Eddie Hitler

@Eddie Hitler@lemmy.world
0 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't make me tell Spudgun where you live!

Between Reddit getting rid of moderation tool, now Musk getting rid of block, it's going to be a race for which becomes 4chan2.

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The closer you get to death, the more fascinated by you become. My grandparents died in the 80s. Last ten years before they died, my grandfather and his friends went to every funeral no matter who it was or if they knew them. You might think ha ha they went for the food, but they never went to the receptions/wakes. I think they basically just did it as a high five, I'm alive you're dead type of thing. They did this until every one of them was dead. None of them were overly religious.

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I never had premium. But I deleted my 8-year account today. I took a screenshot as I was using power delete suite. I was tempted to make a throwaway account and post it to some of their subreddits that are still trending and see if I could start some kind of stupid little movement. Maybe they think a little bit longer if they start seeing people delete long-term accounts. And I'm sure there are lots of accounts out there that are much longer term and much higher Karma than me. Actually sacrificing some of those accounts could actually make a difference.

Giving it a try now. One thing I noticed it's lacking or maybe I haven't found yet is a sort top by hour. A lot of people have been requesting this jerboa also.

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I was just thinking the same thing. I've been sorting my new and you can refresh every 10 or 12 seconds if you want to and more and more keeps popping up. I'm happy that I'm not seeing many spam post yet. Hopefully the hate community stay away also. Sometimes I think it's better to have them out in the open though, where we can read and see and be reminded what we need to fight against.

While I understand your wanting to ban such a community, I think moving away from that type of action is a good thing. It's all about personal freedom. I have some instances blocked already but I would never decide to do that for everyone because what gives me that right? Speak out against them. Make your views know. Denounce, Rage, never quit. But never censor. Freedom of information and choice is the end goal. Banning a topic is what leads to radicals because they have no outlet for their insanity.

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Semantics. If you defederate an instance, in this case lemmy.world blocks the instance /c/(hate group), you make the decision for everyone on that instance (you being the owner), on who can see what. This will create pockets of many little hubs instead of one big decentralized mesh network. This comes right back to the "owner" of the instance controlling everything that the user can see. I understand someone is paying the bills and that moderation is going to be needed. This is of course going to come down to choice. Is there a way to view each instances block list? If not it should be implemented into the back end somewhere, once again to allow freedom of choice.

What decision procedures are in place to stop rogue instance owners from making unilateral decisions? I admit I'm very new to lemmy and activitypub as a whole. If the community as a whole can weight in on the decision, then by all means, go ahead. 100% fair and I agree with you. I'm just against any type of actions being made by small groups of individuals that are "for the good of everyone". I really don't have an agenda here. I just want the freedom of choice for everyone. I'm tired of living in a world where there are people who think they know whats best for everyone else.

Thank you for your time to respond. Regards.

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Cool, they must have found a bigger liar to replace him at Bethesda. It took them some time searching but they finally did it.

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Firefox then RIF

Hey, cheers for this. I asked someone earlier in a post how to see what instances were shown and blocked. Is this published for all sites? Is there a way it can be hidden? Or is that the way it's built into the software? 👍

That makes it a lot easier to understand. I was confused on how messages propagated. Your last paragraph is what cleared it up for me. Won't this lead to strange comment chains? You could have a hundred different people commenting on a chain and they're all a mix of federated and Def federated instances. Some will see some comments and others will see other comments but none will see all the comments unless they're completely federated with all the sites. This is where it loses me. Not that I don't understand what's happening, it's I don't understand how it's supposed to work in a threaded environment. I guess once I start seeing in an action I'll get a better grasp of it. I don't think this is going to work out as well as it was intended to.


It would be nice to see some some of the admins go rogue also. I know it's a lot to ask for people to sacrifice their jobs but some people still have ethics. And some people are in a positions where they can leave their job and pick up another one within hours or days if they're in the demanding field.

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I 100% agree that it's the owners choice if he decides to block content. But as far as I know if a instance is defederated and the instance owner doesn't publish a block list, users on the server would have no idea it existed in the first place.

There are already a couple of search engines that show instances. Maybe if some of the developers could add categories so people could find things they are interested in. This could be a useful tool for building communities. As long as it's an uncensored database of indexes I think this would be great. If you know one that is indexing instances by category please post it.

I'm sure instances will post guidelines and rules once they get everything straightened out. I'm just a strong advocate for personal choice. Once again I understand why some people want moderation and I understand eventually it may well be needed for some communities. As long as the owners are open about this that's fine, but not all operators are going to be transparent with these policies.

Also the nsfw is always on, no matter if checked or not.


New here and still learning the ropes. With lemmyworld being defedrated and the way activitypub works, can I still post to, interact with(up vote, down vote) and subscribe to instances originating from beehaw? Or would being federated put all people who log in from lemmy.world on a block list from interacting with the communities and only being able to view?


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I hope the major subs stay dark. The only thing keeping reddit afloat is moderators. Without tools the mods would need full time paid positions which is never going to happen. I'd like to see them all burn. Its become a shit show of adds and bots now anyway. Good riddance. I wish someone would incorporate freenets web of trust system to some type of decentralized app like this.

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