1 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You gotta pace yourself, spread that evening beer out evenly across a year of evenings

You're not sure if murder is worse than being embarrassing and cringe for a moment?

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Not quite what you're asking, but I once fell asleep on a long haul flight listening to a Cinematic Orchestra album with some very comfy headphones.

I woke up to a little filler / ambient track that is mostly silence with a ship's fog horn blown a few times... The cabin was dark, most people were asleep or quietly watching movies, and my half asleep brain forgot I was wearing headphones. I went from confused to creeping panic about what this horn meant and why no on else was reacting to it until I finally woke up properly

Firstly, being on the autism spectrum (not saying he is or isn't) doesn't give you the right to be an asshole, and I'm sure many people who are on it and aren't assholes will tell you that this take is insulting.

Secondly, when you say there is nothing major on there, you have to keep in mind his level of reach and influence. If your neighbour says "this new Covid thing is going to just blow over, there'll be no cases soon'", you can say "OK buddy, hope you're right but it's not looking likely". When Musk says it, he directly contributes massively to the misinformation that has killed a lot of people and changed the whole damn world for the worse

It gets worse the more I read the article... This guy spent a few weeks in blackface, thinks that he 'became a black man'. Then goes on to conclude that while it might be harder to thumb a ride as a person of colour, systemic racism is completely over?? We did it folks!

While it's cool to show concern for someone who might need to hear some words of encouragement for getting help (well, minus the scare tactics of a dead relative story), you seem to have conflated this poster's description of the 'pattern' a night out drinking can take with a 'pattern' of problem drinking every day, or far too often at least.

What they described is perfectly familiar to me, someone who drank to a level of bad hangover on occasion when I was young and having dumb fun with friends. As I got older, that type of fun got less important and the amount I drink came down to a drink or two, rarely, when I can afford a nice whisky or something.

Basically, someone recognising how a night of social drinking can turn into a hangover isn't necessarily the cry for help you seem to have read it as

He makes $210,000 per year..?? I'm not saying important and dangerous jobs like this shouldn't be well compensated, I'm just very surprised that it IS this well compensated

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If you have the option, I would suggest going to a Dr before assuming anything is the only plausible explanation.

Personally, I found out about my neck / posture issues (even though outwardly I have decent looking posture so I never assumed it would be that), got some excercises from a physio and a completely different pillow, and that combo drastically reduced my headaches

Thank you for this link. The first article I read on this only gave Perry's side of the story, so my first impressions were that he was an uber driver who turned a corner not expecting to see a protest, the protestors were worried about the car, and that one of them aimed a rifle at him.

Nothing about his messages about wanting to kill some protestors, nothing about the witnesses all saying that the victim did NOT raise his weapon, nothing about the rifle being recovered with no round chambered and safety still on.

Disgusting act, disgusting reporting, disgusting pardon. Thank you for your comment and link, truly.

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This fucking guy is only claiming that he's an IDF soldier in an attempt to intimidate a woman who is calling him out for being aggressive towards another young woman too. Pathetic

TW: suicide

Similar happened to me about 15 years ago, and it still bothers me. Mine was out of the blue though, nobody had shared anything remotely violent or gory in the team. One guy decides to share a 'funny' video with a subject line of 'always search your detainees' or something. A guy gets seated in a room by a cop, asks for some water, cop leaves, guy sits for a moment, then pulls out a handgun and shoots himself in the head. I had headphones on and still remember the sound of his last 'exhale' after dying. Fucked me up for a while.

In short, don't stand for this shit. It's no joke how much it can affect you if you aren't desensitised already, especially if you aren't expecting it.

This is such a beautiful example of cherry picking the bits you like. The answer to your question is literally the sentence right above the one you have surgically quoted:

"Although the councilwoman has a concealed carry permit, she violated the recently passed city law that prohibits civilians from bringing firearms to protests, the police said.

"At no point in time was anyone menaced or injured as a result of her possessing the firearm at the earlier protest," the NYPD said in a statement."

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Holy shit guys, take a breath and figure out what you're arguing about.

ME5SENGER_24's comment was technically unclear (yes I think it reads the way they intended it to, but I can see how it could be read the other way), and (des)mosthenes thought that "Most useless bunch of assholes on planet earth'" referred to the protestors, therefore thought the comment seems like it is wishing that the cops had killed 50% of them.

ME5SENGER_24 didn't realise that their comment could be misconstrued, so lashes out at (des)mosthenes and calls them "fucking stupid"

Now they're both all worked up, mad at each other, and not realising they are on the same fucking side. Just.... Take a moment, relax, try to see why someone might be confused, and talk it through. For fucks sake...

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A chunk of solid ice that big at terminal velocity? I'm betting yes, very much yes, very messily yes

Exploring an easy cave with a friend. Nothing tricky at all, just one way through, standing room all the way, about 1m wide, ankle deep water flowing through the whole way (walking against the flow).

As we went, the water very slowly became harder to press forwards against. The change was so gradual we were second-guessing it the entire time until it got really strong. We figured it was better to walk against it than with it - at this point it was rushing against our legs, and the thought of slipping and being swept through, bouncing off of the walls, was not great. It felt much easier to keep our footing facing the flow, and also it seemed like we were much closer to the end than the beginning (the cave had an exit at both ends, it was basically a small fork of a river that cut through a hill).

So we pressed on, until we got to a point that should have been a small scramble up a few bits of rock - except now there was a massive flow of water hitting us at chest level as we tried to climb it. We were both completely unable to push against it and get up. We were also now convinced that the cave was filling up with water so we had to get out - which now meant turning around and doing the whole length again but with the water hitting the back of our legs the whole way.

Oh and the water was freezing, coming off of some snowy mountains. So for about an hour, we held onto the sides of the cave and slowly tried to move steadily through, while by this point I had almost no feeling in my frozen feet to help with keeping my footing. It was like guesswork every step.

By the time we got out, the water had risen by almost a metre I'd say. Not much but the extra force was insane, and the feeling of a cave filling up with water behind you was not easily ignored. Anyway, turns out there was heavy rainfall way up river from us, always check the forecast and think beyond where you are when dealing with rivers and caves!

I feel like anyone answering 'yes' to this question will be getting messaged immediately from this dude's other account

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Posted this recently on a similar but different question, may as well include it here because it fits:

Exploring an easy cave with a friend. Nothing tricky at all, just one way through, standing room all the way, about 1m wide, ankle deep water flowing through the whole way (walking against the flow).

As we went, the water very slowly became harder to press forwards against. The change was so gradual we were second-guessing it the entire time until it got really strong. We figured it was better to walk against it than with it - at this point it was rushing against our legs, and the thought of slipping and being swept through, bouncing off of the walls, was not great. It felt much easier to keep our footing facing the flow, and also it seemed like we were much closer to the end than the beginning (the cave had an exit at both ends, it was basically a small fork of a river that cut through a hill).

So we pressed on, until we got to a point that should have been a small scramble up a few bits of rock - except now there was a massive flow of water hitting us at chest level as we tried to climb it. We were both completely unable to push against it and get up. We were also now convinced that the cave was filling up with water so we had to get out - which now meant turning around and doing the whole length again but with the water hitting the back of our legs the whole way.

Oh and the water was freezing, coming off of some snowy mountains. So for about an hour, we held onto the sides of the cave and slowly tried to move steadily through, while by this point I had almost no feeling in my frozen feet to help with keeping my footing. It was like guesswork every step.

By the time we got out, the water had risen by almost a metre I'd say. Not much but the extra force was insane, and the feeling of a cave filling up with water behind you was not easily ignored. Anyway, turns out there was heavy rainfall way up river from us, always check the forecast and think beyond where you are when dealing with rivers and caves!

Not quite what you're after but I absolutely love Diaspora by Greg Egan.

It's a different take on the same issues you're asking about (not at first, but it's not really a spoiler to say that it explores them whether or not it's as necessary as your examples state), a take that leans more into different forms of existence rather than supporting our current existence in a different environment (but touches on aspects of that too, kind of). It's mega-multi-generational while also not being that at all, depending on perspective.

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I feel like almost every single one of those people (the 'loud contingent' you mention) were already antisemitic assholes, and this is just an excuse to be louder about it. Besides hitching themselves to the 'free Palestine' voices, they have nothing else in common with the true supporters of Palestinian human rights and can fuck right off

Counterpoint - almost all jobs will have elements of this type of stressful fuckery. Use it as a learning experience, and do your best to navigate the constraints while maintaining professionalism and value to your employer.

It's a balance; if it's truly soul destroying then your health and happiness is more important, get out. However, the more you learn how to deal with this, the less likely you are to burn out in other jobs when they get shit like this. Not so that you can just suck it up and grind away for awful bosses, but so that you can give yourself the maximum options for you, and stress less while going through it.

You already seem to have the right mindset about trying to do this right, so the one thing I'll say is this: everything in writing, straight away. It's easy to get too relaxed about this when it's all going smoothly, but then something catches you out and it's too late (eg already been told not to bring it up again).

This part will feel awkward, but to protect yourself, you need to send your boss an email summarising your conversation and your understanding of the outcome (not updating). Frame it as a "I hear you, and I apologise for my previous insistence" if it helps smooth things over, but just make sure it outlines your previous queries and suggestions and their response to you. It's the only way to cover your own butt in these situations, and it's a great habit to get into after every conversation that has decisions or changes etc. Put it in writing as a summary: you can refer back to it later and it let's the other person know you understood their position / instruction

That'd be Gorillaz for me. I can appreciate them, but not my thing. But, Demon Days is so damn good, love it start to finish

Right?? Their very first point is such inflammatory bs, it's insane that they would try to prove it with that source. The most basic reading comprehension will tell you that they are making stuff up.

Most Gazans agreeing that the actions of Hamas on Oct 7 were 'correct' does not equate to those same Gazans agreeing with every single Hamas stance. Such a dumb leap to go from that to "Most Gazans want to kill every Israeli"... Pathetic, evil, pro-genocide bullshit

Battle Royals - for me, it's about how the consequences heighten the tension, and how the threat of getting unceremoniously smashed back to the lobby heightens the victories.

Playing with friends makes the the whole experience fun. If you drop and have some downtime 'just' gearing up, you can chat and hang out and goof around. Then when shit kicks off, it's just so much more impactful (imo) than a game where you've just died and respawned a bunch already and you can do the same again. The teamwork and communication has to be next level and it feels so damn good to win a round, especially when you've been on the back foot and had to claw your way out of tough fights.

No mind tricks, not fussed about loot boxes and skins, just awesome memories from when we where playing enough to get almost half decent at it.

....and now I'm missing Apex Legends, might reinstall and remember that my friends don't play it any more

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Ahh I love that one.

Similarly, this verse but particularly the last two lines from it, from 'A Perfect Circle - The Doomed'. Always hits me hard. So relevant and sad:

Blessed are the fornicants

May we bend down to be their whor*s

Blessed are the rich

May we labor, deliver them more

Blessed are the envious

Bless the slothful, the wrathful, the vain

Blessed are the gluttonous

May they feast us to famine and war

Like what?

Pro Palestine people want Palestinian people to be freed from oppression. It doesn't matter that the people currently oppressing them (most directly anyway) are Jews, it just matters that they are the oppressors.

The far-right (the ones being discussed here anyway that are going to these events and spewing antisemitic crap) hate Jews because they're Jews. On a different day I'm sure they'd be saying horrible shit about Arabs too.

So, they might have "I don't like Netanyahu" in common, but that doesn't really warrant a loaded statement like "It's almost like the far right and the pro palestine people share certain things in common" now does it

I'd suggest editing that in the main post for those who don't know and don't see this comment

Which would only make sense if every human body processed every molecule ingested in the exact same way

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So, ethnic cleansing then

With one tiny paragraph at the end there, just to really hammer home how large the first one is

"Why are you eating that ice cream?"

"Because I enjoy it"

"your justification for eating that ice cream also fits well for why Ed Kemper murdered and dismembered his mother and other people"

^ this is not pointing out a mistake in a comment, this is insane.

I must have heard the expression "they slept together" and figured sex was something that happened when both people were asleep in the same bed

Both of the Psychonauts games had such great writing, comedy is best when interwoven with actual substance and they nailed it

No no no, I think you misunderstood me. I'm saying that your link was much much better at telling the full story, and it was the other articles I read (posted elsewhere) that failed to tell the whole story. It was those other articles that were disgusting reporting.

Edit to put the link back up, because I think it's important:

Not gonna call you a dumbass when you're open about this being anecdotal only, but yes, all of the 'assert dominance' stuff has been pretty thoroughly debunked. At best you'll get a dog who fears you just the 'right' amount to behave how you want them to when you are there, but they don't have any actual skills and the behaviour does not transfer well to other people and situations. And if their new anxiety does overcome their fear, the resulting behaviours will be much worse than what you started with.

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The universe is, and we are.

Dammit, I was feeling proud that my first thought on how this could work lined up with the explanation... But I had assumed L2 (didn't stop to think about the label) was where I now see L1 to be. I can wrap my head around L1 just fine, but how the heck is L2 the same? Or the others for that matter? Gonna stare at this for a while...

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I haven't heard this, how did the pandemic inform one way or another on flat earthers?

The suspense is killing me...

Ehh, I give it about a 3.6. Not great, not terrible

I'm wondering the same, everyone is saying block the account but noone is saying what they're called / how they can tell.

Maybe it's something super obvious like redditrepostbot but I haven't seen any myself so who knows

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