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Well, at least that's a logically consistent position in the issue, even if I vehemently disagree with their broader stance. Of course, they would need to extend that to allow women to claim unborn children as dependents in their taxes, allow women to drive in the HOV lane alone with their fetus, etc.

I LOL'd at the quote about men not liking that, and paying child support from the time of conception was dumb. Yeah, no shit, dumbass. There goes your logical inconsistency again.

24 more...

These judges like Wallace are people too, with families who cannot hide behind anonymity like a high profile jury in a mob case. They've seen what Trump's Brown Shirts will do to those they don't like: anything from incessant threatening phone calls to attempted murder with a hammer. What an impossible position to be in: serve justice, or risk your family being stalk and possibly assaulted.

This is how democracy dies. It takes very brave people in power to stand up to someone like Trump.

18 more...

Isn't this standard enshitification?

Google started off like any new tech company years ago and they did have a superior product. Then they went public and Wall Street started expecting certain revenue numbers every quarter, growth slowed because they saturated the market, so the core product was pushed toward making money instead staying true to the original goals.

Typical stuff, really

3 more...

Perhaps he's forgotten that free speech means you're free to say whatever you want, but you're not free from the repercussions. Especially in all the "at will" employee states.

This is so stupid.

10 more...

"She was told she violated state rules about judicial impartiality because her refusal to treat LGBTQ+ people equally cast “doubt on her capacity to act impartially to persons appearing before her as a judge due to the person’s sexual orientation.” "

That's the other major issue here. By refusing to officiate same-sex weddings she is saying that she cannot be impartial on an actual court cases brought before her if they involve an LGBTQ person.

She shouldn't be a judge at all. Of course, Texas is one of only a few states where judges are elected, so you'll get crazy QAnon judges if enough psychos show up to the polls.

6 more...

So much for the Constitution, eh, Mike? Can you point to any historical basis for the US being a "Christian nation" or nation of any religion?

Just like the Bible, the guys only cite the Constitution when it suits them, but ignore the rest.

17 more...

It's fascinating, sad, and terrifying that people are so dedicated to a man who is obviously, to anyone outside the cult, a lying grifter and con man.

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"Seedorf said he’d “take a bullet for” Trump and that Trump was the only politician he’d commit such an act of self-sacrifice for. Of the former president, Seedorf said: “He’d do it, too, for everyone else.”"

These people are mentally ill. It would be sad if it weren't so terrifying

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I am genuinely concerned that a jury will have at least one person that will not convict Trump no matter what the evidence shows. There are people so brainwashed by Trump's big lie that getting an impartial jury will be neaely impossible.

I only have slim hope it will be ok since a grand jury did choose to indict him. I guess we'll see.

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"For many election workers, the threats have been a major driving factor to leave the job, hollowing out the ranks of experience ahead of 2024,"

And this is EXACTLY what the facists want. They hope to replace poll workers with people who will follow their conspiracy theories instead of the law.

They still won 50 seats out of 24,000 up for election. Even that is too many.

1 more...

$200 one time to completely replace someone as an actor.

Now think about all the other workers in industries WITHOUT union backing. They will have no recourse, and will simply be replaced.

We all live in interesting times, unfortunately....

I feel like this is part of a Republican long game - make their states so unpalatable to progressives that they move out, thus ensuring that the US Senate and House are never again under Democratic control. It's like a for of self-imposed gerrymandering for Democrats, packing themselves into the few states with liberal legislaturea and policies.

Of course, those blue states will continue to subsidize the red states through tax dollars and federal programs, but that's another issue entirely.

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“It’s a central premise of the Bible that God invented civil government,” Johnson told Olohan, who added that, “like many Americans of faith, Johnson sees government as a ‘design of God’ and ‘a gift to mankind in a fallen society.’

These people are literally insane.

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"The campaign to get Trump to grant clemency to Weinstein was later the subject of a New York Times story, which detailed how Weinstein’s allies paid for access to various Trump insiders."

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you!

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Iron Sky!!

Who doesn't love a movie about Nazis hiding for 60 years in a secret base on the dark side of the moon?!?!

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"The representative told Taiwan News that the purpose of the defacements was to protest against "Google's harsh inactive account policy" and to warn Russian President Vladimir Putin against using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine or jeopardizing the safety of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant"

Could someone explain why Google or Russia would care about UN websites? That's like saying took a dump on the floor at my local McDonald's to protest the apartheid in Gaza.

3 more...

These "freedom caucus" fools have no interest in governing, no interest in running the country. They just want to stomp their feet like petulant little kids who don't get their way.

If they cared about the budget they'd reverse the corporate tax cuts from Trump's term

Yes, and they'll use legislation to pull up the ladder behind them. It's a form of Regulatory Capture, and it will absolutely lock out small players.

But there are open source AI training datasets, but the question is whether LLMs can be trained as accurately with them.

6 more...

Yep. Just like Uber it morphed, from people sharing a ride or their place while on vacation, into full time drivers and landlords. Not the philosophical intebt of the original service, and it ruined it for everyone.

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Genocide Joe? 🙄

And who should voters replace him with, Mr Answers?

28 more...

I've tested in my own model 3 and the range and kwh usage is actually pretty accurate as advertised assuming you accelerate slowly, drive the speed limit, and don't run the heat, and don't have a strong headwind. Many people, including myself, absolutely do not drive like that, so the range will be less.

8 more...

So what? The biggest part of picking a President is the people they're going to put in their cabinet and surround themselves with. That's the problem with Trump. He's going to fill the presidency with a bunch of maga ass hats, on top of doing his own damage.

In my field, the way I've seen Oracle contracts rationalized is the same way IBM contracts are rationalized.... they're stupid expensive, usually under deliver, but they're the biggest names. When the project goes south, the buyer can tell their superiors "well we hired IBM, and they're the best, so what else could I have done?" It's a form of of CYA.

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Yeah, I suggest using Signal to communicate with friends....

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"Attorney Adriana Alcalde, a former Florida sex crimes prosecutor who now represents victims in those cases, said the video evidence, if accurately described by the Florida Trident’s sources, could amount to an insurmountable obstacle to a successful verdict in the case.

“We would need to know more, but if the video shows even what appears to be consensual sex it will be very difficult to get past [for police and prosecutors],” said Alcalde, who practices in Florida and New York. “I think it could really damage the possibility of a conviction in a criminal case.”

Well damn.

7 more...

I don't disagree, but those young voters still have to show up to vote or the result is the same. They didn't show up in the last election and my state anded up with a Republican supermajority.

5 more...

So try that. Go a week without smoking and see if you can do it.

I roll the occasional smoke after lunch but it's less than one a day. That's how I know I'm not addicted: I go multiple days between having a smoke, I can smoke with friends on the weekend, but then not smoke by myself on weekdays. Try that to know if you're really not addicted.

1 more...

So he's saying he'd like to visit Guantanamo? I mean, that is where we send foreign fighters....

"why do we fall? ... So we can learn to pick ourselves up again"

8 more...

That's encouraging, and also discouraging since it wasn't enough

"But Trump’s lawyers say “the president’s motivations are not for the prosecution or this Court to decide.”"

-Uh, no, I think that's exactly what they're here to decide

Another nice way for the party in the White House to consolidate power. A Trump justice department would just love to ignore heavily gerrymandered districts in Republican states while attacking those in Democratic states.

For the record, gerrymandering is killing democracy when either party does it, but given that 19 states have their districts drawn by Republicans, and only 7 states have districts drawn by Democrats, you can see who this ruling would favor.

That's exactly what I mean. Employees in At Will states can legally be fired for anything short of violations of protected classes, so I'm not sure how he's expecting to win here.

4 more...

Maybe. But it incentivises others to be patient trolls.

It's really sad that patent law doesn't require you to actually create the thing you're patenting.

What book was it???.... "The Party seeks power entirely for it's own sake. We're not interested in the good of others"

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If this goes the worst possible way I'm sure Congress will just swing into action and suddenly start legislating to resolve the thousands of questions that will suddenly need answering.

Cannibal: The Musical.

It's a reeeally early Trey Parker and Matt Stone creation. A live action comedy musical movie about the Donner party. Definitely a classic.

3 more...

It's got to be hard to maintain the momentum once the government decides they're fine with murdering the protesters. The Iranian government also let women go without headscarves for this long, I imagine as a way to let the temperature cool. They never intended to repeal the law, only let the protests disperse letting the protesters think they'd won that small concession.

Always check your sources!