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It's not that us outsiders like to watch your elections closely. But we need to since they're gonna have a big impact on the world we live in, whether we like to admit it or not.

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There's no need for that, unless parts of the US want independence, like some Scots regarding the UK. But break it all up because it's too messy, not healthy? That's what critics of the EU or the UN also say. Myself I've always been an advocate of unity and collaboration since it's the only way we're gonna be able to solve climate change and every other major world crisis.

I think the post referred to Greece

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I'm French, it's absolutely true. Some TV presenters now avoid the misunderstanding by pronouncing GPT the English way. The giggles must have become annoying I guess...

In its natural gaseous state, oxygen is generally found in pairs, hence O2. I guess when you saw "pure oxygen", this meant gaseous oxygen without any other gas normally found in the atmosphere. So no nitrogen, or carbon dioxide, just oxygen. In the form of O2 of course!

I'm torn between Battlestar: Galactica and Dark. The first one is definitely my favourite space opera of all time. But the mind-blowingly intricate plot of Dark makes it the one of the best mysteries ever told I'd say.

Number one show I wish wasn't cancelled was Firefly, definitely. And more recently, 1899.

This post might just be taking the piss at those trying to defend landlords. Or its a genuine effort to take their side, I'm not sure. Anyway, criticism of landlords was bound to bring people to defend them and/or criticise renters in response. Don't fret too much, many of us also despise the accumulation of weath through acquiring real estate.

A few years ago I would have agreed with this statement. But lately, I've seen a change described in several press articles and news pieces. The younger generations in the US demand true social justice and aren't afraid to say they're socialists, against capitalism or consumerism. It's a burgeoning revolution of course, since the establishment is still in control of traditional political parties. But this crack in the old broken system could bring about positive change in the long run. At least I hope so.

Now we just have to keep this culture of respect, even if the platform gains popularity. Buckle up!

I must admit, I have been seen in the "have you ever been on fucking sofa" position quite a few times.

"Are you gonna start grilling?" Damn, kids pick up on stereotypes quite quickly!

I agree the ideal solution would have been to stamp out antisemitism, so that a Jewish State would not have been necessary. But that should have been done before millions of Jews were killed in genocide. Imagine being being a survivor and being told : "Trust us, we are good people now, we won't commit genocide against you... again". Antisemitism and antisemites didn't all die with Hitler.

I'm French so I can tell you we don't learn about Haïti in History class. I was curious some time ago so I did a bit of research about it. It was quite inspiring to see that the young independent nation was actually prosperous in its early years. But being a small island-country is hard, even more so when you have to pay a debt of 150M francs to France ($560M today). I wouldn't say Haïti's misery is maintained by racism today, but by the ravages of past imperialism. And in the 1800s, racism was more a justification for colonisation rather than the discrimination/segregation we see since the 20th century.

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There is a great video about the Great Filter by Kurzgesagt/In a Nut Shell. If I remember correctly, in it they say we can guess at which stage the filter is by how evolved extraterrestrial life forms are. So it's actually great if we find a lot of bacteria or other primitive life forms, that would mean we probably already have overcome the Geat Filter on Earth. On the other hand, if we find many alien ruins of several civilizations at or above our technological level... Well, our greatest challenge might be coming.

Damn that seems really infuriating. Where I live there's a government program to forbid anyone to send you ads or political propaganda (and the best part is that you can report those who slip through the net!) It isn't fool proof but it did decrease the amount of calls from people trying to sell me shit I don't want.


The real question is how many times a day does the security team has to go check on a false alert because somebody's finger slipped?

I guess some users of tech lemmy might have felt concerned by this.

Reminds me of an argument I had with a transphobic person about Last of Us 2's trans character Lev. I tried to tell him even I used to be ignorant of trans people feelings. So I have said hurtful things in the past. Until I realised what harm my words could cause. Didn't help to make him change his mind though!

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I generally get my global news from BBC world news. They're pretty professional, to the point without getting sensational. Euronews is pretty good too, with a bit more focus on European events obviously. You just have to be aware they've sold their soul to Qatar. Other than that they're unbiased too.

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Given what the French government got for their money's worth in counselling from McKinsey, I'd take what they say with a pinch of salt.

I concur, cities are cosmopolitan in their nature. Being confronted to diversity brings socialist ideas more easily than living in a secluded countryside, where everyone is the same.

Though it can bring rejection and discrimination as easily.

The number one problem of modern appliance is indeed longevity I'd say. The so called "planned obsolescence" is probably what mainly drives or consumption of electronics and, accordingly, our production of e-waste. But Framework might just be saying that for green washing purposes.

Fuck you Spotify! I download my mp3 just like cool kids did 20 years ago, and it suits me just fine!

To me it just means a week of getting up and getting hungry one hour too early. My body hates daylight saving.

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No I've never met a French person who hates Haiti for becoming independent. There might be 1 or 2 die-hard bonapartists like that somewhere, but we just see them as a lunatic minority like the other monarchists. Most people don't even remember Haiti being part of France. But there are still a lot of nostalgics of French Algeria and other former African colonies. And boy that's very cringe for our diplomatic relations sometimes!

This might seem a little naive but I'd say you need the right space to bring different cultures together, and a lot of good will! For instance, I'm thinking of projects like the Erasmus programme for students in Europe, or even constructed languages like Esperanto that aim to build bridges between peoples. If we approach things with the right angle, there's always a way to build something with our differences, as resources and not obstacles.

Yeah ! is one of my favorite communities for wholesome memes.

Where I'm from we've got the "ccc" rule. Coffee, cig, caca (poop). The holy trinity.

I can't help "alternating" what I eat. Like Monday it's jam for breakfast and Tuesday it's Nutella, so on and so forth. Or for lunch it's "healthy yogurt" while for dinner I get a sugary fatty desert. It started as a way to eat healthily but now it feels a bit like a prison of my own making 😅

I just checked, The Colony is only rated 54% on rotten tomatoes, wtf!? I admit it isn't flawless, but it's a welcome addition to the sci-fi genre. Your could sum it up with : "Avatar but the Na'vi are the humans the privileged left on the devastated Earth". The old colonist routine is even more uneasy to watch when it's against your own kind.

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Well, I understand they have to pay for the real journalist work. So you'll occasionally see a piece about how awesome it is to get married in Qatar! If you can see through the underhanded deals, it's not a big deal. Just don't count of them mentioning human rights issues about foreign workers' working conditions in the construction sector.

Syncthing is great to periodically sync files between Linux and Android. And you could use it as file transfer service for occasional needs if you just share an empty directory.

Most places where I've seen those annoying rules are official websites of my country's institutions... Hard to make do without them.

We call those not far enough to the left "social democrats". And they're proud of it generally, since the term implies they're part of the polite/non radical democracy. So they argue those farther to the left are anti-democratic.

I was a bit surprised about the high price tag. Did the DLCs for previous From Software games cost that much too? Anyway, hard to judge now. But if it has a lot of content and feels like a real extension of the game, then it could be worth the price.

Now I'm trying to think what would be the equivalent of the "liberal" insult in my country... We hear a lot of you're the "extreme left", just as bad as the extreme right. You're "outside of the republican/democratic frame". As in you're too radical too be part of the "polite democratic society".

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That was very informative, thank you! I learned a bit of Esperanto, and I think Zamenhof was really aware about the derivation part. It really makes learning a new language easier if words with a similar meaning share a root.

Aight but if a critical mass flees the spam-ridden husks of reddit/Twitter, the bots will come for us too.

Yeah, guys like Belogubov won't stop at Reddit, they'll infest every forum on the web to make even more money.
What can we do?
Human moderation of course, but against bots this might be a loosing battle.
So good AIs to fight bad AIs?
Or, if push comes to shove, white hats could take down the ReplyGuy website and the likes.