1 Post – 119 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For-profit medical care.

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Photoshop is easier to use than gimp. I don’t pay for photoshop, but if I needed something like that I would.

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If you just call it terrorism more people will understand you. I understand you’re trying to draw a distinction and I’m here to tell you as someone who grew up in a rural town of 1200 people…just call it terrorism. These people aren’t backtracking on language because they thought of an exception. It’s part of why they hate us.

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This is the most inspiring thing I’ve read since the one where AI decided to maximize shareholder value by minimizing shareholders and nuked Wall Street.

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It’s gonna be so fucking rich that the staggering mass of stupidity online prevents us from improving an AI beyond our intelligence level.

Thank the shitposter in your life.

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Ah YouTube, the site where I watch a video that tells me in ten minutes what I could read in one. And only 5 advertisements!

Oops, six. I forgot the ad the creator slipped in between minute 1 and 2.

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Ancient engineers: let’s make it work.

Modern engineers: we need to make sure it breaks at approximately 36 months to ensure low ability to claim warranty while also ensuring the customer believes it could have been a fluke.

Or, roughly translated into engineer speak…”anyone can build an aqueduct, it takes skill to build an aqueduct using the minimum amount of material required”.

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If Linux was dominant it wouldn’t be Linux. There would be more pressure to monetize and there would always be someone willing to sell out for that money. You can see this even in the Linux community today. I’m sorry I had to be so negative about it though, it sounds nice.

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I’m gonna preface this with I haven’t used discord in a year or so.

It’s kinda fun watching a new generation go through their first redesign outrage.

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They are referring to the litter box you can’t smell anymore due to smell blindness. I love a nice cat, but it’s really frustrating how many people insist the litter box in their house doesn’t smell.

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I made it up, I think. It’s possible I really did read that somewhere and it popped up though.

Bankruptcy isn’t a get out of debt free card. It’s a “you’re gonna sell this stuff to pay off your creditors” card.

His sons were involved in the lawsuit and cannot legally do business in New York.

Just dropping by to announce I will be replying to this post in mid January. Keep an eye on this space for more exciting announcements regarding my reply.

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70% of survival with adhd is fighting the urge to elaborate.

Hard worker sees small talk as unnecessary.

Chad chats up management and gets promoted.

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I read an article about not defrosting if you’re cooking it in the oven. It said you just add 50% time at temp.

I’m not a bird guy though, so I’m really just here to hint at knowledge that exists for you to find, which really makes you think about how knowledge works in the first place and how your brain can trigger memory from either sensory input or thought or both, but then sometimes it’s not there also.

Anyway someone in the fam got covid so I’m doing steaks instead.

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Ok I’ll do it. I’m here from hot, I’ll admit it. Can you explain this to me in language I’ll understand? I have just a little understanding of programming but decent comprehension skills.

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There’s this saying “before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.”

Ur mom tried to pay for my McDonald’s on the baseball trip and I let her believe she did then slipped a 10 in her purse.

Most of the good content I see on Lenny is from here.

Coming soon in America: Mall cops with guns!

Sign up now for our 1 week certification program to be ready for your exciting career!

Do you:

Believe property has intrinsic value beyond the arbitrary price placed on it by the producer?

Believe that value is higher than that of a human life?

Really want to shoot someone to prove your devotion to property?

Believe harsh punishment up to and including death is a deterrent to crime?

Head over to your local mall’s security office and sign up today!

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I’m gonna say this because it’s obvious…A project should really be finished before you release it. Like, I imagined a pretty fucking dope game the other day but you don’t see me charging $70 for it do you?

I will though if you want to send me the money I’ll tell you about the game and then sell you the real game in a few years maybe.

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Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. I read it every 5 years or so. A quick read that changed my perspective on suffering and seeking truth.

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Poor people don’t have time above all else. A lot of times they are working 2 jobs, sometimes with those jobs doing shady scheduling where you are essentially on call without being paid for being on call.

Also tons of people just aren’t as smart as you are at computer things. Guess what? If they were you wouldn’t be as cool as you are for being able to do it.

I’ve found everyone has something they can teach me, whether it’s how to be or how not to be.

A great way to use your talent would be to assemble the resources that made you good at something and post it online so others can be lifted up by your knowledge.

Everyone in this entire world’s life is at minimum as complex and nuanced as your own. It’s kinda rough to assume laziness of people you don’t know well.

I’ve been up and down, and I ain’t better than anyone on here, I’m just trying to add a little of my perspective.

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I’ve been on the internet long enough I can have the entire argument with myself at this point. I’ve taken to just posting what I want and forgetting about it. They can’t all be bangers.

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Hot tip: being your authentic self will attract people who vibe with you.

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Yeah man enjoy the old people, druggies, racists, gators, insane home insurance rates, apparently malaria, transphobia, and climate consisting of unbearable hellish high-humidity heat and frequent, unpredictable rain showers. Sounds like a fucking paradise you dunce.

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Well yeah I was answering for me though, not the whole internet.

Gimp has a work flow that I can’t get into, photoshop clicks better. For you, it could be the opposite and that’s great.

I’m not selling photoshop, I don’t even use either anymore. It would be stupid not to try to make gimp work for you first.

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You need to slowly shuffle that man with a knife onto company time.

His power levels are off the charts!

Holy cow! First reaction was like damn, dude has got the legs for that.

Hey guys, if you do that 20 or 30 more times we’re gonna have to publicly comment.

I don’t understand joint smokers. Why? That’s a legit question, not a dig. It just seems like a waste of time and weed when one hit of a water pipe gets the same job done with about 1/8 the materials.

I’m glad your dog is gonna be okay though!

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Thomas: fuck you I got mine

I just lost the game.

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You wouldn’t download a FILE

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I needed this today, thank you.

Target’s also out there selling shoes with soles made out of the cheapest foam I’ve ever seen outside packing foam for $50.

Whoops, AI bought the dip and is now the majority shareholder of an unsettling number of corporations. The AI has cracked the cyber security of the market so thoroughly it can manipulate things faster than we can keep up. We are on the cusp of a singularity but it is not the one we expected. All value is soon to be consolidated. People keep saying “it doesn’t matter because humans aren’t involved anymore so it’s all just fake value, but shit is getting done. The machine needs labor, all administrators are eliminated. Cemetery stocks are through the roof. It’s a bold new frontier.

If you start a business and you cannot make money paying a fair wage and making a work environment people want to be in you shouldn’t have a business.

Easy for me to say, right, why don’t I go out and try?

I don’t have to. I watched my dad run a small business over the last 25 years. People don’t leave, they retire. People are treated with respect and paid fairly for the work they do. Bonuses are given when sales are exceptional. People are told to go to their kids soccer game, it’s more important to be there than at work, we will cover you.

Are people still unhappy with the idea of having a job? Yeah I think that’s pretty universal. But the culture they have makes it a lot better than many alternatives, and it turns out you can make enough money to be doing well and still pay your people well if your business is sound.