6 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hello I’m Seb. I love my partner and our lil doggy. We got the dog to replace our son who left. Can’t blame him, he grew up and doesn’t want us to tell him to do homework anymore. When I need to pay the bills, I’m a creative professional of 30+ years.

Stop wasting tax dollars stopping this man doing what he wants.

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That’s the beauty of the 400 system. Once you become part of one facet, you can achieve so much more. Poor? Now you have the opportunity to be illiterate and definitely not have health insurance. Which is convenient as you will either participate in or be privy to a crime that increases your odds of getting shot. Let’s say you hit the jackpot on all these and you recover from your injuries, you still have the opportunity to participate in mental illness!

They were too busy snorting toilet paper and getting relief loans.

The charge port is on the bottom.

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In that case make 4800 of us.

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I used to be big pant, now I like big jacket.

Only need to sell 40,000 to make up the current loss amount.

Wish I could switch to Affinity, Publisher just isn’t quite there yet in a print production environment.

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Kit Kat (Nestle)

Prepare for the sub cost to go up (again) to cover the cost.

What did you order OP?

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LOL I can see it now, “Cops, the Coast Guard edition. All suspects are innocent… I love what I do. Patrolling the seven seas and making a difference in people's lives is so rewarding... We're going to pull over this hamster wheel."

I love this.

Jack is pretty crap overall but there are specific things that I like. Sourdough Jack, onion rings, jalapeño poppers, and some of the breakfast sandwiches, while my wife loves the tacos and crispy chicken sandwich.

Point is, most people find a few items they really like and/or have nostalgia for. Might be worth giving another chance. It also depends on the restaurant. The last place we lived, the local Jack was horrible. Where we are now, the Jack is the best I’ve ever had.

You guessed it with booklets or anything long format really.

As a 20+ year Adobe user, I tried switching about a year ago. Seems like the only way to give it proper go, was to dive in head first and force myself to exclusively use Affinity. Of course there’s a bit of a (frustrating) learning curve but overall it went pretty smooth. I genuinely thought I was going to make it work.

That was until I had to setup a 40 page catalog. Ran into various minor issues, but not insurmountable. IIRC the main issue that ultimately made me go back to InDesign was the handling of support assets and glitches as the catalog got more “heavy” with stuff.

I think I would have stuck with Affinity if I could go back and forth between Publisher/InDesign, but I couldn’t take what I started with and finish in the other app.

Ugh, I totally missed it.

No worries Max, our year’s sub is coming up in a month or two and we won’t resub. Planned to cancel anyway with the rate hikes. Congrats on your successful entshittification.

We’ve gone back to buying media (especially used on eBay) and putting it on our own server. Plus our Google TV also provides a boat load of free streams when we want something else or something random from our server.

The more the streaming greed grows, the more every single C-suite executive can fuck right off.

It took some work and sometimes we pay a little more but we cut Amazon out of our lives.

The reason this escalated is they were harassing him. They detained him for days, looking for a problem that wasn't there.