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Joined 1 years ago

For me it's branding something as "AI" as a buzzword. Almost all product marketing is full of AI hype these days.

There is a term in kendo called hikitate geiko. I won't get too technical, but in essence, it is an attitude employed by a senior who spars with their junior that helps elevate their skills. It is more difficult than it appears, because if you make it too easy for them, they don't improve, but if you make it too hard for someone, they won't learn anything either; and at the same time, you yourself won't benefit from the spar. By practicing good hikitate geiko, you are able to elevate your partner's skills, but at the same time, refine and perfect your own technique.

I find that this attitude is beautiful in every aspect of life, and isn't easy to accomplish; I think this is a huge green flag when someone does that well, regardless of the situation or context.

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I got reverse onioned a little while ago. There was an article about a kids version of the AR-15 called the JR-15, and it was so ludicrous and I didn't know that website, I thought it was a satirical article for a while... Weeks later I mentioned it as a joke, but my brother said it was real and I checked and saw he was right.

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I was under the impression cops prefer people not carry a phone with them so they can't document cop crimes...

They exist.


Probably "We can ride the AI hype train and make loads of money, sell the start-up to a big tech company and retire".

CPR. You may not think about it in your day to day life, but in an emergency it's a very low hanging fruit to save someone's life. If someone is not breathing, chest compressions baby... go to town.

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This is much worse than just assault, because it's also an intentional act of battery, which is a potential felony charge in Massachusetts.

Oh that's such a delicious irony... Also, letting a guy who was convicted of felony forgery become vice president of the republican party is so fitting for the party of election frauds.

With that said, I do think that prisoners should be allowed to vote as they are still citizens, even while in prison, let alone during their probation.

At least now you know what has been eating you for so long. Like Morpheus said to Neo in the movie The Matrix:

Neo: I can’t go back, can I? Morpheus: No. But if you could, would you really want to?

You can't unlearn it, it would only hurt you more trying to pretend like nothing has changed. I hope the people in your life will support you through this.

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I honestly don't get Elon's obsession with X. First it was his thing with and PayPal, then it was SpaceX, then he called his son X, then Twitter....

No wonder his wife became his X wife.

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Vasectomy. Before I got my vasectomy, I had a lot of anxiety that the condom might fail and an unwanted pregnancy would occur. That's not to say vasectomies can't fail, they can, even years afterwards, recanalization can happen so I get tested every year.

Annual failure rate of condom (average use) is 18%, and with perfect use it's 2%. This means that over a span of 20 years, even with perfect use, there is a 33% chance for a pregnancy which is too high for me. A vasectomy with annual testing of sperm count is as close to zero as possible.

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Wait, why are they banning IVF? I thought their primary goal was to get as many women to give birth and all that jazz... wouldn't IVF be something forced-birth supporters want?

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Trying to get people to change problematic behaviour, language, or opinion through yelling, or shaming is ineffective most of the time. Obviously I can't expect people who belong to minorities to not be angry, not everyone can be Daryl Davis, but if you are white and don't have a personal trauma, you should use more effective methods to correct people's problematic behaviour.

Source: I was able to get my family to stop using the N word, and even my elderly father who doesn't actually remember that it's bad to use the N word has stopped using it thanks to this very simple technique: every time he says that word, stop the conversation and explain why this word is harmful and dangerous to use, don't let them steer the conversation back. Being visibly angry with them will only make them dig in their heels and seek comfort with other people who are racist, making it more difficult to get them out.

Eventually they will subconsciously stop using that word, simply because this causes the conversation to be interrupted every time. So while I don't punish them (can't exactly tell my father to go to his room or something), the repeated inconvenience of having the conversation halted every time will get it in their head eventually.

I think this is the most effective method to correct problematic behaviour in adults.

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Google has too much power over the web, also I just like Firefox.

And the treadmill is accelerating on top of that as well.

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OP, did you wake up after a 15 year coma or something?

Low gravity planets are probably small planets with a low escape velocity, so they probably can't hold a thick atmosphere. Domes are better at maintaining internal pressure.

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Getting insulted by a sassy robot while you solve puzzles and try not to die.

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Unfortunately yes; I was taped to a tree in elementary school for what felt like an eternity until one of the teachers found me.

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I'll skip the common ones that are frequently mentioned to give Zim some love! Zim is a desktop wiki app which, as implied, allows you to make your own private wiki which is invaluable for my writing and worldbuilding hobby.

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Being dyslexic is like a rollercoaster at times. I read it as "Donald Trump brutally shot down by judge", did a double take, and had to immediately start over.

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Bees die when they're killed...

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The number of rape cases here is hard to grasp... Holy shit.

Edit: I looked up the statistics and it's absolutely insane. "it is estimated that 734,630 people were raped (threatened, attempted, or completed) in the United States in 2018."

In a country with 330 million, that's 0.22% of the population in ONE YEAR. If your probability of not being raped in any given year is 0.9978, to see what's the likelihood to go 30 years without being raped, you take 0.9978^30 and you get 0.936 so you have a 6.4% chance to get raped in a span of 30 years. These numbers are absolutely hard to comprehend, please tell me I got the math wrong...

... WTF is wrong with humanity.

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Very stupid of her to bring attention to this, because I didn't even know she had a private jet, now more people are aware of Sweeney's website.

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God's plan is just the alpha release, has a lot of bugs, and is not feature complete. Lol

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First, all executions should be illegal. But if you do execute someone, nitrogen is the most humane way to do it if done correctly.

If he was thrashing it means that he was rebreathing the same air he exhaled, and the CO2 buildup caused him to thrash and die in agony. How incompetent people must be, this is simple.

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Google and other companies make it extremely convenient and easy, so you don't need to be technically inclined to use their services and everyone already uses them. Asking someone to join the Fediverse requires them to understand what it is, and deal with the learning curve; if they aren't technically inclined, they are almost certain to refuse, and even many technically capable ones don't care enough.

Signal is a much better compromise; private enough that it isn't creepy to use, and easy enough that anyone who uses WhatsApp can pick up without difficulty or friction. Even then, only a small percentage of the people in my life use it. It is what it is.

You can't force people to care. The vast majority of people never even heard of FOSS, never heard of self-hosting (or even know what hosting is), and don't get me started on the Fediverse... Most people don't care about privacy either; my mother for example is the "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" type.

When you say "they refuse to take part", it puts too much blame on people, you can't expect people to do something that they don't understand or care enough about. It's like if I asked you to come with me to protest against something you've never heard of, but in order to understand what's wrong with it, you need a long lecture and actually pay attention. Corporations spent hundreds of billions on making their services and products really convenient and easy, so they have to screw up really badly to get people to switch.

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This is an interesting development, but Boeing is going to spin it as if they did nothing wrong when it was clear their airplanes are poorly constructed.

Conclusion: Both Boeing and Alaska Airlines suck, and the lesson is, like many times, greed of corporate executives overrule safety to increase profits.

I'm no lawyer, but both Boeing's and Alaska Airlines' executives need to be investigated and potentially charged with reckless endangerment, and considering the number of people who fly on their planes, I'd hope some of them spend many years behind bars.

I remember having a conversation with a former friend a while ago, and he, as a guy who worked for a certain company that makes most of its revenue from delivering ads, spoke about requiring use of front facing camera and using eye tracking technology to ensure you're actually watching the ads and not going somewhere else while the ads play. If you aren't looking at the ad, it will play another ad afterwards.

He spoke about it as something he is looking forward to, since it would increase revenue. Pretty sure he was pitching this idea to his boss hoping to get a promotion.

If you can leave and find a place to live, it is better than living with a narcissist who doesn't respect your privacy.

My parents also would barge into my bedroom whenever they liked, after a big argument, my dad respected my wishes, but no matter how many arguments about privacy we had, my mother never listened. I began to just be naked whenever I was in my room alone, and she stopped. When I wasn't in my room, she would still enter, but I didn't keep a diary and my computer was encrypted.

I never understood why people care so much for wireless charging. It's less efficient, therefore you heat your device more which shortens the longevity of the battery, you charge slower, and if you move the device slightly, it won't charge, therefore it's less reliable (unless there is a magnet array like apple). Sure, it's useful in a pinch, but is it really a make or break feature?

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Managers find it easier to micromanage their employees when they are at the office.

There is a machine that specifically cools drinks (cans) in seconds. It rolls the can in ice water until it's cold.

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I will forever refer to him as David Quality-Escape Calhoun. He should be in jail, and we must not let Boeing design and manufacture the prison facility, because a quality escape would lead to a prison escape.

Jellyfin - 0:00

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I find it really annoying when browsers waste vertical space, especially with most laptops being 16:9 which is stupid.

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The problem is, using a computer is pretty much essential to function in this world, I actually know more people who would run any file sent to them without a second thought because they wouldn't know better, but they still need to use a computer.

I think a better solution is to give better training to people about computer hygiene at the workplace.

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I'm very glad, the lack of buttons are a safety hazard... Looking at these stupid TESLA cars especially... You can't even adjust the AC without messing with the touchscreen, which means your eyes are not on the road...

Still not going to own a car, but at least it will be slightly safer by bringing back physical buttons, so hurray for small victories.

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This is a non-exhaustive list.

Healthy food, clean water, safety, clean air, top tier healthcare, communication, transportation, education, and housing are the basic rights which the state must ensure all of its people have.

No law or regulation shall compromise an individual's privacy, including their digital privacy rights. Personalised ads are illegal.

Source code of software must be published no later than 3 years after the release of any software or system.

Patents expire after 4 years at the latest with no evergreening allowed. Lifesaving drugs can't be patented.

Right to repair must be protected by the constitution. Schematics and replacement parts and board level components must be available for as long as the product is on the market + 10 years at BoM cost + logistics.

Non-commercial transformative works are protected.

The state must maintain, to the best of its ability, a top of the line rail network, with additional supplemental bus network as transitional period so that completely eliminates the need for personal automobiles in any town larger than 2000 residents.

No road in residential areas should allow higher than 30km/h driving speed, and 70km/h between cities. (To further encourage usage of public transit and cycling).

The state must maintain a top of the line high speed rail network that completely replaces the highway system, as well as completely replacing regional flights.

All public transit will be free to use, 100% funded by tax money.

Worker's union, on top of the regular protections, has the ability to freeze assets and accounts of the company to force negotiations.

Construction code must minimise the carbon footprint of the project by reducing emissions (not just relying on carbon buybacks).

Any military action must be compliant with international laws, failure to comply will result in emergency re-elections.

Any elected official is not allowed to own stocks or options in any company. Any elected official must retire before the age of 65. No elected official can stay in the same position for longer than 8 years.

Healthcare is 100% funded by the state, no residents shall pay a single penny for their own medical treatment.

Organ donation is opt out, not opt in.

Maximum legal salary for corporate executives must never exceed 5x the lowest salary at that company, and no more than 5x of the median income of that country.

If 1% of residents in any given jurisdiction sign a petition to fire any police officer from that jurisdiction, a referendum will decide.

Any agent of the state who abuses their power for personal gain will be charged with abuse of power and possibly treason.

Education from kindergarten to university is fully funded by the state. Trade schools will also be funded. Students with special needs must be accommodated by the state to the best of its ability.

In order to declare a war, a referendum must be passed with a supermajority of the entire voting population. Children above the age of 15 should also be allowed to vote, since if you start a war, it is possible that it will lead to a draft that will force them into combat when they reach the age of adulthood.

The death penalty is not allowed no matter the severity of the crime.

For profit prisons are illegal, all incarceration centers are owned and operated by the state. inmates' living conditions must be humane and allow them to maintain their safety, health, and dignity, with the primary goal is to rehabilitate convicts and reintegrate them back to society.

Whistleblower protection: anyone who comes to a possession of document, or any other evidence of wrong doing of the state, is allowed and encouraged to publish said evidence, and they will be constitutionally protected from any criminal charges, and against violence through a special agency.

Vehicles are taxed based on weight and emissions rating.

Any income higher than 500k per year (adjusted to inflation) gets a 95% tax (remember that this is a tax bracket, if you earn 600k, the first 500k will be taxed normally, and the extra 100k will be taxed at 95%). Deductable expenses for any item above $2000 must require more detailed documentation to include a description of how that item will be used.

Religious organizations must be taxed like any other for-profit organization.

All forests are protected and the state shall ensure its biodiversity is maintained and managed appropriately.

Coal is completely banned for energy production. Natural gas is taxed so heavily that only industries that absolutely must use it will. (To force the use of green energy solutions like nuclear, solar, and others...)

All publicly funded research publications must not have any paywall or DRM.

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