1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Jesus, all the people here saying never to lie on your resume must live pretty privileged lives.

Yes, its okay to lie, if you can back it up.

For example, I know just about everything there is about computers/sysadmin there is under the sun (im a born computer geek) but I never had any official degrees for it. I lied and said I had most of the CompTIA certifications and not a single person ever asked to actually see it. I already know everything that's in those books so it's not like I didn't have the knowledge, I just didn't have the stupid piece of paper, that, again, no one ever asked for.

Most employers are going to be exploiting your labor anyways so if you can take advantage of them you should, because they certainly going to be taken advantage of you, and you shouldn't feel bad for them.

As others have said, just keep it reasonable and don't lie yourself into a corner. If you don't know rocket science don't say you do and obvious things like that.

No, you can't. Besides, it would be worlds easier to just get some regular ol Bluetooth speakers.

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I got tired of kodi's shit configuration interface and came across a tutorial for setting this up (pre-reddit enshitification) about a year ago and it has hugely changed how we consume media in our house.

Apologies for my ignorance, but can someone tell me what file list is or where i can find more information?

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Tired of seeing all these anti Firefox posts lately, especially when they instantly get debunked in the comments (which I am thankful for)


I'm not sure why you would go with anything but the steam deck, unless budget is a factor.

I'm surprised there's been no mention of

Ive heard there's a charactermancer (character creation tool) now, but I havent tried it.

That's called anarcho-syndicalism :)

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As a life long anarchist, I personally find raddle to be a fucking embarrassment. The elitist bullshit is right up there with other political anarchist sites like anarchist news; they're all a fucking shit show and shows why anarchists will never accomplish anything.

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Try stremio with the torrentio plugin and a debris service, its like your own Netflix with anything you've ever wanted

That's literally not true in the slightest. I've had at least two updates in the past month.

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Thanks, I hate it

It takes maaaybe another 5-10 mins to set up, its very easy.

Any specific recommendations?

I've read elsewhere that raddle is pretty anti-federation which is really stupid

Glad I could help! Like all things there’s more to it, but the basic concept is to fire all bosses and have the workers run all the work places as a co-op. Personally, I believe this would end ‘greedflation’ and definitely make the world a better place :)

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Hard agree!

What are some examples of shows that you can find that aren't on torrentio?

Le Tigre

Picard's interface is super wonky. I've been using tag scanner for over a decade and it's been great.

What's an IPO blackout?

How about we just answer the question and let them decide how to use their phone?