seems like he doesn't know the difference between the political and social lines.

Maybe you're on to something. If we (humans) think it's hot, what are our furry friends dealing with? Let's save the world for our pet friends

I never processed that this is how it works. You just blew my mind

Don't let Nintendo know

I was under the impression that if you deleted your account, it deleted your comments. Is that wrong?

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Haha. That would probably make it better. But no. My immature 35 year old ass did that

Thanks Baron Von Buzzkill

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Most of the experiences I had are mod abuse. For example I'm waiting for a six day ban to be lifted so I can start deleting all of my comments.

The reason I got banned was because I was constantly asking why I couldn't get unmanned for following their rules, and then they would get pissy and mute. This last time is kind of the driving force for me leave reddit. There are far too many mods that are like and they are going to get worse because they reddit is taking power away from the good and letting the bad mods run wild. My opinion

Thanks. I'll take a look

I'm happy to see someone say that. Just made my account a minute ago

Ah. I see. Good info to know

Never used the 3rd party apps, but I can understand why people were upset.

I wasn't on reddit for long. Maybe a 5 years at most. But my biggest concern with it all were just the people themselves and I don't necessarily think there's anything that can be done about that. There's always going to be just enough shitty people to make a bad time. The only difference with reddit is the people that would make a bad time had the authority to ban you. And adding that Big reddit gives no fucks about the end user, well, it was just time to go

All is this that reddit is doing is seeming a little familiar. And now with how they are going to handle the awards, it seems all to familiar

Why can't it be a coincidental culmination of all of these reasons equating into a lack of compressor nozzle heads? Some people are shitty and will find easy ways to be shitty regardless of what shitty reason they're doing the shitty thing for. It equals an mass annoyance for everyday people

It's meant to be a like minded agreement where if it ever came down to the countries going to war with each other, then the agreement is how war would be conducted. Take the Geneva Convention for example. If the US went to war with England for some reason, then the Geneva convention would be their ultimate code of conduct for the war to avoid unnecessary casualties, the management of pows and adequate reasons for ceasefires. It's more just guidelines as they are rules. However if you're a country outside of those agreements, then the guidelines don't apply. It seems arbitrary, but the concept comes from a good place imo

Water is made out of molecules that are generated from the interaction between 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. That molecule is known as dihydrogen monoxide

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I've had a few people say the same thing, so you're probably recalling it correctly

What's your take?

When backing into a spot, you can predict that there shouldn't be anything behind you. But you should always check your blind spots. I kind of cheat though because I have a backup camera

I like to keep faith that there are still some in-betweeners that need a simple sway to one direction to see reason. And coming from a southern baptist background is that they are hyper critical of who plays their lord and savior and who says what can tarnish the lord and saviors name. Anyone who crosses that line might as well break the seven seals themselves cause boy, are they damned

I'm not saying it is an oddity. I'm just saying that if you use one and not the other, you aren't good with the other because you aren't used to it. I compare to being right handed and trying to throw a ball with your left. You can throw the ball, but not as proficient than you can with your right

My jetta has 120 degree view camera, but 180 degree object sensor, and the sensor literally screams at you before the camera can even process the visuals

It's basically the same thing you would expect a crazy homeless guy to be screaming on a street corner. "The Jews have space lasers!" "Drag queens are coming for your children!" "Repent! Repent! Repent!"

It's all the same thing over and over again. My honest opinion is stop giving these psychos the time of day. Sure it won't fix the problem today, but nothing will. However we should not give them the time of day and treat them like they're off their rocker because they are. We should stop giving them a platform to say their crazy thoughts

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I run a word in my head over and over. Thanks to my therapist, I was able to associate the word with a relaxing nap I took at the top of a mountain in Hawaii. It's not hard. Think of a memory that relaxes you and makes you happy, then associate a single word with that memory