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Joined 1 years ago

I actually use Manjaro, sue me.

Our .fyi predates the lemmy instance by a few months. The owner thought the domain was funny and bought it a while back, but had nothing to do with it so it just got used when we decided to get a lemmy instance up. So I assume at least some of them are random domains people already happened to own anyways.

But the main reason is the one people already mentioned and its because they are cheap.

.ml, .ee and .me are howevet not obscure. They are country TLDs (Mali, Estonia, Montenegro).

Bollards, roads signs and other road signalisation. It is honestly a problem.

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The American is how it is supposed to be.

The British one has the "color" changed changed to "colour" due to British spelling of color.

The Spanish one has an upside down semi colon because in Spanish you write questions like this: ¿Is this an example question?

The French one is because the French number system makes absolutely no sense and to say 99 you have to say quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (meaning 4 x 20 + 19).

I hope this helps somehow.

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Technically yes. Switched from software dev to QA at a different company. Worse pay, worse commute, 0 regrets. My current company asked me if I would want to work as a dev instead, nope, can't pay me enough to do that again.

I am genuinely curious what is your issue with the tab bar? I got a long list of issues I have with FF (still my main browser anyways) but the tab bar is not one of them and I always have 20+ tabs open. Not saying your opinion is wrong, just trying to understand why you think so.

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Not who you replied to but I haven't had any issues with a 3000 series card and LTSC, but I only used it for a whooping 12 hours since I got the card (I do 99% of gaming directly on Linux) so take my answer with a grain of salt.

I might be missing something but can't you just manually download the drivers from the Nvidia website on LTSB?

I am a big fan of the Slovenian/Austrian combo snow pole+bollard. I think they are such a clever thing for places where it snows enough to cover the actual bollard and doesn't require workers to drag around a bunch of snow poles every winter, they just gotta pull them out.

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This is idiotic. No one compensates employees for their commute.

Yea, thats not true. Where I live any employer legally has to do it. They either pay a certain amount per kilometer (defined by law) or pay your public transportation fee. I rack in about 300€ of travel compensation every month which covers fuel costs. Having to pay to get to work seems to bizzare to me.

Also wait till you learn our lunch breaks are paid and on top of that the company has to either provide a meal or compensate you for that too...

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I am not from NL, so dunno how it is there, but over here that money is completely untaxed, so it is not quite the same as getting a raise. And yes, if you move the amount you get changes. But noone is dumb enough to move just to get more travel money, it barely covers gas costs, you would just be wasting your time lol.

I don't get how workers having rights and benefits is ridiculous. Honestly I think claiming that it shouldn't be a thing is the ridiculous part.

EDIT: just saw its untaxed in NL too, I guess the difference between us and NL is that for them its typical to get that paid, for us is straight up illegal for your employer not to pay that.

The ? search has been added to the application bar. Do you want to keep this change?

Keep | Cancel

I think the thing that I marked with ? just says box (so search box), but I am not 100% sure.

Hopefully this helps and I haven't fucked up the transation, I has been a long time since I last spoke Italian.

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No audio is not a Steam Deck only issue, its broken for a lot of people on Linux.

I don't know what the deck uses but -sdlaudiodriver pipewire in launch options fixed it for me.

The rest of it sounds like a nightmare tho.

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The image mentions British so I just mentioned Birtish. I am not American or even a native English speaker so don't come at me. Also I hope the Czechoslovakia part is a joke.

Your comment double posted btw.

I haven't because I am waiting for my GDPR data request to be fulfilled (been waiting over 2 weeks already). I have deleted all comments and posts already, but once I get it I will finally delete the account too.

Oh yea, that makes sense. The Chrome ones get super super small I think right? Has been a very long time since I last used it. I personally like it the was FF does it because I can more easily tell what tab is what, but I can totally see how it you would dislike that.

Also good to know something like Sidebery exist.

Thanks for your answer :)

Keyboard and mouse for literally everything except things where using a wheel makes sense (ETS2 and ATS).

I can not use controllers at all. I can't wrap my head around using them properly and pretty much all except one (ps3) hurt my hands after 15 mins.

Sadly I haven't gotten an answer for you as I would like to know as well, but I would just like to add that also the option to see applications to join the server (and notifications for them) seems to be missing from apps (Connect and Jerboa that I tried) as well.

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Huh, there is? I gotta go look at the settings, thanks for info!

Edit: found it, but looks like it is an all or nothing situation (either it emails all admins or none) and there seems to be the same setting for reports too.

Honestly I can't give you a proper answer here. I never actually thought about it before so I just looked up the Slovenian law about it (I don't speak German so I didn't bother with the Austrian one) and I couldn't find anything that specifically says that the snow poles must/can't be there between XY dates (just a bunch of stuff about how they gotta be positioned). If I had to guess it is a mix of these things:

  • Aesthetics
  • Visibility
  • Giving the road workers something to do
  • It is how it has always been done. Before these combo bollards became a thing and in places they still haven't replaced the old ones they still add/remove a full on wooden snow pole next to the bollards every year.

There might be some other reasoning for it too, but this is what comes to mind as possible options.

I have seen some people reporting non working audio with Pulseaudio as well, but I haven't tried myself or looked more into it after I found what fixes it for me.

I might change my mind still since it has been only a few weeks since I switched to it but so far I am really happy with Arch. Been having a lot less issues than with Manjaro which was my go to before.

Ubuntu for servers tho.

A friend owns it and it has a funny domain. Bonus of it being smaller is that it didn't have any performance issues yesterday/today.

Thank you for confirming that I didn't mess it up too badly :)

No worries!

I actually just got the same nonsense on my work laptop so I can now actually give the "official" English translation:

Search box has been added to your taskbar. Want to keep the change?

Keep it | Undo

Close enough

I mean in code. Not sure how many programming languages are gonna accept "colour". Or maybe they do and I am wrong, tbf I never thought about it till now.

When it actually comes to the English language that's a different story.