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Joined 12 months ago

One does not need to vote for biden, one only needs to vote against trump. It is unfortunate that those are the same.

Sonos has pissed me off. After the latest update, the app cannot locate the speakers in any of my rooms. The TV speakers still work with a signal from the TV, but the speakers in all other rooms basically cannot be used.

I've factory reset them, set them up in the app, and as soon as that is done, they disappear from the app again.

They worked fine for years, then this bullshit. I'm researching a home theater setup that doesn't use Sonos and am planning on selling it all once I've found replacements.

It feels like I don't own the very expensive hardware that I have bought. I guess since they are software controlled, I really dont.

You can. Its on steam...

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Vote anyway.

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As an American, same

What does port forwarding gain you on a VPN? Sorry if the question is ignorant

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It isn't so much that I regret the loss of snow, but that I hate that the summers are hotter than if Satan himself came up and dragged his ballsack across the entire state. I know summers are supposed to be hot but good grief they shouldn't be boiling.

It is fun knowing it will only get worse.

Because it reduces performance. There is no benefit to the consumer. Your game experience is measurably worse because of it.

Ads can be a reasonable price to pass for free or discounted content.

The issue is that every day, every year, they are finding new ways to shove even more ads. The more they're shoved, the less reasonable it becomes. Where the line between reasonable and unacceptable is will vary per person. However, there is a point where enough becomes enough and you just become done with them.

And how is it Bidens fault the supreme court is corrupt?

Do you mean weren't allowed by law, or do you mean that it would be dangerous of them to be out after dark?

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That is because of linearity/superposition - look up both of those concepts for more info. Basically, you can add as many sounds together as you'd like and it is the same as a single, different sound - so if you can recreate the one sound, you can recreate all of them.

The speaker doesn't know "this part of the wave is from the drum and that part is from the guitar", etc

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Overpopulation isn't the problem they want to solve. The problem they want to solve is "there are too many of us old people and not enough young people to take care of us". Since the old people with money aren't being taken care of, now it's a problem worth addressing.

This is of course oversimplified, but I don't think I'm on the wrong track.

Unemployment is a bullshit number. There are a lot of ways you can be uncounted in those numbers.

Not saying I am aware of a better number, or if one even exists.

Self hosted (jellyfin, Plex) can use more.

Not all of them.

Because short term profits are the goal. Squeeze the company dry, leave with your golden parachute, and the problems you created are the next guys issue.

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But it isn't counter to logic or profit.

If other people don't play into what you care about, then they aren't included in the logical equation. The only goal is personal profit.

And there are some counter examples, but generally CEOs of big companies like this make a shit ton of money. Personal profit. If the company goes under, it doesn't matter because they've made their personal profit.

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This comment feels like an ad

The law doesn't have to make sense to be enforceable.

To anyone reading this - if you try Inscription, go in blind.

I remember reading somewhere that Below zero was originally intended to be an expansion, but got changed into a standalone release. The subnautica 2 they are working on now is entirely new.

So the executives will be overpaid by the amount the talking heads made plus the amount they were already overpaid by

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I get texts about polls but I would rather jump on a live grenade than answer an unsolicited communication, be that a text or anything else, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I think a lot of it is that the content that google returns is mostly ads or clickbait articles that contain no useful information. You can usually find what you are looking for but you have to actually put time and effort into filtering all the bullshit now.

I can't remember where I read this, but I remember reading that the inspiration for vampiric lore was rabies. Fear of water (vampires can't go over running water), fear of the sun, spread by biting...

I am the total opposite. Put a pen in my hand and my brain just fogs up.

Capitalism in a nutshell

Oh there are absolutely people who 100% believe this. This kind of shit is all I hear about whenever I talk to a lot of my family.

Feminism suffers from being very broad. There are a lot of conflict viewpoints living under the umbrella of feminism and people saying that their interpretation is the correct one. And there ate a bunch of waves of feminism too, each one a bit different.

So there are absolutely feminists who are anti male. They may be a loud fringe minority, but they're there.

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As an engineer who documents things compulsively and spends a large amount of time ensuring my documentation is clear, nothing pisses me off more than when people refuse to read documentation. I am hired to perform technical tasks, not to read documents I already wrote for others. It's like people are illiterate or unwilling to spend any amount of time parsing data to find what is needed.

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Not having a bidet is the worst part of going on vacation

That is what we all thought in 2016.

Anyone under the age of 40 would rather eat glass than answer a pollster, so it is really hard to know for sure.

The fun in fishing is that you get to just sit there, have a beer, and turn your brain off. There really isn't an expectation to be super busy while fishing. If you have a busy lifestyle, then an occasional "turn your brain off" is super nice.

There are a bunch of other ways to do that without hurting animals too, though.

How does port forwarding help with videogames?

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I would love to hear the train from x men to atheism

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Nvidias game upscaling has access to game data and also training data generated by gameplay to make footage that is appealing to the gamers eye and not necessarily accurate. Security (or other) cameras don't have access to this extra data and the use case for video in courts is to be accurate, not pleasing.

Your comparison is apples to oranges.

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You said "most of the time" - when is that not the case?

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A few weeks ago I saw a reddit thread where the general consensus was that microtransactions were ok and even good. How it has changed from its heyday.

It is actually a pretty fun game if you do get a chance to play it!