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Joined 1 years ago

They didn’t switch to USB-C out of the goodness of their hearts. They switched because the EU passed a new law that requires that new smartphones have USB-C ports.

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I think you need to try some lighter-roasted, higher-quality beans which were roasted fairly recently and only grind them a day or so before you use them. There are also different brewing methods and coffee/water ratios that you can try.

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A lot of folks unfortunately think open-source software is much more vulnerable than closed-source software because anyone can inspect it. The great irony of it, as everyone here knows, the opposite is actually often true.

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He’ll move after the first big fart.

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Shit! You’re right! Dammit! Now I gotta go back to Firefox!

“You’re basically just a rabbit, aren’t you?”

Yeah, except when you want to do anything with other instances.

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Isn’t Chromium basically Chrome without the spyware?

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Browser extensions help a bit, but just not on iOS.

For me, the worst part is actually the duplicate communities. Sure, it's nice that newbies can have these duplicate subs so they don't have to learn how to traverse the Lemmyverse, but it would be really nice if duplicates could be avoided. Like, maybe if Lemmy instances kept better records of communities on other instances.

Try Math.round. It’s been like ten years since I used Java, but I’m pretty sure it’s in there.

Which brand is your Android phone and are you running an alternative Android-based OS like /e/ or LineageOS?

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I’m hoping the EU’s new battery law will mean all countries will get Sony Xperias with removable batteries, though I realize it’s probably too much to expect.

Well, to be honest, I'm using an iPhone 6S. I want to switch to an Android phone, but I really want one with a headphone jack, an easily-replaceable battery, /e/ support, and good enough specs to last several years with multiple major OS updates. The Fairphone 4 looked great until I found out about the headphone jack being absent. Well, that and if anything was wrong with it, I'd be screwed. I've read about enough Fairphone defects to not want to have one imported.

I came pretty close to buying a Sony Xperia 5 III about six months ago, but I decided against it due to the battery being annoyingly difficult to replace.

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I've looked into Teracube, but the specs are appallingly low and the company seems pretty dead right now. Fairphone looks really good. I was going to buy a Fairphone 3 a few years ago, but refrained due to concerns about cell service and warranty, since I live in the US. Plus, they removed the headphone jack. Hopefully, they'll bring back the headphone jack soon.

This is true.

I think it would be best to hold off until the Lemmy developers push out an update which solves the issue of having separate communities for the same topic on multiple instances. For example, multi-community feeds or merging instances.

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I have a dislike for the church, not the laity (churchgoers). Regarding masses, I meant that masses were conducted exclusively in Latin until the 1980's - which makes those masses pointless for the laity, as Latin has been a dead language for centuries.

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At least Tesla eventually allowed other car companies to use their connector.

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Are you serious?

Yeah, he’ll beat deadlines by a longshot.

If you don't know what you're drinking, it's probably dark roast. Dark roast is like charcoal compared to light roast.

The coffee most folks use (i.e. Folgers, Maxwell House) is low-quality coffee made in haste to keep the price low enough for folks to be willing to buy it. They only offer darker roasts because disguise the inferior nature of the beans, or rather the inferior process. The unfortunate truth is that good coffee costs more to process because it takes longer to process and most folks don't want to spend that much on coffee. So, you get what you pay for.

I actually don’t have an Android phone. Well, not yet. I want to get one. I’m just waiting for the right one.

I want an Android phone which has a headphone jack, an easily-replaceable battery, good enough specs to easily manage 3-4 major OS upgrades, and support from an alternative Android-based OS like /e/. Though, I have to admit that I’m starting to worry that I’m asking for too much.

I’ll probably get a Fairphone 5 if it’s released in the US and has a headphone jack.

I’d go with /e/ because it’s free of bloatware and Google’s spyware.

Right, but just because a browser is based on Chromium doesn't mean it has the Google spyware, right?

I think you might have misunderstood me regarding the Xperia. I considered buying one six months ago, but I decided against it because the battery was a major PITA to replace. Before I got too serious about buying that phone, I looked for guides and videos for replacing the battery. I was able to find a teardown which showed the battery-removal process. I get the impression that Sony really doesn't want people to be able to replace the batteries in their phones.

I want a phone with a battery which can be quickly and easily replaced. That's why I'm interested in Fairphone. I'm just waiting for A) Fairphone to start selling in the USA so I can get an in-warranty exchange if I get a defective phone, and B) Fairphone to make a new phone with a headphone jack, as the current one lacks one.

I find it very strange, suspicious even, that the Fairphone 4 lacks a headphone jack. I find it at least somewhat suspicious because Fairphone only even unveiled this most recent model a few months after beginning to sell non-repairable wireless headphones. For a company that's so focused on making repairable devices, it's rather strange that they would make their phones less environmentally-friendly by taking away the headphone jack and also that they would sell headphones which were not repairable. Fortunately, that was a couple years ago, so even though they usually go 2-3 years between versions, it's possible that they might release a new one this year. I'm really hoping it'll have a headphone jack and that it'll be sold in the US.A

Is it available in the US without having to be specially imported? I ask because if I get a defective one, I’d really like to be able to exercise the warranty instead of just taking the hit, which is one of the reasons why I didn''t buy a Fairphone 4. Well, that and the headphone jack, but you already know about that.

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It's very off-brand for Fairphone to start selling non-repairable earbuds and then release a phone without a headphone jack. Fairphone bills itself as being fairer for its workers, its customers, and the planet. How is Fairphone being fair to either the customer or the planet if they're making wireless headphones the most convenient option? Wouldn't it be fairer to customers and the planet if customers could use the wired headphones that they already own? Plus, wireless headphones have an artificially short lifespan due to the batteries.

What do you mean by “ph”?

They're not pointless for the laity at all.

Church services are for religious education. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure why masses were conducted in Latin until the 1980’s - despite Latin having died out centuries ago.

At best, Latin masses are more about the traditions of man than religious education. At worst, Latin masses are for religious obfuscation, rather than religious education.

It’s impossible to be educated in a language you don’t speak.

It would be one thing if all Catholics were required to learn Latin in school, but they’re not. Since Catholics aren’t required by the RCC to learn Latin and the RCC never taught it, most Catholics never learn it. The ones who do learn it do so either to learn more about the roots of the English language or because they intend to enter a scientific field.

Latin is a beautiful language which a lot of traditional Catholics find more reverent than, for example, English.

Latin is also a dead language.

Most people - Catholics included - don’t speak Latin. It died out at least five centuries ago.

I myself prefer a good reverent Novus Ordo mass to a Tridentine one, but if I understood Latin well I would likely prefer the Tridentine.

You’re only proving my point. Latin masses don’t benefit you. They don’t benefit most people - Catholics included. They haven’t benefited most people for centuries.

Yeah, I've been beta-testing a Lemmy app on my iPhone and it's not perfect and it had an issue which caused me to accidentally double- and triple-post.

Well, at least it won’t get you in trouble at work or otherwise around others.

My definition of financial freedom is not being dependent on an employer. It's being wealthy enough to be able to walk away from crappy jobs however long it takes to find a better one.


The media has been trashy for ages. You gotta check out a book from the 70's called The Mind Managers by Herbert Schiller.

I didn’t mean it in a good way.

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Has Asus’ build quality improved? I read that it tanked after Lenovo bought the company.

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I was referring to the days when the Catholic Church kept the Bible in Latin and hunted down anyone who had a copy of it in a local language, burned their Bible, strangled them to death and then burned their dead body at the stake to intimidate the public. I was also referring to the fact that Catholic masses were conducted in Latin until the 1980's.

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That’s very Catholic of them.

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I know. That's my point. A great example of this is when they used to brag about how eco-friendly their product were. I remember them bragging about their displays being mercury-free, BFR free, etc and their laptops having totally recyclable aluminum and glass enclosures - only to later deliberately make their laptops nearly impossible to repair and upgrade.