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A majestic flock of meese sounds better that just moose. How many moose? 1, 5, 20? You just don't know. I'm currently in contact with my MP to resolve this issue, this is very important to me.

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If a consumer watches something on their Apple TV and then presses the pause button, a Roku TV set could use either audio or video-based content recognition technologies (known in the industry as ACR) to identify what’s being watched, match the current scene to a database and extract relevant information to pair an ad with it.

Wow somehow their idea is even worse than I imagined, glad I don't own a Roku now.

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So wait, J&J have already put aside 9 billion dollars for potential liability for the talc baby powder cancer claims and have stopped selling talc baby powder in North America, but yet they are suing researchers who made the issue known and constantly parroting that they aren't admitting any wrongdoing. Nice.

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I enjoy that the character that can break a lot of things is called the "non-breaking space".

In the gaming world, for example, MSI announced this year a monitor with a built-in NPU and the ability to quickly show League of Legends players when an enemy from outside of their field of view is arriving.

...So it just lets them cheat? I remember when monitor overlay crosshairs were controversial, this is insane to me.

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Next time I need to replace my laptop I'll be getting a Framework if possible. I hate having old electronics go to waste and my devices are usually still in very good condition, just the internals can't keep up, so this sort of laptop was made for me. Plus I love tinkering with electronics and some of those modules look interesting!

The fact that the hair looks almost identical to a girl I dated in High School who shaved her eyebrows at one point is just too perfect.

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I think it might still be too early to say for certain. It appears that a lot of the teams working on replication have pretty different outcomes and I think the theoretical studies have shown superconduction may be possible when a very specific structure forms, so maybe the formula just isn't perfected yet or it needs very specific conditions to form correctly. We'll know soon enough though, it's at the very least still an interesting material that deserves more looking into.

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What you can't see in this is the guy from the Men in Black with a leaf blower.

That cat has a 1000 yard stare, it's been through some shit. I wonder if it'll keep doing the cat thing or if it'll be scared of boxes from now on.

Fun fact, even if you try to hold a breaker in the 'on' position, it would still trip the exact same way. Pretty smart design (to stop pretty dumb people killing themselves or others).

Canadian here moving back into his parents house next week after being away for 9 years because he can no longer afford to rent a property of any kind in this city. Or rather I should say I can, but combined with student loans, utilities becoming insanely priced, and an only okay paying job (still nearly $10 over min wage), it means I have nothing left over at the end of the month. I haven't had savings in over a year and just don't really do anything aside from work since I straight up can't afford to. On one hand I'm lucky I found a good job near to my parents that uses the skills I currently use at my job and it even pays a bit more, but it feels like I've failed at being an adult the same time. At least I'll be able to save some money and maybe actually enjoy life for once in a while.

I thought the typo was going to be 'calm mediation' at first and just thought it would be lawyer ASMR.

I always thought people overexaggerated about how dramatic huskys are - until I had one live below me for a few years. Some of those noises just made me laugh from how goofy it was. Dummy got sprayed by a skunk too, twice.

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I've literally experienced this except we were drunk adults and not kids. We ended up with like 10 guys and the hole was about 5 foot in every direction by the time someone shut us down.

I had 2 great finds so far:

1: A David Clark noise cancelling aviation headset. It was used and a bit old but still worked perfectly. I was a student pilot at the time and was using the cheap headsets the school had so this was an awesome find. I think whoever put the pricing on it saw the weird plugs without knowing what it was and priced it at $5. I remember seeing them on ebay used for around $600.

2: A old network drive full of pirated content and porn from the early 2000's. I don't know what the fuck teenage me was thinking hooking this up to my PC without any idea what was on it but it ended up being a hilarious find. I think it was shared between a bunch of roommates as each folder was named after someone. It was an IDE drive so I made a backup (for reasons), wiped it, and now use it in a PS2. Think that was around $5 also.

I'm still trying to not get too excited but its getting difficult with all the new videos and replications. We're getting close to real world hoverboards!

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Word of warning, DO NOT use regular Nair down there unless you are fine with potential chemical burns on your nuts for a week. It's not fun, really really not fun. I'm not even sure I would use sensitive area Nair anymore, it just doesn't seem designed for coarse pubic hair. I use a Philips Oneblade now with the body groom attachment, I've caught the skin once or twice but I've found it's way better than any other electric razor I've tried in the past and does a good job. The gap inbetween the blade and stationary bit of the razor is smaller and harder to pinch your skin in.

Beep boop.

Poor lil dude looks petrified 🥺 Glad they were able to catch and rescue it.

The confusing part is there are different types of IMAX's. My nearest cinema has IMAX screens but they are just slightly larger theatre screens for the most part. But downtown there's a 70mm film IMAX and if a film was made for it, I'll go out of my way to see it there - Interstellar and Dunkirk come to mind. Seats are closer to the screen and the aspect ratio is more square, and film just has a certain charm to it.

Stay away from weed and you'll get to live your dream.

Wouldn’t it be good to have the truth during investigations?

Well, yeah, but the mind is fallible. That's why eye witness testimony usually only gets a case so far, people tend to forget specifics and fill in the gaps without realizing they did.

Not at room temperature. According to the Wikipedia page, one team in China has a preliminary report stating they got superconductivity (or at least 10^-5Ω) at 110°K, so maybe that temperature can be increased somehow?

Worse than that, we had a guy essentially miss the toilet while taking a shit in our work washroom. It was this larger construction worker and he must have sat down wrong somehow and shit went everywhere on and under the toilet seat. Guess who didn't try cleaning up and left without saying a word? Fuck that was nasty...

Here's a pic of the goofball during winter, somehow in a state halfway between sitting and standing.

Same in Canada, I don't know why it's so common around the world that 'universal healthcare' actually means 'universal healthcare minus teeth'.

It says 5 moves, which could average 10 seconds or less per move if it's speed chess sex, so a much more realistic standard.

Tea solves all.

Can prisoners deny work placements? Like do they get any say in this? I'm guessing there would be some sort of retaliation which is why they accept them, that or there's a promise of a shorter sentance or something.

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shiiiiid, i guess thats me

We had to tighten up security after the great maple syrup heist.

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31 terabytes? Amateur.

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Yeah, I like having cameras but don't want that video being sent elsewhere. I ended up getting Tapo cams which are cheap cloud cameras but they also have RTSP streams and local username / password settings. That means I can send the footage to a locally hosted NVR and lock the cameras behind a parental option in my router that blocks all external in and out communication to them.

My roommate from a year ago was adamant CCleaner was required for his PC to keep running. In 2023. I was just shocked to see it was still even a thing.

Greed is the reason, because they can. People need housing. Same way grocery stores are getting away with charging so much, people need food. The working market theoretically should fix this in time, but so far it isn't. New houses and competing grocery stores don't appear overnight. I fully agree with you, rentals have their place and there can be many benefits, but without proper oversight and rent control this was always going to be the outcome - squeeze as much cash out of people until you literally can't anymore. I don't think there is some secret collusion going on between landlords (at least in most cases), there's really no need. Just watch rental prices, then when the area average becomes higher than you charge for your unit, you raise yours slightly above that. By doing that you've now ever so slightly increased that area's average, now other landlords will raise their prices slighy higher, causing other landlords to raise their prices slightly higher, rinse and repeat. Note that I might be completely off the mark here but this lines up with my experiences at least.

Lmao timers are essentially the only thing I use Bixby for, how did they manage to fuck this up so bad??

I went through a somewhat similar situation to you it seems. I'm a pilot in Canada who had some medical issues and wanted to do the right thing and report it. Talked to my aviation medical examiner and he said it should be resolved within a month or two but it would need to be reviewed by the provincial head aviation medical examiner as it was a unique case. They came back wanting me to have 2 years of tests done costing $10k+ per year and monthly appointments to confirm I was fit to fly, and even after that I wouldn't be allowed to fly alone to start which was required for the training I was doing at the time. So sadly I no longer fly. I tried taking it to a tribunal but that process was so disgusting slow it didn't make a difference, lawyers could have helped but I didn't have enough funds for one, my training was interrupted and it would have taken years to fight it. In terms of solutions, I really have no idea what can be done without a complete overhaul in the aviation medical system. The current system essentially requires a perfect health pilot or you don't get a medical and it just encourages people to hide issues. It's probably the major reason why alcoholism is so high among commercial pilots, it's one of the few things that doesn't put their career in danger as long as they stick to the rules.

We're not unreasonable - I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes.