1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago and are gone? So sad.


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According to the Lyubchyks, one of these devices can generate a relatively modest 1.5 volts and 10 milliamps. However, 20,000 of them stacked into a washing machine-sized cube, they say, could generate 10 kilowatt hours of energy a day – roughly the consumption of an average UK household. Even more impressive: they plan to have a prototype ready for demonstration in 2024.

That'd be cool if it worked, even if it does it will be cost prohibitive for quite some time.

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Turns out lemmy users aren't representative of the greater public.

Of course the person using a shared password either left (saving Netflix money) or got their own subscription (giving Netflix money).

Netflix doesn't care that people who weren't paying stopped using their service.

The hours unavailable:

Day Time Offline Start Stop
Monday - Friday 4 hours 1am 5am
Saturday 6 hours 11pm 5am
Sunday 8½ hours 11:30pm 8am
Total 34½ hours/week

The first one sounds like "scheduled maintenance" gone awry. Like for something that takes 5 minutes to run that you tell your boss will take an hour, who tells his boss it'll take two hours, boss then says "let's double that to be safe".

I wanna know WHY it is unavailable. Does the system crash if there's not enough paper in the dot-matrix printer? Are the HTTP responses being filled out manually in real time?

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LOL, about half the points in the article are struck through now. Yet another "journalist" who doesn't understand how anything works getting angry how they way they imagine it works.

That's some quality reporting "stackdiary".

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Most of this stems from a misunderstand of how LLM work.

The original work is not stored anywhere. No copy of it has been made. Just tons and tons of statistics used to inform models.

Since there is no copy there is no violation of copyright. Again, no copy of the book is getting made. The content of the books is not stored "verbatim". The book is not copied. I don't know how many other ways to put this.

Summarizing a book also does not require one to have "read" it, contrary to the complaint. I never read "The DaVinci Code", but I can give a summary of it.

With assertions in the complaint being clearly false it's hard to take it seriously and it'll get chucked the first time a judge has to deal with it.

Maybe Silverman would have a point if it were standard practice to pay royalties to people you get inspiration from. But she doesn't pay everyone who wrote anything she read, said anything she heard, or other comedians who influenced her. So why should someone influenced by her pay?

If I read 100,000 books how do you determine "which one" I got inspiration from? Same situation here.

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Fixed link: !

Why do we need to have "one for kbin"? Just subscribe here. kbin is part of the fediverse, it's included here.

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PiHole with upstream dns-over-tls or dns-over-https.

Anybody who wants to can get around DNS blocks. Sure it'll stop Aunt Sally, but anyone who cares will get around it. It's a really dumb way of doing things.

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Yeah, for enterprise you aren't going to roll it out yourself. They'd use a partner company to help you set it up and configure it for their needs to ensure that it can continue to scale and provide monitoring solutions. It's too much for one person to do that.

Where are you hosting it? Onsite? Megacorporation's clod solution? Your cable line? What's your data recovery plan? 200+ users can generate a lot of data. What's the security plan? You do know how to harden every aspect of each subsystem, right? What's the monitoring plan? Not just "is it down" but way more granular for each subsystem. How many tech and phone support people will be on call to help?

You could probably roll it out in a way that would work, but at that scale you should really be using a pro. Especially for a "friend". Don't want a tech problem to kill that friendship.

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Please remember things like this when you say "hate speech isn't free speech". I wouldn't put it past the Republicans to claim that pro-LGBT+ or pro-choice is hate speech against Christians.


Why on earth would it be illegal? What possible law could have been broken? You don't have a "right" to visit reddit with a mobile browser. They have the right to restrict access as they see fit.

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Is there a stopdrinking community on lemmy?

How much is it worth now?

It's just like when email blew up. Email is a federated system as well. These are basically the same arguments I was hearing in the late 80s, early 90s about email. It's too confusing, nobody will ever use it.

Most servers did zero authentication for incoming emails. When spammers suddenly struck huge ip blocks were banned including innocent bystanders. Any "home" machine was often port blocked from running a mail server.

They developed tools and techniques to mitigate problems and now nobody cares where your email is.

The tools for this area known and the devs are working on it. Early adopters experience some friction.

because a bit faster short term

Waaaaaaay more than "a bit". Like "imperceptible render time" vs 2s for firefox. That adds up a lot.

is worth sacrificing you freedom long term?

What freedom did I lose? I used chromium mostly.

Firefox has performance now, where it did't in the past. So I don't use chrome now.

See, I use the best tool for the job I can find, and that changes over time. For a while the was Chrome.

I can't speak to the sub, but many Navy ships were retrofitted with systems to be controlled by XBox 360 controllers. Turns out training new people on the controller had huge improvements over the old systems.

EOD also has robots controlled by a "game controller". So do many drones.

This isn't a "crazy" thing to do. (except if it's wireless. Keep that cable)

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Nobody likes tankies. With good reason.

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I hope comes back.

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Every time I ask this question:

What lae do you propose, that didn't already exist, wouldn't violate the Bill of Rights, and wouldn't cause a civil war?

Most of the time I either get answers that include laws that exist that the government doesn't enforce, or a "fuck the constitution, let's have a civil war!"

For example the army is supposed to report people discharged distribution to the NCIS. They don't.

The ATF is supposed to follow up when a banned individual tries to buy a gun. They don't.

The ATF is supposed to check on people when gun dealers report them for attempted straw purchases. They don't.

Know someone who had illegal weapons? Call the police and see what they do. Here's a hint: nothing

So, does anyone have one?

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No, not really. Have a "wrong" opinion and see how it goes.

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The first thing I do is try to stop and identify what I'm angry about or frustrated with.

Then I check to see if it's something I can control, and if it's not then I just accept it. I might not like it, but I accept that it's the way things are.

For example I (used to) get angry driving. What I was angry with were bad drivers.

Is it reasonable to expect to drive and not run into bad drivers? No, they're out there and there's nothing you can do a bout it.

What I can do about it is change my reaction. Instead of raging at bad drivers I simply shake my head and continue about my day.

Think of it like you're holding a hulu-hoop. Inside that hulu-hoop are things you can change. Outside the hula-hoop are things you can't change. Getting mad at things you can't change isn't helpful, so concentrate on the things you can control, including your reaction.

Depends on what age you could as "child". But yeah.

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Debian. It's FOSS.

I can have a 100% FOSS system. Everything else includes non-free stuff by default.

they’re actually just drafting Russian citizens who happen to work at Unilever

This. Someone needed some rage bait.

As as US idiot,

Checks out.

How? I don't see what could find dns-over-https in the middle of other https traffic?

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I just do it the easy way: I'm using Signal. If you want to text me or receives texts from me then use it.

Now it's not just my friends but my neighbors now. SMS is straight garbage, I won't use it.

*"A customer says that someone on the phone said 'a drone picture' and the company denies it, saying they use other imaging." * Customer could be mistaken, whoever was on the phone may not know that "drone" covers things from 737 Recon Drone to a $10 aliexpress quadcopter.

I'll bet $50 it was either a high altitude drone or a satellite image bought from an imaging company, as they've been doing for at least 20 years, and not some quadcopter flying just above his yard.

Please think before commenting.

Private more up-to-date sources aren't very expensive.

edit: An example

Two sites went down. I'm hoping for one to come back up. Read between the lines.

! is the federated link format.

People downvote things they don't want to be true.

It's strange. It doesn't work that way.

I can only assume the people down voting you really like restricting abortion rights. Otherwise it makes no sense.

Thanks for proving my point.

Now go back to reddit, the adults are having a conversation.

I just uninstalled BaconReader. Long time user. Deleted the accounts that weren't banned for wrongthink.

fascist capitalist systems

Pedantic man to the rescue! Fascism was a "third way" from "capitalism" and "communism". Fascism means state control (if not ownership) of "the means of production".

You left out IRC. It's #channel drama was fantastic back in they day. Using net-splits to take over channels. Finding some jerk's running an open proxy and using it to get the IP klined.

I was struggling to remember FIDOnet! UUCP kept NNTP keept popping into my head.