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Joined 12 months ago

Canadian šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ ā€¢ 245ā€¢ šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø & šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ ā€¢ EN/FR I use Arch btw

I used to be a woman, so Iā€™d say I freak out and then Iā€™d be depressed lol

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Iā€™m gonna vouch for EndeavourOS on this one. Itā€™s Arch based but it has very sane defaults. Itā€™s the spiritual successor to Antergos.

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For sure. I daily drove it for a long time many years ago when it was starting.

I tried it again recently when I was looking for a Linux OS for my moms 2009 white MacBook, since the default DE wouldnā€™t be too hard for her to understand.

I forgot how you legit canā€™t customize anything without external tools, PPAs and DEB support is disabled and requires a terminal command to enable, which is not user friendly at all for people new to Linux. Their App Store is also super buggy and the updates would make it crash every time I tried to run them, so again, had to resort to the terminal.

Lastly, I was surprised at how poorly it ran. I know it has a Core 2 Duo and Ā«Ā onlyĀ Ā» 6 GB of RAM, but every other distro I tried (Solus, Mint Cinnamon, Fedora) ram perfectly fine.

Itā€™s just sad because it used to be a nice distro IMO. Now I canā€™t see myself recommending it.

/rant over, sorry

Joins the heavy sigh in Canadian

ā€œYour death it wonā€™t happen to you, it happens to your family and your friends, I pretend.ā€

From the song ā€œI Always Wanna Die Sometimesā€ by the 1975.

Got me out of a very dark place and made me realize how much it would hurt my friends and family if I went through with it.

We all have suicidal thoughts at some point. Itā€™s when you actively think about how and when youā€™ll do it that you need help.

I used spotdl to download mine. Though it grabs your music from YouTube, not from Spotify itself (downloads MP3s from YouTube)

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As in, how did I figure out I was a boy? Sure.

I always felt like ā€œone of the boysā€ from a very young age. Iā€™d play games for ā€œboysā€, played hockey, took boxing classes etc., hung out exclusively with boys and hated girls.

Around the age of 12, I went clothes shopping with my mom, and I asked for boys clothes. She refused and I cried myself to sleep that night. Many more times I asked for boys / menā€™s clothes and got denied, and every time I fell into a deep (diagnosed) depression.

I had no idea why, nor what ā€œbeing transā€ was or meant. Over the years, I kept saying things like ā€œif I was a boy, I would xā€ or ā€œif I was a boy my name would be xā€, to which my friends reacted with ā€œyou know cis people donā€™t say or think those things as often as you do right? Might wanna get that checked outā€.

It took until feb. 2023 for me to seek help, and when I did they were all unanimous: I am trans. I bought menā€™s clothes, stopped shaving and begun hormone therapy in May. Iā€™ve never been this happy in my entire life.

My boyfriend stuck around (heā€™s bi) and has been super supportive.

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I want to use it but does it support subscriptions/ accounts? I have a lot of subs and I donā€™t wanna resub manually to all of them :(

EDIT: You absolutely can:

  1. Go to (login if needed)
  2. Select only YouTube > All YouTube data > Deselect all > Select only Subs
  3. Download the takeout file and extract the .csv
  4. In Freetube, go to Settings > Data Settings > Import subs and click on the .csv
  5. Enjoy!

Depends what kind of games you play. Games like Fortnite, Roblox (though it seems a workaround is being worked on?), R6 wonā€™t work because of their anticheat systems.

Personally, 100% of my Steam library of 200+ games work perfectly on Proton.

This, but with the boy, and the name I chose for the character... Oopsies.

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Arch Linux all the way. I love the AUR, the Arch wiki (though it applies to a lot of distros) and customizable it is.

Iā€™ve had a Mac for a few years, but the Linux Ā«Ā itchĀ Ā» came back and I couldnā€™t scratch it with macOS.

Now I see just how snappier Linux is compared to Windows or macOS on the same hardware and I really donā€™t wanna go back.

I came back to Linux about a month ago. I was nervous at first that my stuff wouldnā€™t work, it required a bit of tweaking to get everything how I want it, but Iā€™m happy to be here :) I use Arch btw

The Steam community thread about this issue and I can vouch it does fix it.

10+ years here, not sure how long because I deleted my account.

I deleted it towards the end of June, when Christian announced Apollo was closing down, and how Spez fucked him by twisting his comments.

I was very active in *Nix subs, like Linux, Ubuntu, elementaryOS, helping users. I was also active in the macOS patching subs (mojave / Catalina / OpenCore legacy), with guides and news. So there's definitely some substance lost by me deleting all my posts / comments. Do I care? Not really.

Thanks for the info!

Wow, absolutely beautiful. Very easy on the eyes too.

Nice, Iā€™m one of the 4 people who use Wayfire. I really like it and it fits my workflow perfectly. Happy to see it getting some updates!

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Always Yoshi, but if heā€™s already taken then Lakitu or Koopa!

Well, thereā€™s also the fact so many cis men use female characters in games for many reasons like cooler armor etc. And theyā€™re still cis, so you feel like Ā«Ā thatā€™s not an indicator of being transĀ Ā» but here we areā€¦

Iā€™m very nostalgic for the Paper Mario gamesā€™ soundtracks, especially The Thousand Year Doorā€™s.

Oh wow you can? I just switched to Nemo on Arch after using Thunar for a long time but I got annoyed at it for crashing a lot when I copy files to my FTP server. Very good to know!

Very cool :)

Didnā€™t know that!

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For sure. I prefer audio quality but this was easy to use.

I tried to use LibreWolf but Twitch wasnā€™t working. It would tell me I had an unsupported browser. Is there a solution to that? I did try to make it so my browser was recognized as Chrome but it didnā€™t solve the issue.

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