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Joined 9 months ago

I really need to change my online handle :(

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There absolutely are, never forget the first pride parade was a riot.

"When did you ever see a fag fight back? ... Now, times were a-changin'. Tuesday night was the last night for bullshit ... Predominantly, the theme [w]as, "this shit has got to stop!"

"...the crowd shouted "Pigs!" and "Faggot cops!" Beer cans were thrown and the police lashed out, dispersing some of the crowd who found a construction site nearby with stacks of bricks....Garbage cans, garbage, bottles, rocks, and bricks were hurled at the building, breaking the windows. Witnesses attest that "flame queens", hustlers, and gay "street kids"—the most outcast people in the gay community—were responsible for the first volley of projectiles, as well as the uprooting of a parking meter used as a battering ram"

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"Comcast is discontinuing its its “Xfinity 10G Network” branding to describe its internet service after a National Advertising Review Board (NARB) panel found that the term could mislead consumers into thinking that Comcast’s cellular and broadband services would offer much faster speeds than current-generation networks."

AMD is doing really great things with APUs like the Steam Deck. I just got a travel mini PC with a Ryzen 7 7840U. It can play most games at 1080p high quality with 30fps and fits in the palm of my hand.

It might be a while before you can play VR on an APU but they're already comparable to GPUs from 5 years ago

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Also the historically accurate answer according to the men in the room!

“You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying?

We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon

The investment class realized it's way more profitable to cellar box a struggling company and that you can short sell the stock and never have to pay up when the company goes bankrupt. Free money!

I think Michael Moore really nailed it with "Human molotov cocktail"

That is fun, the only other media I've seen like that is Quest for Fire (1981) starring Ron Pearlman

I feel like it's been taken back for a while already. A gay community in the states has a dance party they call "f@g bash" which made me wince the first time I heard it. But if anyone has a problem with it I haven't heard about it and it's been ongoing for several years.

Out of all my VR games almost none make it into double digits playtime (notable exceptions, Beat Saber and Boneworks) but I have logged hundreds of hours in NMS VR. No other VR experience comes close in terms of content.

I think you're overestimating the competence of LEO. Christopher Dorner was hunting cops (vs unarmed lawmakers) in the midst of one of one of the US's largest man hunts and he got away with it for two weeks.

BAR is an amazing RTS! So many units on screen and 24 player games!

They don't even have the new animated Trek Edit: Prodigy

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People with inattentive disorder like using devices too

The chair of the DNC was forced to resign because the Democrats were caught conspiring against Sanders "She has been forced to step aside after a leak of internal DNC emails showed officials actively favouring Hillary Clinton during the presidential primary and plotting against Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders."

Sanders supporters sued the DNC and their defense was picking the Democratic nominee was free speech and that they had every right to, “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.”

Despite article IV section 5 of the DNC charter stating, "The chairperson is required to exercise impartiality and evenhandedness in the preparation and conduct of the presidential nomination process, specifically between the presidential candidates and campaigns. It is important that all parties involved adhere to these guidelines to ensure a fair and just process for all candidates."

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Gary Webb found out the truth and paid the ultimate price for it

I didn't say they did? But they did argue in court that the Primaries are just a show and that they're going to nominate whomever they decide. And WikiLeaks revealed that they were conspiring against Sanders.

Ukraine has been was on the counter offensive since in June

"Russia had begun preparing for the counteroffensive since November 2022 and had created extensive defensive infrastructure, including ditches, trenches, artillery positions, and landmines intended to slow down the counteroffensive."

Russia has had the defenders advantage since

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I think you misread, I Said Sander's supporters filed a lawsuit. Here's the case

That has never stopped presidents before. In response to inflation in 1971 President Nixon issued an executive order making it illegal to raise prices for several months and before him FDR went even farther with rationing and controlling wages.

Inflation is actually super easy to control. You just need to be willing to threaten business leaders with serious jail time.

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Well TIL, I always thought that executive orders were a way to bypass Congress. I know that there was a Democratic Congress in 1971, I wonder why they rubber stamped that for Nixon.

That kind of thinking is exactly what's led us to picking "the lesser of two evils". Also the RepubDems have put up the weakest candidates in modern history. If there was ever a time for a third party candidate to win the election it'd be this cycle. Have we ever seen a third party candidate this close to the election getting almost 20 percent in multiple states like RFK is?

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Dr Jill Stein got arrested protesting for Palestine. She's most likely getting my vote unless RFK's poll numbers continue surging and it seems like he could actually win.

There's no way I'm letting this country make me believe my only choice is between two racist octogenarians. That is not democracy.

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Lemmygrad doesn't tolerate hate speech, I browse it and the only "hate speech" I see is against fascists and landlords

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