1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is such a fucking stupid argument to make.

The reason airlines make x% of CO2 emissions is because people want to fly, they're an airline, and there is no emissions free way to power a plane.

The reason the plastic company makes x billions of plastic sporks every year is because I want a spoon to eat my Taco Bell Nachos in my car. They're not making all the plastic pollution because they just hate the Earth.

They're not cartoon villains like in Captain Planet that pollute just to make pollution.

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I have a picture with Joel McHale.

If Joel McHale turned out to run an international child sex trafficking ring would my picture with him indicate that I was part of the ring?

I HATE Elon, but this whole...

"See see see! There is a picture of them both at the NYC 9/11 Firefighters Fundraiser event in 2009!!! <Insert celebrity here that was at the event and pictured with Maxwell or Epstein> must also be a Satan worshipping child rapist/murderer."

Thing is fucking stupid.

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The smartphone is the only science fiction thing we have.

We didn't get table top fusion reactors, food pills, Rosie the robot, casual commercial space travel, flying cars, hoverboards, etc...

But we did get a little computer we can carry around that has literally everything in it. It's a camera, it's camcorder, it's a microcassette voice recorder, computer, telephone, book, TV, video conference system, remote control for all my lights, remote control for the TV, a McDonald's ordering device, instant messenger, magazine, radio, GPS for my car, GPS tracker for my family, health monitoring device, flashlight, Sears catalog - It would probably be harder to come up with a list of things that it can't do.

You can take my smartphone from my cold dead hands.

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Google+ didn't work because they didn't push it hard enough and they made it an invite only beta instead of just allowing everyone to join.

Yes - I'm being serious they didn't push it hard enough. If you had a Gmail or YouTube account it should have just instantly become a Google+ account in some sort of private mode so it doesn't inadvertently leak your info.

If they would have just pushed it out to everyone, day one, mandatory, no opt out, then we'd still have Google+ today.

Like if they made Google Talk the default messaging client on Android we'd still have Google Talk. I don't recall Apple making iMessage an optional messaging app you don't have to use.

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I'd be willing to bet that 80% of the people that have a very intense emotional reaction to the small town song live in the suburbs less than 20 to 30 minutes away from whatever city they work in.

Actual small towns like that have less than a couple thousand people suck ass. There's nothing to do there and no jobs and that's why people leave.

Now that you're pretty wealthy has your family decided to become your best buddy now?

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Housing is the thing most exploding in cost.

About half the population already owns a home so they're immune to this problem.

The other half is just moving to shittier and shittier conditions and living with roommates and family members.

Plus this is a very regional problem. Housing in shithole flyover places is still somewhat affordable.

If everything went up five times in price over the last 20 years then it might be a better argument for saying we're in a depression.

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So do they think that CPAP machines are just suicide devices?

There's two problems...

  1. There is no easy to use singular Reddit replacement. (The fediverse is not easy to use to normal people.)

  2. Reddit is such a large social media site now that all the nerds getting angry and leaving doesn't matter. 10 years ago this change would have killed Reddit, but now that normal people like my mom are on Reddit they don't give a shit about using the official Reddit app, in fact they were probably already using it.

Are they supporting it so that they can gimp it?

We support the right to repair! Starting now all keycaps will be replaceable. Anything on the motherboard is off limits though or the display or the battery or the ports or the camera.

Why do Linux nerds that care about this sort of stuff hate snaps so much?

Is it the concept of snaps / flatpaks that is the issue or snaps specifically because Canonical is behind them?

I know literally nothing about how they work except I installed the VLC snap and it's fine.

I couldn't install Parsec (a remote desktop game streaming app) because of a missing dependency (an old version of lib-something codec that wasn't in my newer version of Ubuntu). I spent like an hour trying to figure out how to take the 18.04 version and add it to 22.10. I don't know Linux at all so I wasn't making much progress. Someone, not the developers of Parsec, made a flatpak and it magically worked.

I was afraid that because the flatpak was made by some random guy I couldn't really trust it. I looked inside the flatpak and it's seems to be nothing except for the Parsec deb coming straight from the official Parsec URL and that libcodec thing that was causing a problem.

So from my perspective, not knowing the technical details or politics, what's the problem?

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My mom would use the same password for everything or she would mix it up a little tiny bit.

Her passwords were like.

Rainbow2002! rainbow2003 RAINBOW!!!

It was a different word from rainbow, but that's just an example.

I got her using two factor with Google with a really good password and she's using the built-in Google password manager. Now all of her passwords are 20+ random strings instead of a single word with different numbers at the end.

I think that's a much better system than what she was using before.

Why would you not be super excited for this?

This literally extends coverage to the entire world. Movies will have to come up with a another excuse then - oh I have no signal.

When you're hiking that trail in the middle of nowhere and you slip and break your leg you can just point your phone to the sky and get help.

I don't want to "study" or empathize with magats.

I want to belittle and (electorally) destroy them into irrelevance.

I grew up in a magat household. They're magats because they're fucking morons. I solved the mystery for you - no additional study is required.

I got in a debate once with my mom about the age of the Earth (of course she's a young Earth creationist). I brought up the speed of light - we see things that are farther than 6000 light years, so the Earth has to be more than 6000 years old. Her rebuttal: "What if the sky is like an Etch-a-Sketch that God is holding up for us to see?" How do you reason with someone that believes something like that? Do you really think I if brought up stellar parallax or spectroscopy or stellar evolution that would change her mind?

My grandma, I bought her an iPad 10 years ago so she could get on Facebook and watch YouTube and stuff. Big mistake! Now I have to hear stuff about how Hillary Clinton has been arrested and convicted by a military tribunal and is wearing an ankle bracelet and will be put in prison after the 2018 election. Adrenochrome. Comet Ping Pong. Democrats want to chop off elementary school age boys penises. Bamboo ballets. Mike Lindell. Ballots dumps. Obama controls everything. Porn in schools. Democrats are trying to make us eat bugs.

Prior to the iPad I had probably heard her mention politics like less than a handful of times in my entire life.

She wouldn't get the COVID vaccine... Even though she's 83 obese, arthritic, congestive heart failure, diabetic, and has had two previous heart attacks. Then she got COVID and almost died, was in the hospital for more than month, now on oxygen at home... STILL WON'T GET VACCINATED.

These are not people that reason or think about anything. The only way to get them on our side would be a propaganda network to compete with Sinclair, Fox, OAN, Newsmax, Hannity, Neck, Levin, Shapiro, PragerU, Crowder, Savage, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Daily Wire, Project Veritas, The Blaze, WND, Candace, Jordan Peterson, The Washington Times, etc... And then pump that down their YouTube and Facebook feeds. Unfortunately I don't know any left wing billionaires that want to create competing institutions to these things.

Not to mention the right wing message of simple solutions, zero thinking, and your prejudices are actually a good thing is hard to compete with.

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I had to log into my 84-year-old grandmother's YouTube account and unsubscribe from a bunch of stuff, "Not interested" on a bunch of stuff, subscribed to more mainstream news sources... But it only works for a couple months.

The problem is the algorithm that values viewing time over anything else.

Watch a news clip from a real news source and then it recommends Fox News. Watch Fox News and then it recommends PragerU. Watch PragerU and then it recommends The Daily Wire. Watch that and then it recommends Steven Crowder. A couple years ago it would go even stupider than Crowder, she'd start getting those videos where it's computer voice talking over stock footage about Hillary Clinton being arrested for being a demonic pedophile. Luckily most of those channels are banned at this point or at least the algorithm doesn't recommend them.

I've thought about putting her into restricted mode, but I think that would be too obvious that I'm manipulating the strings in the background.

Then I thought she's 84, she's going to be dead in a few years, she doesn't vote, does it really matter that she's concerned about trans people trying to cut off little boy's penises or thinks that Obama is wearing ankle monitor because he was arrested by the Trump administration or that aliens are visiting the Earth because she heard it on Joe Rogan?

Just sort of giving up on life in my late teens and doing nothing.

I just go to work and go home.

I don't have any friends, don't have sex, don't have any hobbies (besides video games), didn't go to college. I'm very very obese.

If it wasn't for my family acting as my social life and giving me stuff to do I probably would have killed myself by now. I have some friends online that I play videogames with.

(Yeah I've tried therapy and SSRIs/Wellbutrin and gotten my thyroid levels checked and testosterone.)

The main subs or sublemmies or whatever they're called on here have enough users that it's a perfect alternative to Reddit.

Little niche subreddits, like my favorite gaybros and askgaybros, just a few dozen users and I'm going back to Reddit for that.

But he passed an infrastructure bill that will fix roads that should have been fixed already.

But what about the people that have already died from cancer?

What's wrong with using Google Podcasts for podcasts or Spotify or the dozens and dozens of other podcast apps?

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Facebook doesn't use e2e.

There is a private chat e2e feature, but then your chats don't show up on PC.

I thought after 2008 that we had finally gotten over our large car addiction.

They're so addicted to SUVs now that Ford doesn't even make a car other than the Mustang. Their entire lineup is SUVs.

I think people are getting to the point where they want the president to just do whatever, the courts be damned.

Like maybe if the court says that you can't do your DACA or Clean Power Plan or student loan forgiveness you just tell the court to go fuck itself.

Or maybe if members of your own party sabotage your signature legislation you punish them.

Or maybe if you run as a guy that can get things done because you're a deal maker that's been in DC for a hundred years and everybody in the Senate is your friend... then actually get something done.

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Cruise and Waymo have self-driving cars, without safety drivers, driving around cities right now.

We know what hardware it takes - More than just cameras and some premapping is required.

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From: Leia@royal.ald

Subject: Deathstar plans

You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.

I think a lot of Democrats/liberals have West Wing Syndrome where they think if they make a convincing argument in a speech or debate that the other side will then come to the light... They won't. They're either evil or stupid or a combination of both.

Interestingly the magats don't have this problem. They don't give a shit about convincing you of anything, they just want their side to win and our side to lose.

Does cutting their fleet mean they stopped operating or they reduced the size of their fleet?

One of the crashes was a car running a red light and hitting the Cruise vehicle.

You can buy edibles from special state stores only in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Philly. The stores are open Wednesday to Friday from 6 AM to 3 PM.

Max Headroom background videos.

The problem is that Lemmy never hit that critical threshold of users where I can just stop using Reddit.

Like one of my favorite subreddits - gaybros and askgaybros - zero activity on the fediverse, so I'm going back to Reddit for that.

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Mandrake like in 2003.

Are you going to buy me a new heat pump?

Also why doesn't anyone make a hyper efficient central system? I've only seen those hyper efficient units as mini splits.

Are you going to replace my 2016 Sonata I spent $13k on buying in 2018 with a $55k EV with car to grid for me?

What happens if it's dark and cold for multiple days? I just can't drive because my car emptied out running my minisplits?

I'm sure tons of voters are going to be happy and will reelect the politicians that make air travel 2x to 5x more expensive. has some traffic

Google Podcasts syncs to the browser, has playback speed control, and automatic silence skipping.

We can't incentivize people to change their behavior because no one is going to deliberately lower their quality of life.

What politician is going to win on a platform of...

Let's make air travel so expensive that normal people can no longer regularly fly!

Vote for me I'm going to double your electricity bill!

You know that big SUV you love that is entirely impractical but you just like it because of how big it is... If you vote for me I'll make gas $7 a gallon so that you can't afford to have a giant SUV anymore.

You know how you like to eat your Taco Bell nachos in your car with a plastic spork... If you vote for me I'll replace the plastic spork with a cornstarch spork that starts to melt when you use it.

The only thing that is going to save us is technology. Like air travel being fueled by biofuels, electricity costs kept somewhat normal by building new nuclear generation, giant SUVs being powered by batteries charged by nuclear/renewable energy, actually recycling the plastic spork.

I live in a 1000 square foot two bedroom condo. When it gets below 20° f, which does a lot during the winter, I have to use the auxiliary heat on my heat pump unit.

That's 7.5 kW.

So just to stay warm during the night, when solar stops working, I would need 3-5 Power Walls?

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If she wasn't in Congress I would agree.

The problem seems so bad I'm surprised they haven't passed a law that just bypasses environmental regulations and other red tape along with telling the towns and cities to go fuck themselves when it comes to zoning.

Or even just having the government directly build houses.

Or just throwing tax credits and incentives ar builders to build "starter" or lower income housing.

Or anything. It just seems like they're doing jack shit about it.

The neoliberals can't blame this one on Republicans considering Democrats have control of the entire state.

Biden could just pick a different mechanism (i.e. not the emergency declaration) and do student loan forgiveness again.

He could just ignore the court's ruling. Seems like a very low priority thing to start a constitutional crisis for, but he could do it if he wanted to.

I don't care about student loan forgiveness that much. I don't even have student loans. It's just indictive of everything else he's failed on.

I'm not going to suck his dick because he got Medicare drug prices negotiation (on five specific drugs starting a year or two from now) or a $7500 tax credit on an EV I still can't afford even with a $7500 tax credit or a $1400 stimulus check that he said would be $2000 and Trump indicated he wanted to do as well or an infrastructure bill that I can't really specifically point to anything it's doing.

Here is what a normal, not political, not terminally online person thinks: Biden was elected and nothing in my life has gotten better. Everything seems more expensive.