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Joined 1 years ago

Thank you for the transparancy!

I really like that name. Way better than Earthporn. Thank you for sharing, I subscribed!

Link: !

Those are great names! I would subscribe to more communities with names like that.

You can't login on another instance, but you can interact with them from your own instance.

See it as email: I could be using Gmail and you could be using Outlook, but we can still interact with eachother. We cab send emails to eachother. But when I want to send you an email I'm not going to use the Outlook website because you happen to use Outlook. I use Gmail and so my account is on the Gmail servers. So I login on the Gmail website to send you that email.

It's a reference to an old reddit post. In the post, the OP explained they had a knife at their toilet for poop that got stuck, hence the poopknife. It was only later in life when they asked a friend for their "poop knife", when they discovered that nobody else has a knife like that and how weird it is.

Wait, so you're telling me that there are no vending machines in the ocean that are preying on people swimming in the water?

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Yes, it does have a microSD card slot. The website isn't the most clear website ever, but if you click on "Specifications" and then "See all specifications" everything will be shown, including a MicroSD card slot

I think being categorized as an alternative to a platform is based on it's functionality, not the way you pay for it. It's about what purpose it has to the user.

Besides that, you pay for Youtube as well, but with your data and maybe YT Premium.

That's completely normal, and a large portion of people here in Europe would do the same as you do. There is this saying where "people in North America life to work, people in Europe work to life". Because who cares if you make more money if you barely have the time to actually enjoy it?

Not trying to say one continent is better than the other, but it is a very clear difference in work-life balance mentality.

I keep switching apps all the time. Right now, I'm trying out Wefwef vs Thunder. They are very similar and I really like both. However, I think I slightly prefer Thunder. It feels a little bit more fluent to me, as it is a native app and it comes with a few more options, like being able to put the thumbnail on the right. I really like that because now I can open pictures without opening the comments. It also does a few things a little bit more sensible in my opinion, esspecially the back button. For instance, in Thunder the back button does what I expect it to do. But in Wefwef It is a bit buggy as it often goes back on the background, without closing a full screen image first. The theming also feels a but more at home on Android, while still being very similar.

Both are great options though and both have it's pro's and cons. I'm also trying out Pulse for Squabbles (so not Lemmy), which is also very neat and very similar. Makes the experiences a bit more consistent.

I'm also waiting for both Sync and Boost. I'm really curious in how both of those Ferdiverse versions turn out.

I wish for AP to have RSS feeds, but they don't. I think they and Reuters are aome of the better outlets out there and I've been (re)discovering RSS lately, but AP is one of the few news outlets that don't seem to support it :(

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I think a LoRaWAN based tracker might be perfect for you. I've been keeping an eye on the Loko myself:

You're scaring me! Just the thought of having a swim and then suddenly hearing a bag of chips getting stuck behind a glass panel sends shivers down my spine.

I don't think it's particular the main stream of Reddit that is protesting, it is indeed a small percentage. However, I think the discussion in the recent Waveform Podcast hits the nail on the head:

That small percentage that left Reddit are the people that care most about Reddit. Those are the powerusers. The users that generally contribute most to the platform, be that in the form of content, informative comments, moderation, writing tools or other stuff. It's the people that are most valueble to the website. When those people leave there might others might not notice it instantly, but after a while the overall experience will deteriate somehow.

It is somewhat comparable to if when many of the big youtubers were to leave Youtube after bad management. They might be only 1% of the people uaing Youtube, but they are also the people that are important to the website for the experience of the other 99%.

Are you sure about Hell Let Loose not working on Linux on your system? The ProtonDB page has many reports if HLL working fine since about a month.

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One of the reasons why I would buy a repairable phone is it's reliability in the long run. For instance, my previous phone, a Nokia, had a broken USB-C port. Replacing it would be pretty hard to do myself, or expensive to let somebody else do it. And that is if you can find replacement parts at all. One of the main benefits of a phone like the Fairphone, is that I can just order a new port from the manufacturer for a low price, without any unexpected costs, and replace it in 15 minutes. I still have some photo's on that phone because they were not automatically backed up. The Nokia also was pretty unusable even when it worked, because the software was borderline criminally bad. However, the bootloader was locked so I couldn't change it.

buying a second ahnd flagship is also a great way to save a bit on the environment, but it's won't be as reliable, the condition of the battery will probably be worse and you'll have to watch out that you don't buy a phone that doesn't get any updates anymore (or at least has a unlocked bootloader if you're willing to flash a custom ROM)

Interesting! I'm going to look into it, thanks!

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that as well! I love tactical shooters and have been really wanting to play HLL, but I never bought it because of anti-cheat. Seems like I can finally buy and play the game now :)

I hate that LG left the market. A LOT of innovation came from them, including a lot of quircky (and often cool) features. They experimented a lot which didn't always work out, but often it did work out great and it made their phones a lot more exciting then most other brands. Because of this a lot of features that are now the industry standard, like having a wide-angled camera lens, were popularized by LG. And yet, somehow, most people don't know this and always saw it as a lesser brand.


sent from my v30

My favorite GBA game is The Urbz: Sims in the City. The console version of the game wasn't received very positively, but the GBA/DS version is a completely separate game, and a very good one. It's a very goofy game with a lot of stupid (read: amazing) jokes, RPG elements, mini games, some of the best music in any GBA game and a lot more. I still revisit this game once in a while.

I even played the predecessor "Sims bustin out" for the GBA a few years ago. Urbz is way more refined than bustin out, but if you liked Urbz and you want more, Bustin Out is a great way to scratch that itch.

Ambitiousamphibian did a great video on this game a few months ago. He seems to feel exactly the same about this game as I do. Because of that, I will link it, but be aware that it contains a lot of spoilers and going blind into the game is the best way to play IMO.

I sort by "Top Day" most of the time. Seems to give the best results to me

Awesome! I can't wait!

Very exciting! And Sync for Lemmy is even more exciting! Question, do you plan on adding Kbin support in the future? Maybe when their API is released?

No, karma is a big contributer to the lesser experience that Reddit offers, while giving nothing useful in return

Good luck bro