1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Problem is colonialism lol

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Yes please do tell me more how you're censored by Lemmy devs in a post on the top of Lemmy crybaby.

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You cant be sure, Valve pushing Steam Deck and Proton is what made me switch to Linux as lot of games now works but I haven't bought a Steam deck

There's a vicious circle where the less public service you'll set in a rural areas the more people will move away from it. If you want people to moove back from dense to rural areas you got to give them some decent services.

Everyone know saying Tiananmen Square on Western platform make you a true freedom of speech based brave whistleblower chad that risk his life for liberty.

Lol what the only reason they could prevent you from wearing a cap is because it's considered 'rude' to keep your hat inside classroom. A private school can do whatever they want and force student to wear uniforme but in public school you can wear whatever you want except specific banned religious symbole (cross, kippa, headscarf etc...)

Or just search 'Wallpaper debian' it's one of the first

I've created a specific partition for steam games so I can use games across distro without reinstalling them. You can tell Steam to go look in your partition for your games

I mean why would they be ? Lemmy litteraly grew from Reddit people coming here

Classic brainwashed nuclear take presenting it as black & white like if all energy used in the world was from nuclear there would have been no issue on uranium ressource.

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Social security is a straight translation of Sécurité Sociale that we use in France

Joke on them i'm already an addict

What ethic since 1920 its 100% colonialism Israël is younger as a country than my grand father wtf. You dont immigrate thousand of people and steal territory by ethic.

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No with this logic anyone that had ancester at some point somewhere can 'repatriate' there but that's not how it works in international law.

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Yeah let's see how everyone love Israël and respect them. I'm sure all their child will love to live with this just look at Germany

I dont even tip when eating inside lol

If you had 2 braincell working maybe you'd see fuel consumption is related to production so we wouldn't have 100 year left if all energy was nuclear as it isn't even 10% of today's mix. This is basic energy knowledge if you don't lnow that don't even try to understand energy policy of countries dumbass.

Yes cause they are bad guys whereas Israël is good guys murdering for good cause. Quit being dumb its the same thing they murder for territory

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Ok Joe Biden keep defending your unsinkable air craft carrier in ME

LMAO same in Ukraine civilian casualities are to blame on nazi ukrainian not russian sending bombs

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Hold on America is still way far ahead in term of fine bullshit

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50% is absolutely outrageous, I mean it's clearly war propaganda they could have said 200% who cares.

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