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Joined 1 years ago

If the fediverse starts gaining traction, you can bet the mega-corps will use every dirty trick they have to co-opt it or, if that fails, undermine it.

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Five years ago she was 85 and running for another six-year term. Even if she was decent health then, expecting to still be in good health at 91 isn't what I'd call 'reasonable'.

Angle of the spine. He had a whole bit about how if you lean at all, you're not manly, or something. Then he was selling shirts with the green line down the middle, because there's always a grift with these chuds.

Being railed, I assume.

Me? I'm a Ligma male.

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Ohm = measure of resistance in a circuit

Amp = total current flowing through a circuit

Volt = difference in charge between two points. Think of it like pressure.

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We don't have an overpopulation problem. We have with resources being hoarded by a small handful of billionaires.

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Service industry workers getting harassed for their management's shitty decisions, as usual.

I'm still trying to bring back Mega Virginia.

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Yep. The one time Jesus got violent in the Bible, it was against the money lenders.

Like, just the billionaires on an island? Who will do all the labor required to maintain their lifestyle? Because they sure as he'll aren't. To paraphrase Pratchett, it takes a hundred people standing in the mud to keep one person with their head in the clouds.

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This. From my experience, the kind of people who are drawn to fascism, the thing they hate more than anything else is being laughed at. Make them into a joke, they're likely to just rage-quit.

You didn't have massive social media sites acting like hubs for the whole internet, predicting what you might want to read or watch. You had to know what you wanted and seek it out yourself. Communities were mostly niche forums with limited crossover.

Smells like a parody account, but Poe's law, etc.

Give everyone tastebuds in their anus.

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And thinking leftists idolize him enough to build a statue of him. Right wingers not knowing the difference between liberals and leftists, again.

If I read it correctly, the probe checks periodically, and if it loses contact, it uses the location of known stars to point its antenna back towards the Earth. If that doesn't work, it's gone.

And not one of them was while going down stairs. Bummer.

Designer probably got a dimension wrong on the drawing, and the pavers went "Alright, we'll do it exactly as you say. Teach you to proofread next time..."

Me being un-medicated for years.

Probably at the bottom of the laundry pile that I've been battling for years.

Ah hell, missed it when I first read it. I blame sleep deprivation.

I wouldn't say No Country for Old Men starts that way. That scene is a good ways into the movie.

8% is still too high. No one should profit from people being imprisoned.

Part of ADHD. You forget things, beneficial or not. I usually realize when I'm on the way to work, then do the math of turning around for it, and how late I'll be if I do.

I still remember my ICQ number after like 25 years (21773913).

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Ligma nuts.

About to replace all my comments with links to a dick pic.

A third or so of the country believes the right wing propaganda machine that has been churning for decades.

For everyone else, we're constantly offered a choice between a center-right neoliberal, or an outright fascist. We're just voting for how fast the country falls.

Terry Pratchett, author best known for the Discworld series of novels.

Wrote a song about 'Try that in a small town'. Haven't listened, but apparently is hints at violence towards BLM protesters.

Say it with me: The stock market is not the economy.

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Checked RIF just after midnight. Got a goodbye message and nothing else.

They even got President Obama to do an AMA, while he was sitting US president! (For a long time, it was the most upvoted thread in reddit history.)

Right up there with the guy with two dicks.

One of my favorite threads was an AMA from Nick Offerman in like 2012. Mostly I liked how if you looked at his comments in order, you could see him getting drunker as the thread went on, eventually posting answers to the wrong questions.

I drove an '04 Dakota for years (last year of that body style before they started making them bigger). Loved that truck, perfect size for camping or hauling band equipment.

Sucks that the mid-sized trucks now are bigger that the full-sized trucks from back then.

Always wondered if those two ever met.

That would be true if electoral votes were proportional to states' populations. As it is now, your vote counts (I think) six times more if you live in Wyoming vs if you live in California.