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Joined 12 months ago

See if your ISP can set their router to bridged mode, then you should be able to use your own while plugged into their equipment. It will turn all the functionality off on it so you won't be doubled natted and traffic should flow properly.

Theres a video rental place down the way from me in Vancouver, BC. First, Vancouver is expensive as hell. Our average 1 bdrm is roughly 3k a month. This guy has a prime location, in Vancouver, on a busy street, with a video rental store. Who rents movies these days? Maybe some, but surely not enough to keep him afloat. It's not an adult video store either.

"special labour rules"

Seems every industry has their own... I work in IT and we get shafted as well


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I have a garmin epix 2, best Damn watch ever. It lasts roughly 2 weeks on a charge. All the same features as the Fenix but OLED display.

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I agree

Netflix used to be the only game in town, now they are just the most expensive.

I yell into the void. In reality I don't have a person like that.

How are your Linux skills?

You'll need a domain name to start. If you plan on hosting any communities, you'll want to secure it as well, I'd recommend a cloudflare account, use their DNS proxy and then only allow traffic from cloudflare cdns so as not to expose your server directly. You'll also want to configure the Web application firewall to block bots, known malicious IPs, that kind of stuff. To manage this, you'll have to host your DNS in cloudflare and create and install an origin certificate on your host server.

If you are comfortable with Linux and command line (you'll want to know at least the basics to get you by), then you can deploy via ansible. Lemmy has a nice little doc that mostly covers everything.

Feel free to ping me if you have some questions.

Oh and if you are having your instance send mail, you can use the service built in, but it'll get flagged as spam. You'll need either a SMTP relay service like sendgrid or SPF records so that receiving email servers can verify its coming from your domain.

Friend of mine went to Las Vegas for a conference. He was supposed to be staying at the Mandalay bay, on the same day as the shooting on the strip.

Luckily he's from Vegas originally and didn't check in for the first day, instead he went at stayed with his friends down there.

At home playing video games.

Speaking of....

Samuel L Jackson and Jessica Alba, both were shooting movies near me and I happened to be a dealer at a new casino that just opened. SLJ came to my table and left, no cash in or anything, so I guess I didn't really meet him. Jessica Alba had her face covered and was in sunglasses with some big dude near her. She also came to my table, said something to her bodyguard and then they sat at the table next to me.

So far I like it. And lemmy world. But are my go to.

I live in Vancouver, when it's crow nesting season you have to watch out, they will dive bomb you just for walking down the same street as them.

You've been looking for work for 3 years? Have you been out of work for 3 years? If you've been out of work for 3 years, what type of tech do you do?

Infrastructure? Administrator? Developer? Security?

Have any certifications? HR likes to see those even if they are basic ones.

Since it's been 3 years, have you been keeping your skills up to date? Tech changes so rapidly, take for example, I completed my AZ-305 2 years ago, since then I've had to renew twice and each time the test has new stuff. Azure tech changes constantly.

My current position is Senior Consultant, I got it by leaving a different position and contracting for a few years. A big consulting firm scooped me up on my second contract.

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If your server is local, meaning it is on your network, then you connect via the local netowork. If you are both wired, then you'll likely be connected via 1Gbe. If you server is wired, and you connect wirelessly, you are limited by the wireless connection speed. If your jellyfin server is remote, meaning physically hosted offsite, then you will be limited by your internet speed and the speed of the jellyfin servers connection.

If the connection is local and its dropping, check out your jellyfin servers resources to see bottlenecks. Also see if you can check your tplink router and see if the CPU is spiking.

What is going on over there? Are they actually in a race to lose the most users?

I agree, it was definitely there, but wasn't promoted. Now, when I go there, I'll get notifications that someone posted.... Someone I don't follow and the post is hate filled garbage. In my notifications of all places.

The front page isn't people I follow anymore, that's in a different tab under Following. It's not the default tab.

I'd be hesitant to run it at your own house. While you can use a cloudflare tunnel, I'd never expose anything in my home network to the outside.

Digital ocean is cheap, there's another called hetzner which looks also pretty cheap. So you start will rent 1 core VPS for 5 bucks, it's enough to run your own instance but not really enough to host any communities.

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Bigtime especially for heavy users.

Mostly PC, I have a PS5/PS4, switch, and xbox series as well. The xbox is basically collecting dust as most games that come out there are also on PC. The PS5 gets some use when there's an exclusive and the switch is somewhere.... I just don't know where.... Maybe in the couch?

No, but that said, we could probably do with eating less meat and animal products and more veggies.

Now if I could just actually stick to a budget... I get spendy sometimes and my budget doesn't like it.

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I have a mighty+ and a crafty+, both are the absolute best at vaping. I had a firefly, and the airflow was the problem with that. Davinci didn't give me much vapor, and arizer ones were the same.

OK, You have a degree

What is your experience like?

What is your field in tech?

What make you senior?

Another important question, where are you located? This can make a huge difference, if you are looking in a small town for senior tech jobs then you aren't going to get much.

Right now, tech jobs aren't doing well since companies over hired, then decided to shed those positions. But Senior positions are usually always in demand.

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Overseer monitors the watch list (or you can directly request from the portal) and then goes to either sonarr or radarr and adds them. Useful if you have some users you share your library out to and you want to let them request stuff. There's also an approval system so your storage doesn't get filled up by crap.

I mean, you can see their financial statements. All that stuff is public info since they are a publicly traded company. This chart shows the net profits since 2010 going from 161m to almost 5B

If it's not your experience, then I would look at your interview skills.

Your resume only gets you a conversation, you have to sell yourself to them.

Are you confident when you interview? Not too confident to be cocky though, but enough that you know what you are talking about if someone were to ask a question.

Ask questions during the interview. Ask them what they like about working there. Act interested and engaged and you will stand out among the rest.

Add overseer in the mix and you've got it made. I have overseer watching my plex watch list, so when I add something, in a few minutes it's available to watch. It helps having a 1gb pipe as well.

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I am really lately hating my android phone and the targeted ads disguised as "Article I might be interested in" in the google now section of my phone.

I'm tempted to switch to an iphone but I realize the same problems exist over there too. We need a new mobileOS....with blackjack

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New exactly what it was before I clicked. That fight scene is iconic.

I've tried using YNAB but I eventually stopped setting it up. I think it was because it didn't have bi weekly type transactions, or that might have been mint. Both I've tried using, both I just couldn't. Maybe I'll give it another shot.