0 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Welp, time to expedite that switch to RustDesk, I guess!

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Is this Toronto? This looks a lot like Toronto. If you're from Toronto you should know that there is a city by-law that states if a cute dog is tied to your bike and you take a picture of it and submit it to Lemmy that you then legally get to keep the dog. Just FYI.

12 more...

There are school-aged people on Lemmy? I assumed the vast majority are older millennials (with a touch of gray), who are also Linux users, not straight, and have some level of obsession with Star Trek and — God knows why — beans.

30 more...

As always, if a headline is in the form of a question, the answer is: No.

As it was a few years ago, the only "cure" is bone marrow transplants from somebody with the gene variant that is resistant to HIV. And bone marrow transplants, since in their application need to wipe out your existing immune system, are riskier than just continuing to be on ART.

The other potential cures in the article have only been tested on monkeys and mice, and even if they end up working on humans that's many, many years away.

The article is kind of a waste of time if you already know about the bone marrow application, as expected. Actually, that's kind of harsh, it's mostly positive, which we need more of, but from a science news perspective there's not much there.

He'd end up disappointed that her pussy doesn't bubble during sex, anyway.

7 more...

Soju is waaaay too easy to drink

4 more...

What's really cool is seeing actual conversations taking place. I'm actually able to comment here and I'm not immediately being drowned out by being one of ten thousand comments or constant contrarian trolling.

It has also totally replaced Reddit for me. It reminds me a lot of the old internet and a bit of early Reddit. It's a really cool experiment, and if it continues as-is I will be thrilled, and if not then I will forever have a sense of pride of what everyone here accomplished. It's very cool.

6 more...

I'm still on IRC! There's a raw simplicity to it that I appreciate. You don't have to use a bloated Electron app to connect to a proprietary service, you can just go straight text on the protocol-level in terminal (if you're nuts), and the protocol is open and simple enough to understand that you can easily make your own client even if you're a lazy or mediocre dev.

So IRC, Lemmy, and I guess Instagram (if that counts)

10 more...

Expect to see more posts like this. With a few projects announcing they're dropping support for TypeScript we're going to have developers worrying that this tech that they've sunk so much time into is suddenly becoming obsolete, so they're going to evangelise hard in favour of it as a defence strategy. Same thing happened when Perl went out of flavour.

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I haven't been active on 4chan in well over a decade so I can't speak to the state of it now. Do you know anything about "Project Chanology"? Around 2008 a whole lot of us "/b/tards" decided to take on the Church of Scientology, and even went outside and protested in front of their churches. Given the reputation of 4chan-ers as being deplorable neck-bearded basement-dwellers most people were shockingly well-adjusted normal people in person. I would describe it as normal people who found it entertaining to be as shocking as possible online, almost as a form of satire (and possibly against the rapid commercialisation of the internet, would be my guess based on my own experience), but were nothing like their online personas (in the majority of cases). But every once in a while you'd come across someone who didn't quite pick up that it was satire, probably because they had pre-existing bigotries and were looking for like-minded people. (Think about how TheDonald started off as satire, but was quickly co-opted by people that took it seriously).

This particular screenshot reads like satire to me, but the problem is you don't know for sure and odds are good that someone will take it seriously, co-opt the conversation, and turn it into something very serious. That's part of why I starting avoiding 4chan, it used to be offensive memes for that sake of shocking like-minded people / friends, but it eventually became used as a propaganda or recruitment tool for people that weren't "in on the joke" and to "test the waters"

TL;DR: Probably not, but (depressingly) you never know

Would you really want to prove it? What would that accomplish?

You're probably going to be depressed either way: either your parallel life is worse or your parallel life is better. If it's worse then you have to witness it and (I assume) can't do anything about it. If it's better then it's not really you that gets to enjoy it, and is nothing more than an existential cocktease.

I guess if you're really lucky parallel-universe-you might have invented something world-changing and you figure out how it works and bring that information back to your universe. But if it's anything like most of my dreams it's mostly just uncanny anxiety-inducing quasi-nightmares.

19 more...

Already planning on it here in Canada once my friends and I have the money for what we want to do.

Farming (+greenhousing) and some cottage rentals on the side.

Peace out, modern society!

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There's actually a Python-based framework that can make mobile apps called Kivy, but as you might expect it would not be terribly performant.

Well that's going to be a really awkward episode of Below Deck

Total tangent, but: the famous Stamets from Risa is also Canadian? 😀

12 more...

This is extra entertaining because I doubt many people here know of MJF or his catchphrase, so without context you probably just seem nuts

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No. The API is correctly named, but I can see how it could be misleading (and concerning!)

That API allows websites to programmatically go somewhere in your history. It can go forward, back, or to a specific point in your history, but it can't see what that history is, it can only go back 3 pages back or forward 2 pages for example. It doesn't actually know the history, it just navigates to those points in history. So Google isn't going to know that you were on Pornhub 3 pages ago, for example.

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Heh "far right" in Canada would be America's Democratic party. America's "far right" is straight up blossoming fascism.

6 more...

They mean they're going to stick her in a freezer for 30 days, right? Right?!

Good luck (I mean that sincerely). I've heard it's not terribly easy to move here if you're not a recognised refugee. There was a lot of "I'm moving to Canada if the trumpet plays" talk in 2016, but I don't think it resulted in any significant increase in Americans moving here.

I will say, as a Canadian, I and a number of my friends are considering moving away from Canada if America goes full totalitarian (which is looking likely, if not this election then the next). It's essentially America-lite here now, but with a higher cost of living and lower salaries. Most of us are thinking New Zealand or Ireland.

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Actually, if you really care about quality and types on the front end rust+wasm is not a bad idea 🤔

Now that I've typed that and read it back, were people using TypeScript for anything other than front-end web dev?

12 more...

My dude, you and Stamets are my Lemmy heroes. I can't imagine I'd spend that much time on Lemmy if you guys weren't around.

Weird. I run the same setup as you (Firefox on Android with Bitwarden and SwiftKey) and I don't think I've ever experienced that. How much RAM does your device have? Do you have a lot of other apps running? It sounds like it is purging the page from memory when you're switching away.

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There have always been a ton of Ukrainian diaspora in Canada, and we love them. Every Ukrainian I've met in Canada has been lovely. Even worked with a former Chernobyl liquidator, he luckily had no ill effects from the cleanup and had a very eccentric sense of humour.

Oh a Newfie! 😀 I'm in / from Toronto but my dad's side of the family are all Acadian from Nova Scotia. (That's not me being an ignorant Torontonian assuming NS and Newfoundland are the same thing, just acknowledging they're both that side of Canada 😂)

You're being recognised for providing people with entertainment and joy. I'd say that's a good thing! You've certainly provided me (and my friends by extension) with a ton of entertainment. To that point, if you message me your details I'll e-transfer you $50 as thanks for all your good works.

7 more...

Hello again Mr. Stamets! ❤️

Glad you're here friend, and glad you're doing better!

Dammit Reddit was so fucking unhealthy.

Longo's is owned by Sobeys now 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I said a few, friend 😛 I agree it's not a big deal, but for developers that are totally entrenched in that ecosystem it might be alarming. Hence OP's post.

Anything that makes you think critically, ponder, analyse, or absorb knowledge is a grand thing.

I just had an idea: daily Lemmy debates. We pick a topic that is relevant to the day, and we engage in healthy, respectful debate, picking a side and exploring that stance until all points of logic are exhausted.

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I don't believe that's possible. I think at one point there was a way to disable all access to the history API, but I don't believe that option exists anymore. Additionally, it would break a lot of websites.

Unfortunately I think this is probably a result of the way YouTube implements their "auto play next video" feature, and they are unlikely to change that.

An option might be using an alternative YouTube front-end, rather than using the YouTube site, but I don't have a lot of experience with those. (other people on here do though)

That's a Linux server, I'd count it 😛

100 gross of self sealing stem bolts!

To be fair, he is obligated to toe the line and regurgitate his talking points, otherwise the IDF might make him go to the front.

Looks like King West and Atlantic Avenue specifically, which is a 5 minute walk from me.

It doesn't look as nice as the photo Google Maps

I am also interested in alternatives as I still use Clockify. But I also need to rant about Clockify: oh my God it is so damn buggy. Whenever I use my VPN on Windows to connect to the office (split routing, so only traffic destined for the office goes over the VPN, not all traffic) Clockify goes in and out of "No internet connection..." for 5-10 seconds. It's also constantly logging me out, and will sometimes pop up a ton of "new update available" dialogue windows at the same time.

It also doesn't have great rounding options. And one of my clients has a tiered billing structure (X dollars up to a certain number of hours, Y dollars for anything over that in the month) which I don't think I can track in Clockify at all, so I end up doing all of that manually every month.

I thought about looking for FOSS alternatives but haven't gotten around to it yet. Also thought about doing my own FOSS thing with a paid hosted / support component, but I don't have much cross-platform GUI dev experience.

Pro tip: if you want to mess with an older millennial, say something like "I was born in 2005... Yeah I'll be turning 19 this year" to which the older millennial will say "the fuck? 19? But 2005 was like 5 years ago" and then watch them proceed to have an existential crisis.

Also: it's cool to see so many younger people using Linux. I remember my friends and I in high school all trying Slackware Linux and congratulating anyone that actually got it to work with all their hardware.

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Nah, they're too busy running phone scams on senior citizens.

Edit: in retrospect this might come across as racist — I meant that the same people being paid to spread Indian nationalism online also probably have no problem running phone scams against other countries, and phone scam centres are de facto sanctioned by some local governments over there.

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Haha this happened to me almost verbatim except it was an LG phone.

Big "we already got their money, fuck 'em" energy. Made me decide to aggressively avoid all LG products going forward.

Best part was there was a bug in the version of their Android I was stuck with that would cause the phone to randomly shut off if charging overnight. I think I eventually installed a custom ROM which fixed it.

Honestly that's even better. Ugly dogs need extra love. But I'm sure the by-law accounts for that. I'm no dog lawyer!