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Joined 1 months ago

I,m going to guess popularity of those devices to increase soon.

I don’t want to be pessimistic about it, however I think it’s gonna be like Windows: enshittification will happen, but inconvenience is “too small” for people that they’ll rather check for a workaround than leave the platform.

My guess is that we need something more appealing like the Steam Deck to make people take the step.

2 more...

⚡️🧅 Onion

🧅 Offion

1 more...

Not gonna lie, I’d binge watch that shit

I hope they don’t start using ML or my name, otherwise I’ll be ruined.

I found the sauce, unfortunately it’s not what we were hoping for.


AI are already ”hallucinating”, imagine the conspiracy theories they’ll come up with.

I wish we could held corporations accountable for the stupidity of their AI

File "", line 1
    if better = worse
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

For me only works in App Library (and settings)

::: spoiler More cheat codes for console

Instant travel speed for the lift

lift.y = 0; lift.speed = 30;

Allow up to 100 workers on the first floor

shafts[0].max_workers = 100;

Allow up to 10 workers per shaft

for (let i = 1; i < max_shafts; i++) shafts[i].max_workers = 10;

Despawn all workers

shafts.forEach((shaft) => { shaft.workers = []; });

Accelerate the game x10 (this might be more power hungry)

Array.from(Array(10)).forEach(() => animate());

Get paid $10 for hiring a worker (you pay $5 and receive $10)

shafts.forEach((shaft) => shaft.workers.push = function () { score += 10; return Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments); });

Cool game OP :) :::

Nah, I just follow orders