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Joined 1 years ago

Amateur photographer. Mostly I take photos of birds, but also stuff that isn't birds. Don't steal my photos.

If you don't want to hear about America being bad, don't go to the same places as people who live in reality.

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Antivaxx, right-wing conspiracy horseshittery is explicitly unwelcome around these parts. You should really leave and not come back, and definitely stop sending more of your kind here.

Jesus Christ, I’m legitimately shocked.

Why? This is genuinely pretty fucking tame for Mississippi.

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Aside from maybe Haiti, Mississippi is by far the most dangerous place in the western hemisphere to be a black person. Don't look into it unless you want your whole week ruined.

He's technically right, though; climate change isn't going to drive us to extinction. Yes, it's going to cause the total collapse of modern society in our lifetimes and more death and sufferring than any other event in recorded history, but there will almost certainly be tens or hundreds of millions of survivors. Maybe even billions.

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You mean the innovation that's destroying the planet? Ok bro.

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Visiting a burning, inhospitable hellscape where people are actively dying and the rest are having their entire lives destroyed, and doing it for fun because "well, we've been planning it for a while, and want to go somewhere as a family and can't come up with anything else exotic enough for our standards on short notice" is incredibly trashy and selfish.

They sound like shitty people, honestly, and I hope they have an awful time.

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The reason our government governs us today is because they have an overwhelming ability to do violence on us, and the majority of us fear it, even if only subconsciously. If you think it's by our choice, you're utterly delusional.

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Or that meaningful labor rights can only be gained successfully through violent protest.

Why would the state patrol possibly want to do anything about this? Cops are cops, and cops protect each other from perceived enemies.

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And no one was ever surprised, except for people stupid enough to buy anything from Muskmelon in the first place.

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Yes, it happened in the US.

We're far beyond the point of no return on that. They're going to be violent no matter what, so we should celebrate when they target each other instead of, well...literally anyone else.

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How could anyone seriously come up with a take this stupid?

"It's ok that the state murders peopl for fake crimes as long as the people not being murdered don't mind."

You're a fucking psychopath.

People hate protests because they value not being inconvenienced more than they value the rights of others.

Can we please all just admit that he’s guilty of treason and charge him accordingly at this point?

No, because that's not how you get a legitimate conviction that will be upheld on appeal.

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If you did, the next call would very likely be your house. Lots of precedent for it in that shithole state.

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Marriage isn't a christian concept at all. It's existed in almost every culture in the world for all of recorded history.

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How did he mess up? He's cashing out and burning the place down behind him. This is all standard practice in vulture capitalism. It happens every day, but you don't see or care because most of the companies it happens to aren't centered around a social platform you spend all your free time on.

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Violence against fascists just sounds like plain old self-defense to me.

and he would rather die

Oh god, we can only hope.

Assholes like this love tipping culture. It gives them a feeling of power over people they see as lesser.

Waukesha County is by far the most conservative in the state, and has been playing a massive role in destroying our state's democratic process for a few decades now.

Another fun fact about it is that they've been trying for years to glom onto the Lake Michigan watershed, which, geographically, it is not a part of. They want to straight up take our water, which they do not need, in exchange for nothing whatsoever of any real value.

Twitter was always trash. Why would I want to use a halfassed knockoff version from an exponentially worse company?

Constitutional renewal every generation?

Yes, especially considering that was the original intent of the document. Whether or not that's the most realistic, or even a possible way forward at this point is another question entirely, and I don't like what I think the answer is.

Stealing from wealthy corporations is an extremely valid and morally acceptable form of protest. Hell, it's a morally good thing to do even if it's not meant as a protest.

I'm not going to defend assaulting the guards, though, except in the case of self-defense. Store security guards have no business using force against shoplifters, and most company policies align with that fact.

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Scabs are the worst.

That's honestly an insult to terrible engineers.

Musk is barely on par with a 9-year-old with crayons and construction paper.

Rarely, yes, but the technology to create a body cam that functions reliably when near police officers hasn't been developed yet.

Except in the US. We don't enforce those laws here.

and especially that state should remember what is done to fascists.

They're obeyed by the majority in their country, and then if things don't work out, they're allowed to flee to foreign countries to live in comfort while their underlings take the fall and their nation crumbles?

Yeah, it's pretty terrifying. Luckily, we can all still vote by mail here in Wisconsin, so we don't have to physically go to the polls, but the republicans have managed to put some heavy barriers in the way of it in the last couple years, even though their attempts to ban it outright have failed.

My city used to have a mobile ballot dropoff truck, but they sued and got it banned, and they've also banned dropping off ballpts for other people. If you're disabled and/or don't have reliable access to transportation, and understandably don't want to trust the republican-crippled USPS with your ballot, voting has become much more difficult, if not entirely impossible.

My recommendation for anyone, but especially IT, is to learn how to use LLMs as they will be pervasive before you know it.

Better idea: stop doing business with companies that do this.

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This is happening in the wealthiest nation in human history. The government has an unquestionable obligation to provide relief for these people. Suggesting that keeping the victims of this disaster in the area and going to work while their homes are still burning is an acceptable answer is revolting. Fuck this disgusting "but what about the economy" attitude.

Why should the customer have to hand-hold shitty corporations while we pretend, againt all past evidence, that they're ever going to learn to do better, when "doing better" isn't their goal?

It's not our job to fix bad business practices by rewarding them with continued business while they lie about "figuring things out." It's our job to condemn them to failure and bankruptcy for their atrocious anti-human behavior, and we're failing miserably at it due to our toxic collective preference for short-term convenience over quality and long-term societal and economic health.

Not likely. Most Americans have been so brainwashed against unions that they'll oppose them even as they slowly starve because their full time job doesn't pay enough to cover rent and groceries.

Not a republican, but I staunchly support anything that potentially ends with christian nationalists putting each other in the hospital. Let them fight.

Exactly. At least 70% of emission are caused directly by corporate and military activity, and that's just the sanitized, conservative, government/corporate approved statistic. Realistically, the number probably much higher.

Using paper straws, sorting your recycling, and turning the hallway light off does fuck all for climate change, and it will never make a meaningful difference without a harsh crackdown on, if not a total overthrow of global corporate hegemony in this decade. We all know how likely that is...

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Tell us more about how 60% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck because they're just lazy, and not because they were born to the wrong parents in a shitty system that only rewards worthless cunts who succeed by stepping on the throats of the people who do all the work.

They like sports, which are very boring.